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April (Citizen) Developer Challenge – SAP Build Apps: Task 0

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

The challenge is now over. See our wrap-up blog.


Welcome to the SAP Build Apps Community Challenge, a set of small challenges to help you get to know SAP Build Apps a little better, whether you’re a beginner or experienced user.

The challenges so far:

If you do all the challenges – each taking the time of your lunch hour (but don’t skip eating lunch 🍜) – you will learn a lot:

  • How to set up SAP Build Apps on your trial account
  • How to import projects
  • How to manage the layout of your app
  • How to create a custom menu, and position it anywhere on the screen
  • How to play sounds in your app
  • How to determine if your app is running on the web or on a device
  • How to call APIs
  • How to filter, sort, and paginate your OData calls to SAP backends
  • How to open an external browser
  • How to embed web pages inside your app
  • How to create a full-page background
  • How to open the phone’s camera from your app (and select back or front camera)
  • How to take pictures with your phone and use them in your app
  • How to store pictures in your app
  • How to create transparency, rounded corners and other visual effects
  • … and a lot more.


For every one of the challenges, you will be asked to provide:

  • A hashed GUID from the correct answer
  • (Optional) A screenshot of your app, showing modifications we’ll ask you to make.

For these challenges, we will use the hashing service introduced by @qmacro (DJ Adams) for his API challenge back in August. The service lets you take a text string, hash it to a GUID so that we can tell if you were correct but prevent others from seeing the correct answer.

GOOD NEWS: In the skeleton app we will give you, we have taken care of the connection to the service, providing an easy way for you to provide your answer.

Let’s get started.

👉Your Task

Part I – Set Up SAP Build Apps

  • Create a SAP BTP trial account on the US EAST (VA) – AWS region, if you haven’t already. For instructions on setting up an account, see Get a Free Account on SAP BTP Trial.
  • Set up SAP Build Apps on your trial account. Follow this simple 2-minute video:

At the end, make sure you can open the SAP Build lobby.


Installing the app is simple – just search for SAP Build Apps Preview. But for more help watch this 2-minute video:

Make sure to give this app permission to use your device's camera.

REMINDER: With the trial, you will be on the US10 landscape and must log in on the preview app using Other login options.


Part II

Next, you will have some fun and make sure everything is connected, and get a little preview of some of the capabilities of SAP Build Apps.

If you want to review the basics of building apps with SAP Build Apps works, feel free to watch the SAP Build Apps playlist (new videos all the time).

  • Download our fun little app. You will use this app for the next 3 challenges. 

Upload the project to SAP Build Apps and open it (you can import projects in the lobby).


  • Inside the project, go to the app variables and set the initial value for the CommunityID to your community ID. This ID enables you to hash your text answers so the GUID you submit is unique to you, and allows us to check that you got it right.


  • Go to the Launch tab:
    • If you have an iOS device, run the app in the SAP Build Apps Preview App on your device – not on your laptop.
    • If you have an Android device, run the the app on the web preview.


  • Using the app, take a picture (iOS) or upload a picture (Android). Either way, click Add My Picture.
  • Take a screenshot (showing your picture and community ID).
  • Find on the app a place to tap so that a hidden message is revealed. Use the force to find it. This is the secret message you will need to hash and will automatically be saved for you once you find it.
  • Go to the Submit page by clicking the hash icon.


Here, the secret phrase and your community ID were already entered (though you can always enter them manually).


  • Click Hash.
  • Reply to this discussion thread and post the hash you received, followed by the screenshot. To make things simpler, we've provided a button to open this post in the app (though you can make the reply via a browser).

The post with a screenshot should look something like this:



Bonus Tasks

If you're looking for more to do and learn:

  • Bonus #1: We have embedded a secret piece of music on the home page. You do not have to post anything about it – just enjoy. (Tap again to stop the music.) Open the project to see how we did this.
  • Bonus #2: Make any improvement you want to the app, for example:
    • You could add a toggle which will change whether the app opens the front or back camera (for this, check the properties for the flow function that opens the camera).
    • Notice how when you stop the music, and then restart it, the music starts from the beginning. You could instead pause the music and make it start exactly where it left off, but how? [HINT: Read about the audio flow functions.]

