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Product and Topic Expert

WiFi, emergency button, eCar charging points, sensors to measure temperature, particulars in the air or the dense traffic - in Karlsruhe all of that comes in one smart lamp post. The cloud solution collecting and analyzing the data from these services is the SAP HANA cloud platform!

Watch this video how the German energy provider EnBW is setting the example by using technology to enable an infrastructure tailored to the needs of the city of tomorrow.

Hear a presentation from EnBW at the International SAP Conference for Utilities taking place from April 11-13, 2016 in The Hague, The Netherlands:

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 5 p.m. in the Internet of Things track: Smart Cities and Their Data presented by Daniel Schneider, EnBW and Reiner Bildmayer SAP

0 Kudos

Great article! Thanks for sharing it, Nicole.

It is said that cities will have more and more traffic issues in future. This might be true for many cities in the world. However, along with the further development and implementation of autonomous driving - there will be a visible change: The capacity of a single vehicle will increase and many more "passengers" can be transported per day. This will lead to a serious reduction of cars on our streets.

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That's a nice article! Good to the see the advancement in the utility industry.