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Pop up in a business rule isnt working?

0 Kudos

Dear Team.

I am trying to configure a pop up alert when a termination record is triggered:

I've added a raise message at the end of the message:

The workflow triggers correctly but the message doesn't pop up.  Its correctly added to BCUI.

Any ideas?


Any advice welcomed

Kind Regards,



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Lyn, I believe info messages raised by rules aren't always displayed on every UI even when no workflow is triggered. You may want to change the message severity to 'Warning' instead.

Also, I am not sure whether these two actions can be combined within one rule. You may want to try splitting the 'Raise Message' and the setting of wf-config into two separate rules, and perhaps ensure that the one raising the warning message is placed before the workflow derivation one in Business Configuration.

Best regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @lyneivers0 , 

In rule's second condition you are checking if Event Reason ID's substring value between 1 to 10 'is equal to' "TERM_INVOL" this condition will always fail as 1 to 10 numbers are not equal to text value TERM_INVOL

Instead of using substring() function please check like " If Event Reason.value 'is equal to' [Event Reason select one value from dropdown] "

Or If Event 'is equal to' [select event Termination from dropdown] " If you want to consider all termination related event reasons.

Please try to change rule accordingly and try again.
Please consider marking this answer as solution if your question was properly answered.




Active Contributor
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Hi @lyneivers0 did you use this as an onSave Rule or onChange Rule? 

Thanks and Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Kat, you need to use onSave trigger, but if this is not getting displayed then please move the rule above the workflow derivation rule. So that this rule executes first and then workflow derivation rule.