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SuccessFactor EmployeeTimeSheet service not returning some values falling in date range

0 Kudos

Hi experts,

I am having a wierd issue when using SF OData service.

When I am trying to fetch all the time sheets between a particular date range, one particular timesheet doesn't come up eventhough the criteria is correct.

/odata/v2/EmployeeTimeSheet?$select=startDate,endDate,approvalStatusNav/value,approvalStatusNav/en_US,userId,employeeTimeSheetEntry/externalTimeCode,employeeTimeSheetEntry/startDate&$expand=approvalStatusNav,employeeTimeSheetEntry&$filter=startDate ge '2020-06-16T00:00:00' and endDate le '2020-06-29T00:00:00'&$format=json

But when I run it for just that particular external code, the entry is fetched.


    "d": {
        "__metadata": {
            "uri": /odata/v2/EmployeeTimeSheet('6fb29242eca7494ca4868a1c02243b93')",
            "type": "SFOData.EmployeeTimeSheet"
        "endDate": "/Date(1592784000000)/",
        "startDate": "/Date(1592265600000)/"

I have a feeling its because of timezone conversion issue/etc, but the date is given as LE and GE so the end dates should also be considered, right?

The idea is to fetch Employee Time Sheets lying within a particular pay period.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Found the issue

When I am searching by endDate as say endDate le '2020-06-29T00:00:00' it is actually considering the end date as 12:00 am of 29th June and not end of day.

Solution - Changed the query to have only date and the service internally fetches all.

endDate le '2020-06-29T'

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