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Why can't I follow or comment on a blog?

0 Kudos

Hi all,

As a logged in member I've tried a couple of different blogs and get this same issue for all:

1. Grayed out like button. Can't like the blog. (I see the message in IE11 that this isn't ready yet. I don't get that message in Chrome.)

2. Comments button at the bottom does nothing. (Both in IE11 and in Chrome.)

Let me know what's up .



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OK, so it was not the like button. It was the "follow" button. I can now use it in IE, but still doesn't work in Chrome.

I can also now comment in IE but not in Chrome.


Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

hi Jeanne,

thx for your feedback. re Follow button not working, can you specify what happebs? button cannot be clicked, or clicked and nothing happens? can you double check if you were logged in in that session. I am trying to reproduce and cannot. we only know there was an issue with edge browser but this works well in all others for me.