Product Lifecycle Management Blogs by SAP
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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
As one of the event organizers for our annual customer and partner SAP EHS & product Compliance Info Days, in this blog post I would like to let you know about this year's event.

I know your calendars fill up very quickly so I would like to share the save-the-date with you at an early stage so that you don't miss this interesting and informative solution event.

In 2022 we had over 900 registrations, showing a great interest in the topics covered. There wasn't only presentations from customers and SAP experts, various slots allowed for interactive discussions and question & answer sessions.

Feel free to click on the picture below or the Event Webpage Link to register. The webpage will be updated once the agenda is available.


I look forward to greeting you at the event. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please post them here or send an email to