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No-Code Guide: SAP S/4HANA Cloud to SAP Build Apps Data Visibility


As a business practitioner (aka Citizen Developer) the use of technology can be complicated and time consuming.  Wanted to learn and share easy, straightforward steps to show sample SAP S/4HANA Cloud data visibility in SAP Build Apps using the SAP BTP Cockpit, which can be found in the new blog and video, No-Code Guide: SAP S/4HANA Cloud to SAP Build Apps Data Visibility.

Here's a high level overview...

A few questions / comments...

  • Questions - When you follow these steps (per the blog)... do you have any questions?
  • Use Cases - What use cases do you find impactful in using SAP Build Apps (& SAP Build Process Automation) to leverage important data (e.g., I selected "Product Master" data, but there are many other choices)?
  • Next Steps - Once you have data visibility in SAP Build would you suggest taking the next steps in the UI Canvas to take this example a step further? (I have ideas related to the Marketplace, found on the left side, and beyond!)
  • Your Projects - Are you working on any SAP Build Apps tests, proof of concepts, or live production rollouts? If so, please share a high level insight.

Already, this discussion has created a new connection and joint effort with a colleague to learn how SAP HANA Cloud can connect to SAP Build Apps with an API / OData to show data visibility and put it to good use! This would be very, very cool! 

Check out the new blog & video, No-Code Guide: SAP S/4HANA Cloud to SAP Build Apps Data Visibility. Feel free to pass it forward to other beginners, intermediates, and experts! 

Thanks for sharing your comments below!