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Given a specific job-title can you determine every Learning Assignment Profile for that job title?

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Is there anyway for a Learning Assignment Profile (AP) for a specific Job Title, that you can determine all the APs being referenced with that specific job title, without manually opening hundreds of APs and looking thru them manually?

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@MichaelWright, I have found that there is no easy way to find all assignment profiles that use a specific attribute, must less profiles that have a specific attribute VALUE. The Assignment Profile Attribute Data Audit Report CSV will list attribute data history for the selected assignment profiles. If you were to run that report for all profiles (or all active profiles) you should be able to weed through the data to find the most recent modification record of each profile that contains the attribute in question.

Alternately, you might want to consider asking your implementation partner or SAP Support to send you a database table dump of your PA_AP_ASSOC_ATTR table (which lists all attributes currently linked to your profiles) and your PA_AP_ATTR_VAL table (which lists the current attribute values for your profiles). You can then combine the tables using VLOOKUP Excel formulas, if needed, to find the data you are seeking.

You may even want to invest in creating a custom report using Learning Report Designer. Those two tables share the common field "AP_ATTR_ID", which would be used to join the tables to create the report results.

Good luck!
Mary Katherine