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putaway by HU typens without a storage location indicator

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Dear EWM colleagues,

I hope someone can give me a brief explanation of storage without a storage location indicator.  I have to set up the system so that a putaway strategy works solely on the basis of the HU types. I have always worked with the putaway tax code and am a little unsure about this. Does anyone have any experience with this and can give me a brief description? And is it even possible?
Many thanks for your support

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not sure what you mean with "storage location indicator"? The putaway control indicator coming from the warehouse product? Probably.

There is no strategy specifically for HU types. I mean, it is not a part of the search options for the storage type search.

What you can do is to activate the HU type check, with that you can then control into which bin types the HU types can be stored. 

So you have your storage type search sequence, with the different putaway rules, and in the storage type you check with the HU type check which bin types (and with that, which bins) can be used.

There are storage behaviours which work specifically with HU types, pallet storage and bulk storage, but these are a bit different topic.



All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!
And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

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Thank you Jürgen for your answer. Perhaps I asked the question imprecisely. The customer has a pallet warehouse and does not want to use a putaway control indicator. The reason is that the delivered quantities of a material are very different. Sometimes it is a pallet with a height of 1 metre and other times a pallet with a height of 2 metres. The HU type is always selected manually on delivery. Finding a storage location should be done exclusively via the HU type.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Kai. I can not answer directly to your reply (stupid new community pages), have to try this. You do not have to use a putaway control indicator, that is something which is used if you want / need to control the putaway product dependent. Otherwise, as I wrote, there is no direct way to use the HU type in the search strategy (in the standard), the only option is by using a HU type check.

Where the HU type comes from is not really important, but of course you need to have it assigned before create the putaway warehouse task. 



P.S: please do not search for a "storage location". You don't do that in a warehouse, a storage location is a very different object in SAP, which I guess you know. 

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