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Hi experts,

I have been breaking my head to understand what is the sort rule we maintain while defining the pack profile during WOCR. I want to know, in what way this sort rule is different from the inbound sorting and WO sorting? Can anyone suggest me a business scenario where each of these three sort rules (Inbound sorting, WO sorting and Sorting maintained while defining the pack profile) are different from one another?

Thanks in advance

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the first two are easier, I am myself not 100% sure about the third one and I think it also depends on other settings.

- inbound sorting is how the system sorts the WTs when going through the WOCR. That means this is affecting which WTs can be still together when a filter is applied.

- WO sorting controls the sequence in which the WTs inside a WO are processed.

- Sorting in the pack profile controls how the system tries to pack items in a pick HU. This is (I believe) influenced by the split WT selection and the skip WT flag (means depending on these settings the sorting might have less effect).




All the above is no official SAP statement.

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And it is EWM. NOT eWM - Duh!

And if your question includes the word "transfer order" - do NOT tag the question with Extended Warehouse Management!

0 Kudos

Hi, follow up question regarding inbound sorting.

Do you really mean the WO filter or did you use the word filter as generalization? Because for me the inbound sorting would make more sense for limit values then for the filter.

3 WTs with 3030 procty wouldnt make any difference when i have a filter for procty 3030 and sort them before. They would still be in there.

But 3 WTs with a limit of 2 WTs per WO would make sense. Sort the 3 WTs with pathseq and the first 2 will still be together. After that the WO Sorting for quan for example.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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of course the sorting is also affecting the outcome triggered by the limit values. But as the filters come before, can have effects there already, probably more if you use filters on subtotal level.



0 Kudos

thanks Juergen.

0 Kudos

Hello @former_member844305 , 

Sort Rule in Packing Profile arrange the Warehouse Tasks within a particular Warehouse Order based on Sort fields which you have defined in customizing lets say based on Loading weight, so based on this , WT will be sorted within WO and will be presented to RF operator 

For example if you have 3 products say EWM-01, EWM-02, EWM-03 loading weight corresponding 1 , 2 , 3 KG

Lets say you created a SORT Rule which has field Loading Weight and you arrange the field in decending order 


So in this case when WT will be created to to pick each qty 1 then system will check Sort Rule assigned to Packing Profile and since here you have in decending so in RF , warehouse operator will be asked to pick EWM-03 first as loading weight is 3KG , then EWM-02 as loading weight is 2 KG and then EWM-01 as loading weight is 1KG



0 Kudos

Hi Pradeep,

I think the 3rd sort simply controls how the WTs are being sorted ahead of being assigned to pick-HUs. I once made a detailled code review here which is broken down in the following blog post / video. Might be helpful for you in order to understand the differences between the different options for sorting:

