Learner Stories
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

It was 2002 when bhatnp1 fell in love with SAP. “I do remember very well when I first heard about SAP and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)”, he recalls. “I thought: How is this possible? How can you have so many best practices in one place to meet business requirements?”  Narasimha, who always loved the intricate dance of technology and its impact on real-world business operations and now works as an SAP Solution Architect at a global consulting firm, was immediately hooked. Really hooked.  

He soon started his first SAP implementation projects and was trained on all the necessary modules – back then he attended instructor-led classroom trainings – and got his first of now 8 globally recognized SAP Certifications. “I knew that you can only be good at your job if you stay up to date with the latest innovations”, he explains. “After all, the technological landscape is in a perpetual state of flux, dynamically adapting to cater to the novel challenges businesses face.” So, still today, Narasimha dedicates at least half an hour per day to learning and upskilling. “But times have changed, and there is also digital learning to explore – like with the SAP Learning site and the SAP Community.” 

Learning curve remains steep

And for him, the SAP Community is one of the most special places to learn a new skill and exchange with peers. “I am fiercely passionate about continuous learning and knowledge sharing. I've penned over 60 blogs, a testament to my commitment to spreading SAP knowledge”, the SAP Champion says.  

However, Narasimha has also taken a deep dive into academic research, resulting in the publication of six international papers that address business challenges through technological solutions. “The ever-evolving landscape of SAP and technology ensures that the learning curve remains steep. Each new thing I learn is another tool in my arsenal”, he says, “allowing me to better cater to clients, address intricate problems, and continue to position myself at the forefront of industry developments.” 

"People are ready to pay me more"

And the impact of his continuous efforts to stay up to date are immediate, Narasimha recounts: “Because of my certifications, people are ready to pay me more – because they know I have a proven skillset.” However, there is more to staying up to date and learning new skills than just money, he points out. “On a personal level, continuous learning has instilled in me a sense of confidence and adaptability. Embracing new knowledge has trained my mind to be more agile, receptive to change, and better equipped to handle unforeseen challenges. Moreover, the gratification that comes from mastering a complex topic or solving a challenging problem has often served as a morale booster, reinforcing my belief in lifelong learning.” 

It’s by constantly seeking out and assimilating new information that Narasimha has not only advanced in his career, but also enriched his life, widening his horizons and deepening his understanding of the ever-evolving world around him. What else could you want from half an hour a day? 

Start your own success story

Did you feel inspired by Narasimha’s story? Then kick-start your own success story with SAP today. Benefit from tailored and self-paced learning opportunities that meet you when and where you learn best on SAP Le.... Get certified to demonstrate your expertise and boost your career. We are looking forward to many more great success stories!