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How to Customize the Main Navigation Menu?



I'm a fairly new system admin for my company's SuccessFactors HXM Core product, and wanted to know if there's a way for me (as the customer) to customize the Main Navigation Menu of our Home Page?

Specifically we're looking to update "Associate Files" to "Associate Profile". Is that possible for me to do, or can be requested through Product Support? Or is that something we would need to engage Partner Services in?
I should note that we currently do not have an implementation partner, so trying to navigate what updates I can make on my own?

I was unsuccessful in my KBA search (perhaps I wasn't searching the correct keywords?), but I did find this KBA about Custom Navigation Links, where in the screenshot it may be possible to update the display name? However I don't seem to have the "Configure Custom Navigation" permission available to me (I am a System Super Administrator Role that should have all permissions turned on). Is it possible this Admin Tool item is now called something else since this article came out?

Creating a Custom Navigation Link KBA



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Hi gouellette, The "Configure Custom Navigation" page that is referenced in the KBA you linked only allows adding additional items to the menu.

However, you can indeed change the labels of the existing standard items via the Manage Languages tool. The KBA 2576546 - Using the Manage Language Feature to Change Labels in SuccessFactors explains how to use Manage Languages. It's not the simplest thing to do, but it is doable, and we have changed some of the labels in our system.



Thank you so much Jay - The KBA you shared "Using the Manage Language Feature to Change Labels in SuccessFactors" worked and did the trick, and I learned something new in the process! Thank you again!