Share your innovation.

Feel free to look inside the app to see how we put it all together – how we made it so it will store your community ID, how you could have entered your community ID in the app instead of hard-coding it, how we created a circle with your image, how we played music, how we ran the hashing function – all without coding.

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn
203 REPLIES 203




0 Kudos





0 Kudos

Nice pic ... what are those things ... chocolates?

Unfortunately the hash does not seem correct. Can you make sure your hash has the correct phrase and your correct community ID, without any extra trailing characters/spaces?

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

0 Kudos

Hello Dan,

I tried using the API with the secret hash string and my community ID and got the above hash value.



0 Kudos

Doesn't look like the string you are hashing is correct. But we push all the hashing stuff in the app so you shouldn't use Postman 😲

If you find the place to tap on your phone, the string will be put in the correct input box on the hashing page and then you can hash it there and open up this page to reply.

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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

Love the guitar ... did you hear in the app the music with hid?

Unfortunately the hash does not seem correct. Can you make sure your hash has the correct phrase and your correct community ID, without any extra trailing characters/spaces?

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


Hash: ae68b590f55211ed0383ae051b9b0a6447e04a18baa3a7450b93ff8089f70096


new corrected hash: ed1946b630425fd4fe3dabb334ca597af4fdacb27b454cc4b65d4f14996bda22

I cannot take screenshot in Android app for SAP Build Apps, so here is screen shot from web preview:




0 Kudos

That is a great screenshot and picture.

Unfortunately the hash does not seem correct. Can you make sure your hash has the correct phrase and your correct community ID, without any extra trailing characters/spaces?

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

ohh, got it, I found the message, here is new hash:

thanks for feedback 👍


0 Kudos

Moved the correct hash to the task 0 post 🙂


0 Kudos

Nice pic!

Unfortunately the hash does not seem correct. Can you make sure your hash has the correct phrase and your correct community ID, without any extra trailing characters/spaces?

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0 Kudos

Here i go..!!!




0 Kudos

Thanks, and nice pic 😊

The hash is not correct and I can see that the user shown on the screenshot is not the same as your customer ID - the same as appears on your post, avinash12. Hash with that ID.

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

0 Kudos

Community ID : avinash12

Here is go with the correct #hash




0 Kudos

Hmmm, I still get it as incorrect. Did you click somewhere and get the secret phrase? Did that get entered into the input box on the hash page? Want to show the hash page with the hash but blurring half of the phrase? 

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

0 Kudos



0 Kudos

Nice logo 😊

Unfortunately the hash does not seem correct. Can you make sure your hash has the correct phrase and your correct community ID, without any extra trailing characters/spaces?

I notice that the community ID shown in the picture is different from your community ID that appears on top left of this reply.

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

0 Kudos



0 Kudos

Thanks for the entry ... looks great.

Unfortunately the hash does not seem correct. Can you make sure your hash has the correct phrase and your correct community ID, without any extra trailing characters/spaces?

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

7e604831ee94c329dfb41f3412e9e9769a58d9dae96fa196d2de6b9a1e312a71  this is the correct one?









0 Kudos

What happened to the picture? 🤔

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0 Kudos

That's a beautiful dog 😺

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

0 Kudos




0 Kudos

Hey, where's the screenshot?

And unfortunately the hash does not seem correct. Can you make sure your hash has the correct phrase and your correct community ID, without any extra trailing characters/spaces?

See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn




Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

If you enjoyed this task, please make sure to do the first "real" task about OData and filtering SAP data into your app.

After that, we will have tasks on each of the next Wednesdays:

  • Formulas and Marketplace
  • Theming
  • Mobile native capabilities


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0 Kudos

Nice pic.

But the hash is not correct ... I see that the community ID in the screenshot does not match the ID in this post

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0 Kudos

Hi @Dan_Wroblewski ,
Apologies for the delay response.As suggested, i have updated the community name and attached the screenshot again with the hash value.

Please check and validate once.


Gopalakrishnan S.






sap build.png

Active Participant












0 Kudos

What is that a picture of?

Unfortunately, the hash is not correct. I can see that you did not enter you community ID. Your community ID is what is shown at the top left of your post: anumalasingh

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