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BuildApps SAP AppGyver classic Data Entities for Firebase Failing (Help :) )

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Hi all,

As you can see in the illustration, my attempt to follow along with the offical SAP Youtube video from a a few months ago, is stymied by the failure of the "Save Entity" button to ever enable|activate. Even after I've provided a basic string property. 

Can someone please help? I understand integrations and the pro build are the path ahead, I'm just hoping I can get this "use old firebase entities path" restored?

NOTE: Using BuildApps in low code application design class in grad school class at Columbia College Chicago. Would love to continue to do so. Any help appreciated.


Dave Gerding 




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Thanks to D. Wroblowski for response via message. ALL IS WELL with Firebase and BuildApp Community - just needed to update some things. Thanks again.

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Hello @D_Gerding 

I am also encounter the same problem while trying to save the DATA ENTITY. Could you please help me to figure out the same issue, could you please share the tips that @Dan_Wroblewski share with you. Really appreciate.