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Do you spent some time on Twitter? Do you want to see a tweet when a new Kyma or Kyma CLI release was published with a reference to the release?

If the answer to both is yes, then say hello to the (unofficial) Kyma Update Twitter Bot 👋.


Currently there is an RSS feed provided by the Kyma team that you could subscribe to, which is quite nice. However, I like to also get this news on Twitter and as you are still reading this post, you might do so too.

So inspired by the analog functionality provided for Azure Functions (for details see this blog post), I decided to build something similar for the Kyma project.

I did some technical decision a bit different than the original approach (also partially because some new technical feature are available), but the result is ... short drum roll ... the unofficial Kyma Twitter Bot

With this short blog post I would like to give you some more information about it in an FAQ style.

Which Twitter Account to follow?

The account of the Twitter Bot is @KymaUpdates.

Which Releases are taken into account?

The bot currently only takes releases into account. Pre-releases are ignored.

Which repositories are watched

I currently focus on Kyma and "Kyma-related" repositories. You find an up-to-date list here.

How does it work?

The main technological building blocks used behind the scenes are Azure Functions and the Durable Extension. If you want to take a closer look,

I have published a dedicated blog post on the building blocks. You find it here on .

I did not publish the technical details here as they are purely about Azure Functions and Azure and therefore would be misplaced in the SAP Community imho.

Where is the Code?

The code is completely available on GitHub in this repository.


The bot is still "young", so maybe it contains some bugs - so bear with my little bot. If you find a bug pull requests are always welcome 😁.

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