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SAP CodeJam HANA ML In PoznaΕ„ 2024-04 Recap

This week, we had the Getting Started with Machine Learning using SAP HANA and Python in PoznaΕ„, Poland, kindly hosted by All-for-One Poland and organized by @JulianG 


SAP CodeJam HANA ML In Switzerland 2024-03 Recap

Last Saturday we had the Getting Started with Machine Learning using SAP HANA and Python in Lausanne and Zurich, Switzerland kindly hosted by SAP and co-organized by @AndreasForster.


Successful double CodeJam in Wroclaw and Warsaw

I'm at Warsaw airport on my journey home after a great few days in Poland. My first flight is already delayed so I have a bit of time at the gate to write up some notes.I arrived in Wroclaw, in the we...


SAP CodeJam on ABAP Cloud and RAP in Bangalore

Continuing the journey of SAP CodeJam in India, we concluded one CodeJam last week at Bosch Global Software Technologies, Bangalore. Topic was ABAP Cloud and RAP. Given Bangalore being the hub for dev...


Scaling WebSockets Challenges

What the article is about Scaling WebSockets for high concurrency poses unique challenges. This analysis explores these challenges, discusses vertical and horizontal scaling limitations, and introduce...


Getting started as a Developer Advocate

I come from Ranchi, a city in the northern state of Jharkhand, India. About ~1900 Km from my current work location in SAP Labs India Bangalore. I confess I didn’t know much about SAP when I finished e...


From Development to Developer Advocate

Hey everyone, I’m excited to start my journey as a Developer Advocate with the SAP Developer and Community Relations team. Well, for those who are wondering who’s a Developer Advocate like the same th...


My experience of the first SAP Code Jam in Dallas

Hello community, I would like to share my experience of the first SAP Code JAM in Dallas, TX (held at the SAP Plano office) were not only we had our first Code JAM ever, but also the Developer Advocat...

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