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In this blog post you will learn, how to create a basic business service using Core Data & Services (CDS), Node.js, and SQLite, by making use of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) combined with a SAP Fiori Worklist Floorplan. This is done in SAP Business Application Studio.

Basically, the same thing can be done by using Visual Studio Code with the extension for SAP CDS Language Support. I choose the Business Application Studio, because this gives me the opportunity to make use of the layout editor, which is not yet available in Visual Studio Code.

I followed and modified the following tutorial, to get things done:

The complete project can be cloned from my GitHub:

This is the first part of a tutorial with the intention to show how to integrate IoT devices and sensors into a SAP Business Service. The final result will be a OData service connected to a IoT network with the Bosch XDK, to monitor the level of bins and containers in a community. In this first part, we simulate the sensor with a Postman collection:



I love to go out cycling or walking and I noticed, that depending on the season or the weather or the location, some garbage bins are often overflowing while others that are more remote, remain empty.

So, I thought about a business service which every community can integrate in their SAP landscape, to keep their community clean.

The idea is to build an app, that shows the level of each garbage bin or glas container. Every bin or container has a sensor (in this tutorial simulated by a Postman collection) that reports the level to the SAP app via OData service, so the waste collector can empty the bin or container.

Thinking about the near future, this can trigger a self driving garbage collector to empty the garbage bin or glas container on demand. To simulate such a scenario I have build a little proof of concept with a self driving toy car, controlled by a Raspberry Pi and a Bosch connector, that reports the level of a bin or container to the SAP app. This tutorial will focus on the SAP business app though.


For this job is to have set up an free account on SAP BTP TRIAL:


  1. Create Dev Space on SAP BTP TRIAL account

  2. Deploy a data model to an SQLite database

  3. Build a Business Service using CAP and Node.js

  4. Create an OData service for CRUD operations on database

  5. Build a Fiori Worklist Floorplan

  6. Modify Worklist and use event handler

  7. Run app on localhost


  1. Create Dev Space on SAP BTP TRIAL account

Got to SAP BTP Trial and click on(or go directly to) SAP Business Application Studio

Then "Create Dev Space"

Give your Dev Space a name, I called it TestDev and choose "Full Stack Cloud Application". Click on "Create Dev Space":


Then the Dev Space needs a minute or two to get started.

Open your TestDev Space and the SAP Business Application Studio shows up:


2. Deploy a data model to an SQLite database

Add a new file to the "db" folder by right-clicking and "New" and call it data-model.cds.

Add the following code to data-model.cds:
namespace my.communitymanager;
using { managed } from '@sap/cds/common';

entity Buckets {
key ID : Integer;
title : String;
location : Association to Locations;
locationName : String;
level : Boolean;

entity Locations {
key ID : Integer;
name : String;
bucket : Association to Buckets on bucket.location = $self;
long : Decimal;
lat : Decimal;

entity CallsForDisposal : managed {
key ID : UUID;
bucket : Association to Buckets;
level : Boolean;

Add a new file to the "db" folder by right-clicking and "New" and call it csv/my.communitymanager-Buckets.csv to create a the file in the new folder csv.

Add the following code to my.communitymanager-Buckets.csv:

Add a new file to the "db" folder by right-clicking and "New" and call it csv/my.communitymanager-Locations.csv to create a the file in the new folder csv.

Add the following code to my.communitymanager-Locations.csv:

Save with Ctrl + S.

If CDS server is running, stop it with CTRL + D in the terminal.

Install SQLite3 packages:
npm i sqlite3 -D

Deploy the data model to an SQLite database:
cds deploy --to sqlite:db/my-communitymanager.db

Open SQLite and view the newly created database:
sqlite3 db/my-communitymanager.db -cmd .dump

To stop SQLite and go back to your project directory, choose CTRL+D.

Start CDS server again:
cds watch


3. Build a Business Service using CAP and Node.js

Choose "Start from template" to create a new project.

Choose "CAP Project" and click "Start":

Give it a name. I called it CommunityManager and click "Finish":

You will see the following structure in the EXPLORER:

Open a new Terminal by clicking Terminal -> New Terminal and run:
npm install

cds watch

This will try to start the CDS server. As there’s no content in the project so far, it just keeps waiting for content.

Add a new file to the "srv" folder by right-clicking and "New" and call it com-service.cds.

Add the following code to com-service.cds:
using my.communitymanager as my from '../db/data-model';

service DisposalService {

entity Buckets @readonly as projection on my.Buckets;
entity Locations @readonly as projection on my.Locations;
entity CallsForDisposal @insertonly as projection on my.CallsForDisposal;



4. Create an OData service for CRUD operations on database

Add a new file to the "srv" folder by right-clicking and "New" and call it com-service.js.

Add the following code to com-service.js:
module.exports = (srv) => {

const Buckets = 'my.communitymanager.Buckets'

// Set level of bucket. True -> Full, False -> Empty
srv.before ('CREATE', 'CallsForDisposal', async (req) => {
const disposal =
if (disposal.level == 1) console.log('level = true')
if (disposal.level == 0) console.log('level = false')
const tx = cds.transaction(req)
const affectedRows = await (
UPDATE (Buckets)
.set ({ level: disposal.level})
.where ({ ID: disposal.bucket_ID})


5. Build a Fiori Worklist Floorplan

Choose "SAP Fiori Application" to create a new project:

Choose "SAPUI5 freestyle" and then "SAP Fiori Worklist Application":

Choose "Use a Local CAP Project" as data source, select your CAP project as project folder and connect the "DisposalService" as OData service:

Configure the selected service as following:

Configure project attributes as following:

In the Terminal, follow the link to the App:

Open the SAPUI5 Web Application "/community-manager/webapp/index.html":

And see the first draft:


6. Modify Worklist and use event handler

Open Worklist.view.xml:

and add the following code to bring the table in a better shape:
<mvc:View xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:semantic="sap.f.semantic" controllerName="ns.communitymanager.controller.Worklist"><semantic:SemanticPage id="page" headerPinnable="false" toggleHeaderOnTitleClick="false">

<Title text="Community Manager"/>

<Table id="table" width="auto" items="{ path: '/Buckets', sorter: { path: 'title', descending: false } }" noDataText="{worklistView>/tableNoDataText}" growing="true" growingScrollToLoad="true" updateFinished=".onUpdateFinished">

<Title id="tableHeader" text="Buckets"/>
<SearchField id="searchField" tooltip="{i18n>worklistSearchTooltip}" search=".onSearch" width="auto">

<Column id="nameColumn">
<Text text="Bucket ID" id="columnID"/>
<Column xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:semantic="sap.f.semantic" xmlns="sap.m" id="unitNumberColumn_copy3" hAlign="Left">
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="Title" id="columnTitle"/>


<Column id="unitNumberColumn" hAlign="Left">
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="Location" id="columnLocationID"/>
<Column xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:semantic="sap.f.semantic" xmlns="sap.m" id="unitNumberColumn_copy2" hAlign="Left">
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="Level" id="columnServiceCall"/>



<items><ColumnListItem type="Navigation" press=".onPress">
<ObjectIdentifier title="{ID}" id="identifier0"/>
<ObjectAttribute text="{ path: 'title', formatter: '.formatter.textUnit' }" id="attribute0"/>
<ObjectNumber number="{ path: 'locationName', formatter: '.formatter.integerUnit' }" unit="{location}" id="number0"/>
<ObjectStatus xmlns="sap.m" id="status0" state="{= ${level} === 'Yes' ? 'Error' : 'Success'}" text="{= ${level} === 'Yes' ? 'Full' : 'Empty'}"/>

<semantic:SendEmailAction id="shareEmail" press=".onShareEmailPress"/>


And see the changes in the app:

Open "Worklist.controller.js":

and add the onRefresh() call to the onUpdateFinished function, that the function looks like this:
 onUpdateFinished : function (oEvent) {
// update the worklist's object counter after the table update
var sTitle,
oTable = oEvent.getSource(),
iTotalItems = oEvent.getParameter("total");
// only update the counter if the length is final and
// the table is not empty
if (iTotalItems && oTable.getBinding("items").isLengthFinal()) {
sTitle = this.getResourceBundle().getText("worklistTableTitleCount", [iTotalItems]);
} else {
sTitle = this.getResourceBundle().getText("worklistTableTitle");
this.getModel("worklistView").setProperty("/worklistTableTitle", sTitle);

Check the app once again. It should still look like this:

Open SQLite in a second terminal window:
sqlite3 db/my-communitymanager.db -cmd .dump

Change the Level of Bucket 101:
sqlite> UPDATE my_communitymanager_Buckets SET level = 1 WHERE ID = 101;

The Level in Bucket 101 changes from Empty to Full:


7. Run app on localhost

Now the OData service can be used by either deploy it in the cloud and expose it, or run it locally. To expose the OData service, follow this tutorial:

To keep things simple, I choose to run it locally here.

Go to your DevSpace, download the sources and save it to a folder of your choice on your local machine:

Navigate to the folder where you saved the sources, extract it, navigate inside the root folder of the project and install the CDS development kit:
npm i -g @sap/cds-dk

On Linux/Mac follow the steps here.

Run Node Package Manager installation, to install the dependencies defined in package.json:
npm install

Install SQLite3 packages:
npm i sqlite3 -D

Start CDS server:
cds watch

Open the Web Application in your browser by following the link provided by the CDS server:

You can see the Community Manger running locally on your machine:

Click on the following link and save the file to a folder of your choice: postman.json.

Download the Postman app and import the postman.json to the postman collection and send the "Calls without UUID" request. (When CDS server is listening on localhost:4004, just click send. Otherwise use the right port):

See how the Level in the Web Application changes from Full to Empty(level : false -> Empty, level : true -> Full):

Congratulations, you have created a basic business service with a OData service and a SAPUI5 app. You have learned how to use the SAP Business Application Studio, to use and modify a template and how to trigger a service with a REST API.

If you want to go further from this point, check on my GitHub to learn, how to develop a data service on the Bosch XDK and stream sensor data to the SAP app. The XDK is a wireless sensor device that enables rapid prototyping of sensor based products and applications for the Internet of Things (IoT). The XDK will be used to make a bin or container IoT ready. It connects a bin or container to the SAP app to frequently deliver the level.

See the final result in my LinkedIn article: How to Trigger a Self-Driving Car with the Bosch XDK and a SAP Business Application in a Toy Story

Please feel free to leave me a comment and/or feedback.
Great explanation and use case!
0 Kudos
Thank you Warren!
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