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Community Advocate
Community Advocate

More about Christian in SAP Community

Christian Drumm_Circular.png

Location (City, Country): Aachen, Germany
Occupation: Professor of Information Systems at FH Aachen


Christian, tell us about yourself.
Who are you, what do you like to do, what is important to you?

I’m working as a professor for Business Information Systems at the Faculty of Business Studies at FH Aachen - University of Applied Sciences. At FH Aachen I teach hands-on introductions to ERP systems, with a focus on SAP S/4HANA, as well as advanced topics like system implementation and enhancement. Before joining FH Aachen, I worked for more than 10 years as a consultant in various senior positions. Together with Damir Majer I’m the initiators of the ABAP CodeRetreat.

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my family as well as climbing and mountain biking with my friends.

What is your area of expertise?
What does a usual day at work look like for you?

I’m a developer and I’m curious about all things related to technologies. There my main expertise is development, both in ABAP and other languages / technologies. I spent most of my time as a consultant in the utilities industry. From this time I also have some knowledge in utilities processes and their implementation in SAP IS-U and SAP CRM.

What inspired you to become an SAP Champion in SAP Community?

I basically stated blogging to keep a record of interesting things I found out. It happened more than once that searching for a solution to a problem led me to one of my own blog posts. But I quickly notices that these blogs were also helpful to others. That motivated me to continue.

How do you learn in SAP Community?
What is your daily/weekly routine in SAP Community?

So many things. Whenever I have a problem the SAP Community is my first stop. Since I’m at the university I’m not so active anymore in the community. Right now my focus is to get students involved.

What is your suggestion to get the most out of SAP Community?

Don’t be afraid. Start contributing either by blogging or by answering questions. You’ll quickly meet lots of nice people and get positive feedback. This will motivate you to continue.

Arrow_pictogramm_new.pngIn relation to learning and education, how can SAP improve in order to attract enough young people?


1 Comment
Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

I think we have discussed this question over lunch at my place @ceedee666 🧑‍🎓

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