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Hi all,


Many of us are leveraging SAP CAP (Node.js with TypeScript) for our projects.

While CAP provides an abstract mechanism to derive RESTful oData services given a CDS data model there's always room for more efficiency and improvement in the implementing communication between business logic, service, and persistence layer.

It shall be noted at this point, that improvements have been attempted with regard to the service layer communication using cds-routing-handler However, this framework does not appear to be maintained, especially for newer versions of CAP.


Blog series

1. CDS-TS-Dispatcher: Simplifying SAP CAP TypeScript Development 

2. CDS-TS-Repository: Simplify SAP CAP Entity persistance with BaseRepository

3. SAP CAP: Controller - Service - Repository design pattern 

Crafted by developers for developers bABS & DxFrontier team



Before we dive in, you should have a basic understanding of SAP CAP NodeJS and TypeScript. If you need a refresher, here are some helpful resources Official SAP CAP TypeScript 


Section 1: Introduction to CDS-TS-Dispatcher

We introduce two powerful npm packages developed by the ABS & DxFrontier team:

In this blog, we will concentrate on the CDS-TS-Dispatcher.

The goal of CDS-TS-Dispatcher is to significantly reduce the boilerplate code required to implement the SAP CAP TypeScript handlers by using TypeScript decorators and Dependency Injection.


Section 2: Benefits of CDS-TS-Dispatcher

  • Dependency Injection
  • Common team project architecture: Promotes a common team architecture by separating persistence, business logic, and REST interface (Controller - Service - Repository).
  • Support for Draft: Discover its built-in support for draft handling.
  • Controller - Service - Repository design pattern: by using this pattern you can break code based on domain.
    • Controller - Handling the REST interface to business logic.
      • On, Before, and After events
    • Service - Business logic implementations.
    • Repository - Interface for CDS-QL


Section 3: Getting Started with CDS-TS-Dispatcher

Now, let's get started with CDS-TS-Dispatcher. We'll walk you through the steps to integrate it into your SAP CAP TypeScript project, providing code snippets and configuration examples for a smooth onboarding.

Use the following steps if you want to create a new SAP CAP typescript project.

1: We'll start by installing @sap/cds-dk globally 


npm i -g @Sap/cds-dk typescript ts-node


2: Create a new folder


mkdir new-sap-cap-project
cd new-sap-cap-project


3: Initialize the CDS folder structure :


cds init


4: Add packages


npm install @dxfrontier/cds-ts-dispatcher 
npm install --save-dev @types/node


5: Add tsconfig.json


tsc --init


6: It is recommended to use the following tsconfig.json properties


  "compilerOptions": {
    /* Base Options: */
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "allowJs": true,
    "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true,
    "target": "ES2022",
    "module": "NodeNext",
    "moduleResolution": "NodeNext",

    /* Allow decorators */
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,

    /* Strictness */
    "strict": true,

    "lib": ["es2022"],

    "outDir": "./gen/srv"
  "include": ["./srv"]


7: Run the CDS-TS server and happy TS coding


cds-ts watch


Section 4: CDS-TS-Dispatcher examples

Example 1 : 

Handling after read event using the @AfterRead decorator



import { AfterRead, TypedRequest } from "@dxfrontier/cds-ts-dispatcher";
import { MyEntity } from 'YOUR_CDS_TYPER_ENTITIES_LOCATION';

public async afterReadMethod(results: MyEntity[], req: TypedRequest<MyEntity>) {
  // ...


Example 2: 

Handling after read, before read, and singe instance capable using the @AfterRead, @SingleInstanceCapable & @BeforeRead decorators.


import { AfterRead, SingleInstanceCapable, BeforeRead, TypedRequest } from '@dxfrontier/cds-ts-dispatcher';

@AfterRead() //  Will handle single instance and entity set
@SingleInstanceCapable() // All methods above '@SingleInstanceCapable()' will be triggered when single instance is requested and entity set
@BeforeRead() // Will handle only entity set
public async singeInstanceMethodAndEntitySet(results : MyEntity[], req: TypedRequest<MyEntity>, isSingleInstance: boolean) {
  if(isSingleInstance) {
    return this.customerService.handleSingleInstance(req)
  return this.customerService.handleEntitySet(req)


Example 3:

Handling Dependency injection by using the @Inject decorator


import { EntityHandler, Inject } from '@dxfrontier/cds-ts-dispatcher';
import type { Service } from '@dxfrontier/cds-ts-dispatcher';

class CustomerHandler {
  @Inject(CustomerService) private customerService: CustomerService
  @Inject(SRV) private srv: Service
  // ...
  constructor() {}
  // ...


Example 4:

Bootstrap is very simple :


import { CDSDispatcher } from '@dxfrontier/cds-ts-dispatcher';

export = new CDSDispatcher([
  // Entities
  // ... 



Simplify Entity Manipulation with CDS-QL: BaseRepository

The goal of CDS-QL BaseRepository is to significantly reduce the boilerplate code required to implement data access layers for persistence entities by providing out-of-the-box actions on the database. It offers a simplified interface for common database actions such as :



import { Repository } from '@dxfrontier/cds-ts-dispatcher';
import { BaseRepository } from '@dxfrontier/cds-ts-repository';

import { MyEntity } from 'YOUR_CDS_TYPER_ENTITIES_LOCATION';

export class CustomerRepository extends BaseRepository<MyEntity> {
  constructor() {

  public async aMethod() {
    const created = await this.create(...)
    const createdMany = await this.createMany(...)
    const updated = await this.update(...)
    const exists = await this.exists(...)
    const delete = await this.delete(...)
    const deleteMany = await this.deleteMany(...)
    // ...



You can find additional documentation for BaseRepository at CDS-TS-Repository GitHub


In conclusion, CDS-TS-Dispatcher combined with CDS-TS-Repository is a powerful tool that can speed up your SAP CAP TypeScript projects by eliminating repetitive code and being a better fit for common team architecture setups.

Additional Resources

Find an example of usage of the CDS-TS-Samples GitHub

Love all your new libraries. They seem to remove a lot of boilerplate functional code and are really awesome for anyone who love TypeScript, CAP and well structured, maintainable code.
Thank you very much for sharing the libraries and the demos.
Thank you, really appreciate it.
Active Contributor

Cause I just started a new project I was curious what happened to CAP with typescript in the last months and I found this Blog Post.

So far I had a look at the documentation in your git repo. It sounds amazing. Will definetely use it and probably also it's sibling project cds-ts-repository.

Thank you so much.

0 Kudos


Let us know of you need guidance.

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