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Does SAP provide a way for Learning Hub subscribers to get access to the notes?



I am paying a professional Learning Hub Subscription. I have noticed in the documentation of the platform and also in the Learning rooms forums that there are many links to SAP notes where additional documentation is provided. However, when I try to log in with my P-user to check those notes mentioned, I find that I don't have authorization to see them.

I know the solution SAP offers is buying a license for the product I am studying (option not affordable for many students) or also asking any of your customers (if you have any) to provide you with an S-User valid to check those documentation notes.

My question is: Does it make sense that SAP restricts the access to them for the Learning Hub subscribers? If so, that makes me wonder if it makes sense to continue paying a subscription if I don't get access to the whole information that in theory I am paying for. Does SAP provide a way for Learning Hub subscribers to get access please?

Thanks so much in advance for your help!

Cristina Gil Gallo

PS: Apologies if the SAP Managed Tags are not correctly assigned. Those are the products for what I would like to get access to the notes. There is no tag for SAP Learning Hub or for OSS Notes.

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This looks more like is a recent change in SAP strategy. I did get a S-User account from one of my training at SAP. It had access to the SAP Notes and allows me as a freelance to have my own identity apart from the one I get from the customers I'm working for.

Unfortunately SAP has removed the right to display KBA & Notes for these kind of accounts (in a dirty way : you can still search the note but when displaying it you get a message telling the note is unavailable because it is being reworked) .

When will SAP understand that the more people are trained on their products the more successful they will be ?

This is especially true in the context of resource scarcity for the S/4 migration