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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Dear friends of TM,

Everyone is talking about green logistics, and so do we! With TM embedded in SAP S/4HANA 2023, we added new capabilities for calculating and showing the carbon footprint of a transport.

In this blog post we will talk about how the carbon emissions are maintained at a vehicle type.

If you have a fleet with different types of vehicles, you will obviously have maintained different vehicle types in customizing. They could be differentiated by loading weight, truck manufacturer or the particular model. In any case, the carbon emissions will differ. So, to have a realistic carbon footprint of a road transport you need to maintain the carbon emissions for the particular vehicle type you're using. Furthermore, it matters a lot whether the truck runs with full load or empty.

And this can be maintained at the vehicle type like shown here:

You see, you can maintain the carbon emissions for full and empty load. And you maintain the weight and distance unit in which they are captured.

And those values will then be considered in the following processes as e.g. the optimization during transportation planning.

Thanks for your interest in this topic and I appreciate your thoughts and comments!

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Micheal,

Thanks for this interesting blog post and good to see the topic of measuring CO2 emissions is being addressed in Transportation Management. I have a few questions and fyi I'm not a TM Consultant:

  1. So you can add the carbon emission per distance/weight. I guess that depends on the type of transport (eg. diesel or electric). Can you indicate this somewhere, or example in the field 'Type classification'?
  2. What is being done with this emission data? Will there be additional functionality & fields in existing reports that show for example total emissions per period/vendor/plant etc? Very interested in this and maybe a topic for a sequel of this blog?
  3. Are you aligned with nicowottke Product Manager of the solution SAP Sustainability Footprint Management? SAP SFM also contains functionality to calculate carbon footprint of transport, see this blog. Will SFM be able to pick up this data from TM?

Thanks for your reaction and green regards,



PS. Is it an option to add the tag 'Sustainability' to this or your next blog?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Erik,

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate!

  1. Not, yet unfortunately. At least not in any standard way. But good point, that's surely a reasonable next step which will be required.

  2. Sure, it can be used in transportation planning as described here. I have to admit that I'm product owner being responsible for some master data in TM (and it happened that I added those fields by myself 🙂 ). So, therefore I reported about the maintenance of the fields and the usage is rolled out by my colleagues in different channels.

  3. I actually can't tell you whether someone of my colleagues is in contact. But as the GHG initiative spans over multiple applications I would strongly assume that the right stakeholders are in contact. And from what I see, the integration works rather generic. So the question might may be not the 'if' bujt 'how' it's integrated most efficiently.

Yes, the tagging...I'm no expert in that but good point! Will consider that in future!

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Micheal,

Thanks for the detailed answer and the link to the blog on further functionality, very useful!

I haven't heard about TM integration from the SAP SFM corner, but let's see.

Kind regards,



0 Kudos

Hello Michael,

regarding to the calculation of CO2 Emissions with the new release S/4HANA SAP TM 2023: Is it also possible to have differenent caluclated emissions in a column in the transportation proposals for multiple route possibilities for a freight unit?

Many thanks & bets regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Thanks for information