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How to see the country name in the Business Card?

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Hi community,

the user Business Card shows the country flag of the user, although it does not show the name of the country.

For example (in my card): Germany

An improvement would be to display the country name as a tool tip for the country map. Was this discussed already in the past?

Best regards

Ruediger Stoecker

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In update profile there is a Country field under Address section, here country is a mandatory field. If you select address check box then the country field will display on your business card. By default country does not show on card until and unless the address section is checked.



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Hi Subhasha and Mike,

Thanks for your answers.

at Mike: Seaching for the flags in the internet is good for education (but I am just interested in the country name of the member.

at Subhasa: In my business card, you should see the country flag for Germany, although I have not selected the address box.

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Ruediger,

The country flag comes by default. At the time of creating the user id or in update profile you must have to select the name of the country and the flag comes on business card according to the country name that you have seleceted. This flag come by default.

If you want that your country name should also display on your business card then you have to select Address check box under update profile.



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Hi Subhasha,

Thanks for the clarification.

Actually, I would appreciate feedback by the moderators whether the country name can be displayed in addition to the flag.

Most members do not appreciate to post their address, although they would be willing to post the country.

Best regards,


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An alternative is to right click on the flag and check the file name of the flag. It contains the country code which you can look up at

The best solution would be that everyone is on SDN world



PS. Reward the useful answers and you will get <a href="http:///people/baris.buyuktanir2/blog/2007/04/04/point-for-points-reward-yourself">one point</a> yourself!

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Hi Eddy,

thanks for the hint. At least, it provides quite fast access to the country, without comparing flags.

... but, why not just display the country name.


0 Kudos

Hi Ruediger,

We made a request for this but I can't promise how fast it will be implemented.

Until it is, I too will need to look up a few flags


Gali & the Community Team

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Hi Gali,

Thanks for your feedback.

Looking forward for your solution.

Best regards,


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Thanks for providing the "Country name" as a tool tip.

I just detected it today.