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In this blog , i would like to share my experience attending the CodeJam @SAPLabs Bangalore held on June 16th by RIG Team (Yes,this is the same team who rapidly innovates with different SAP Mobile and Cloud Products and publishes great content in SCN)

The event was scheduled from 10 am to 5 pm with complete hands on exercises for developing applications on HCP.

I always wonder how SAP remains to be the leader and dominate the Enterprise market innovating with the products on Cloud,In Memory,Mobile, IOT solving the crucial business problems of its customer with technology !!!

(The entrance pic at SAP Labs Bangalore was taken from a tweet by @LifeatSAP)

Checking in at Labs gave me the answer.

It is just because of the strategic leadership and they inspiring their teams to produce great work every moment during the day. Right from the moment they step into the campus.

Just look at the above picture at the entrance of SAP Labs.Why would n't one inspire to deliver the best out of him every day. No wonder for SAP Labs being one of the best workplaces to work for.

Once the participants are in their places vasu.kesiraju along with midhun.vp and babu.ganeshv kicked off the session by introducing themselves and the new budding baby of SAP - 'HCP'. They discussed its strategy ,newly introduced services, different integration scenarios with other cloud solutions acquired by SAP.and much more. Over the course of period, participants started working on the exercises where the RIG Team geeks pitched in at participants when ever needed.

(Architecture of HCP services and its integration points of Hadoop and Vora communicating with on premise systems explained by RIG team to #RunSimple)

The exercises are tailored to introduce the Platform and quickly develop applications using its services. It comprises of consuming an external API in HTML 5 app, Developing a secure Java app and deploying to HCP, Developing the Persistency with JPA and exposing it as OData service , Consume OData service in UI5 app via WEBIDE.

This is a good enough content to develop more end to end apps in HCP once completing the exercises .Instructors also made sure that all participants get the most of the session and executed them successfully.

Participants also shared their IOT and HCP project experience and contributed to make the event align with real world requirements.

(Participant explaining his project on IOT and Vasu, Midhun helping participants executing the exercises)

(There was an error while executing one of the exercises and the traditional Geek Diet made it to work.)

( These Geeks have already learned developing apps using various HCP services and ready to do more. Have you? )

Attending this event helped the participants to learn more on HCP, its future strategy,its integration with other SAP acquired Cloud solutions and inspired me to do more good work with SAP products and help our customers.

Thanks to RIG folks babu.ganeshv , midhun.vp and vasu.kesiraju and the team behind them for organizing another great event and pushing new technologies into customers.

The exercises of this CodeJam are available here.

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Awesome blog Virinchy.

It was nice meeting you !

Former Member
0 Kudos

Nice Blog Virinchy... Am happy to be a part of the program ..... Though many participants were very new to HCP, the enthusiasm and involvement was awesome....

Looking forward for more events like this from SAP ...

Good work RIG Team on your first Code Jam event... You nailed it :smile:


Former Member
0 Kudos

it was a pleasure meeting all of you and I'm very happy to be part of the program..,

Especially Midhun and Vasu, the way you organised is very good.

Thanks a lot..,

--Lokeswar Reddy.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

It was very nice coding with all of you. Hope to meet you guys in next events.



0 Kudos

Very well summarized !

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Me too..Its a fun filled event :smile:

0 Kudos

Great job guys !!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Well done team !!!