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More about Xavier in SAP Community

Xavier Hacking Circular.png


Location (City, Country): The Netherlands  
Occupation: SAP Analytics Consultant 


Xavier, tell us about yourself.
Who are you, what do you like to do, what is important to you?

Yeah so I’m Xavier Hacking and I work in SAP Analytics since 2007. Before we dive into that, I have a lot of other hobbies as well, like playing piano and guitar, supporting my football team Roda JC, going to concerts, playing games (PS5, chess, poker), pro-wrestling, reading a lot of books ánd comic books. And about that, I run my own comic book shop at! 

What is your area of expertise?
What does a usual day at work look like for you?

  1. I'm specialized in SAP Analytics Cloud and have a firm background in SAP BusinessObjects and SAP BW. I’ve basically worked with every BI tool in the SAP portfolio (yes, that also means Roambi). I’ve even written a bunch of books on (now) vintage BOBJ tools as Xcelsius and Lumira to make sure we will never ever forget about them! 😉  
  2. As a consultant for Interdobs I work for multiple companies and customers in different roles at the same time. In some projects I purely develop stories in SAC, in others I spend my time on SAC fundaments like the SAC platform setup, usage and development guidelines and authorizations. I even have a project where I work on the full BI stack, from SAP BW to Analysis for Office and SAC. So, there is a lot of variety each working day with all these different teams and environments.  

What inspired you to become an SAP Champion in SAP Community?

I’m active within the SAP Analytics community since 2009 when I started my blog on – at the time – Xcelsius, BOBJ and SAP BW. Nowadays it’s of course mostly SAP Analytics Cloud related. Once in a while I shoot a Youtube video to explain an SAC concept but the platform I’m the most active on is X (@xjhacking). Together with a couple of colleagues at Interdobs we regularly discuss SAP Analytics in our own podcast: De Nederlands BI Podcast (The Dutch BI Podcast). As you can get from the name, this podcast is recorded completely in Dutch.  

How do you learn in SAP Community?
What is your daily/weekly routine in SAP Community?

  1. As mentioned, I’m active on X for over 15 years now as this is absolutely the very best way to stay up to date (and discuss!) on not only everything related to SAP and analytics, but it is also an easy way to follow upcoming technologies and trends from outside the SAP world.  
  2. Furthermore, I make sure to always check the latest SAC release blogs on the SAP Community site to stay up to date.  
  3. I’m also a big fan of the books published by SAP Press. The strength of these books is that they provide the full picture of what a tool can offer, as you might overlook some specific areas that you never touch upon in your daily work, but which could be useful at some point. Also, it’s a good starting point to get you up to speed in a new topic.  

What is your suggestion to get the most out of SAP Community?

It’s pretty simple, but make sure you check-in regularly. Either via X, community blogs or by joining one of the SAP webinars. This has to be part of your system. It’s much easier to keep up with small weekly updates than going on a training just once a year and get overloaded with information.  

Arrow_pictogramm_new.pngA question from Xavier to you:
Uuh, Marvel or DC? 😉 


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