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See the photo above? That’s me, and that moment was one of the rare but memorable moments in my life where my passion for music combines with my passion for SAP.

Now pan out from that photo – and hey, look, I’m jamming with the likes of Björn Goerke & Sam Yen who are part of the band and have consistently helped to make the Jam continue with funding! (BTW - Rui Nogueira rocks too!).

You see, for the last 6 or so years, we’ve been recruiting SAP'ers who are also singers, dancers and musicians to come jam with us at TechEd; and this post is your invitation to join us for the 2017 jam in Las Vegas.

Do you Sing, Play Guitar, Keyboards, Drums, Tambourine,...? Come and join us!

If you'd like to take part in this year's jam in Vegas, all you need to do is be available for a couple of hours on the Sunday evening in Vegas for the first rehearsal (time still to be determined); available on the Monday evening for another couple of hours rehearsal; and obviously available for the last half of the network reception where will be jamming.  If that works for you, fill out this Google Form (or comment on this post if you have trouble with that) so I can contact you in a week to sort out set-lists and who's playing what. All instruments are provided for.


Juergen Butsmann, Peter Langner and Gregor Wolf Rocking a Groove

Just want to watch, dance or sing along from the audience?

Show up during the Networking Reception! If you know the tune and want to join in singing or playing some percussion, come on up. If you like to dance, Dance! Watching and hanging out while having a few drinks is perfectly fine too – it is the Networking Reception after all!

FYI - These great pictures are by the part-time professional photographer SAP Mentor that is Frank Köhntopp...
Active Contributor

You know I have no musical talents, but I'll certainly be there to rock with the SAP Fiori Jam Band!



Former Member
Matt, what's the difference between you and Eric Clapton?  Clapton WISHES he knew SAP!  I love the band and am looking forward to hearing you guys again!

Active Contributor
As Susan already mentioned, I'll be there too...


Let's the fun rock!


Active Contributor
I knew I could count on both of you! See you all soon!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Nice - Had the privilege of seeing Clapton live a while back and can guarantee there are plenty of differences that leave me wishing more than him - but it's good to dream!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Nice story, thanks for sharing.
0 Kudos
I am IN! 😉