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Hello everyone!

First i would like to present my challenge here:

- I'm working in company which is responsible for trading chemicals (buy/sell). We have an idea how to automatically connect Dangerous Goods with Sales order. After that i can create ADR (adverse drug reaction) report.

- I read a lot of documents which show you how to do it but i'm stock somewhere. My procedure was:

1. In MM01 i created material which in tab (Basic data 2) include DG indicator profile + check Environmentally rlvt (picture below)

Q: Do i need something else to do in MM?

2. In EH&S -> DG management -> DG Master -> DGP1 I created master record which you can see in picture below

Q: Do i need any special tab to fill?

3. I activated DG checks in IMG -> EH&S -> DG management -> DG Checks and DG Documents/EDI -> Common settings -> DG Checks -> Activate DG Checks

4. Then i specified DG check methods. IMG -> EH&S -> DG management -> DG Checks and DG Documents/EDI -> Common settings -> DG Checks -> Specify DG Check Methods

5. Then i wrote somewhere that i must fill "Specify usage Profiles for DG Check Methods" but i didn't because in default it is empty.

Q: Do i must to fill?

6. I assigned DG Check Schemas for sales Documents

7. Then i made sale order (VA01) and save it.

From here i have challenges.

Q: What do i need to fill or set up more to have DC check available?

Where i do something wrong?

All i need to do is to check DG and display them in other SD document.

And in next step i must to do ADR report which include 1000 points calculation.

Please help.


Blaz Cus

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Dear Blaz

we can in my opinion not really help you. The DG Master data you are showing seems to be ok. As we have no clue of your other DG Set up... (and anything around) no help is possible (Related as well to SAP SD process)


is showing "similar" problems; but here the DG Check was executed (but still showing issues)


Is it necessary to have filled DG Workbench (real substance, DG classification, UN list)?

You have two options. Either you maintain the data direct ( I believe this is the option you have used) or you maintain the data "indirect" (by using REAL_SUB etc. etc.)

According to your topic below: You have created a sales order and saved it. If the process was "successful" you should be able to retrieve the "log" (which DG check was executed etc.); e.g. check as well "incompletion log".

My story is "simple" (but complex as well)

You have a starting point (Sales organisation, plant / Stroage location, material number; ship to partner etc.) are important and you have selected a "route" in your sales order.

One part of the story is the "route". Let us imagine this

Your plant is located in France. The ship to partner is located in Belgium. Now in the SAP SD process somehow the "route" is determined. The route defines the "transport modes" to consider.

A route can have a "huge" complexity (e.g. as an idea check here:

To make it simple: The route is defined to use "truck" as the transport mode. Now as We have a plant located in FR and a SHIP to located in BE: the corresponding transport regulation to be considered is the "ADR" one.

If SAP SD process is working perfect togetehr with SAP EHS DG process you are able to check:

1.) is the material allowed ot be transported by truck (based on the conditions (ADR)

2.) You can perform on the to so called (later) "load together" rules (an dmany other DG related stuff)

3.) Now your SAP SD set up must fit the SAP EHS DG set up (topic of sales order type etc.)

etc. etc.

This FORUM has shown taht e.g. after SAP Upgrade/Update process the one "menue" option (your are refring to) is not working

In a nutshell: If you have an "ABAP Consultant" you can do a "debug" session to identify the SAP SD / EHS DG prcoess integration (was is done "correct"; what might be missing etc.)


PS: may be this blog might help:

HEre you will find the "Best practise" set up

But you should check SAP online help to find the most current "Best Practise" version

PPS: DG set is much more complex ! PLease check SAP online help

E.g. check here:

and check this part of SAP online help:

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Dear Christoph!

Thank you again for helping me!

which set up do you need to have better picture? I'll make problem...

First link you sent me had issues with transporting/shipping (i guess).

You have two options. Either you maintain the data direct ( I believe this is the option you have used) or you maintain the data "indirect" (by using REAL_SUB etc. etc.)

ok. So direct you mean to maintain data with phrases? Because i have Phrases and Phrase sets filled and connected. I don't have any data in Workbench.

This is main goal for me:

I would like to have this data in separate report.

UN CODE - I fill it in DGM -> DG Master ->

DESCRIPTION - from Phrase text

RISK CLASS - I fill it in DGM -> DG Master -> Class

PACKING GROUP - I fill it in DGM -> DG Master -> Pack. Grp.

TUNNEL CODE - Transport approval -> Transport type

QTY - would like to acquire from Sales Order

PACKAGING - same like QTY

TOTAL - QTY * PACKAGING = total (in kg)

POINTS - PACKING GROUP * TOTAL = points (you have to follow the rule of 1000 points)

But first from my opinion i must to CHECK DG? before do this report

All your links are OK and good to understanding logic, but they don't fit my challenge...



PS: the link for best practise doesn't work for me...