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Excited for this year's SAP TechEd?

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

So how is everyone doing? With the registration now open and already hundreds having registered in less than 24 hrs are you excited? What are you most excited about?


Active Contributor

I'm looking forward to the hands on workshops and seeing what happens on Channel 1.  


Community Administrator
Community Administrator

I need to see if I can sneak some stuff in here from Channel 1 hmmmm 🤔

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Great to see you here!

SAP Learning Group - We are here to support you!


Same as you, @TammyPowlas. I think it's fantastic news that there will be no limited capacity for the hands-on workshops like last year.  I look forward to rolling up my sleeves in different sessions. Plugging into Channel 1 in between is also something I have fond memories of 🙂

Active Contributor

Less than 24 hours in and already a couple of the sessions I want to attend have full waiting lists.  😕

I'm excited about it too, though.  I loved checking in on Channel 1 last year!


Active Contributor

Hi Dell, I feel that pain!   I'm hoping somehow I get magically notified when the sessions I'm interested in get some availability - I can always hope!

I'm looking forward to Channel 1 this year too.  The technology for our very first virtual TechEd last year was very cool.  And of course, lots of great talks by some great people.


Active Contributor

Well....   SAP Teched is one of my favorite things of the year.   I get really excited and am known to dance around once in a while.   It is my Disney World.  On-line or in-person it's an amazing event.

I'm looking forward to everything!   So here are a couple of my favorites.

Channel 1 - An amazing place to go when I'm in between sessions, have no session scheduled, or once I find out what  is coming - I tune in for some of the great content!

INT103  Enable Citizen Developer Ready Automation- This time a session caught my eye.  I'm in for anything that might help me - in the future - develop "SAP things" faster.  My company is not ready for it.  But it will be interesting to see what is being done now.

There are many more sessions I want to attend, but today that one is at the top of the list.  Tomorrow - Well, who knows?  I'm sure I'll change my mind many times.

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Hey I heard from the SAP TechEd team, We (all of SAP) are sorry to hear you’re disappointed! We hope you know this year's program offers both limited and unlimited capacity workshops.

The limited capacity workshops require pre-workshop preparation, and are limited in capacity to optimize the instructor to participant ratio to ensure a quality learning experience.

We sincerely apologize for limited capacity workshops and wait lists filling up quickly. The good news is that these workshops will be recorded and made available for on-demand viewing after SAP TechEd. 

We hope you’ll consider our new workshops that do not have capacity limitations.

0 Kudos

Great news about on demand recordings! Thanks! When would it be available? Right after the session/teched or "some time in the future?

From the last year teched, just wondering if anyone knows "no show ups"percentage?

According to the events team: recordings of all track sessions will be available during the event, live-workshops and Channel 1 live content will be made available approx. 14 days after the event. 

Active Participant
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I want I to see same white cat that walked around Channel 1’s room last year!! It was so cute 🙂

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

It wasn't white though, more greyish dark but then again he was a little shy last year.... maybe this year will be different 😉


Super excited as there are always soo many new things to learn and try.

The same question as last year though 😃:

  1. How do I stay awake for 48 hours?
  2. Who delivers food to desk?
  3. When can I get a nap in?
  4. How do I explain to my family that I am not available for that time period?