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In last month’s SAP Developers News featuring Code Connect, SAPInsider Challenge, Reuse Access Controls, BTP Terraform | SAP Developer News - YouT... I encountered the new Terraform provider designed for SAP BTP.

Consequently, I considered experimenting with it and documenting the process using my trial account.

Before jumping into the steps, please go through the following links for the details.

I am going to set up the account in two steps:

  1. Setting up the BTP sub-account.
  2. Setting up the Cloud Foundry environment.

N.B: Please use two separate folders for the step 1 & 2.

Step 1:  Setting up the BTP sub-account.

Here, I will use three files: (which contains the provider details), (the config file), and trial-account.tfvars (which contains the variables) for setting up the BTP sub-account using Terraform.

Please check the below section for the details.

  1. - Here, I am providing the provider details of the SAP BTP.




terraform {
  required_providers {
    btp = {
      source  = "SAP/btp"
      version = "1.2.0"

provider "btp" {
  globalaccount = "{global account id}-ga"
  username      = "your BTP email ID"
  password      = "your BTP password"



  • - Here, I am writing the configurations for the account set-up.


# variable declarations
variable "parent-dir-name" {
  type        = string
  description = "This is a parent directory"

variable "child-dir-name" {
  type        = string
  description = "This is a child directory"

variable "sub-account-name" {
  type        = string
  description = "This is a sub-account"

variable "sub-account-cf-env-name" {
  type        = string
  description = "This is cloud foundry environment"

variable "sub-account-role-collection-admin" {
  type        = string
  description = "This is the sub-account admin role collection"

# setting up the btp parent directory
resource "btp_directory" "parent-dir-name" {
  name = var.parent-dir-name
  description = "This is a parent directory"

# setting up the btp sub directory with ENTITLEMENT and AUTHORIZATIONS features enabled
resource "btp_directory" "child-dir-name" {
  parent_id =
  name      = var.child-dir-name
  description = "This is a child directory"


# setting up thr btp sub-account
resource "btp_subaccount" "sub-account-name" {
  name      = var.sub-account-name
  subdomain =
  region    = "us10" #"ap21"
  parent_id =

# creates a cloud foundry environment in a given account
resource "btp_subaccount_environment_instance" "cloudfoundry" {
  subaccount_id    =
  name             = var.sub-account-cf-env-name
  environment_type = "cloudfoundry"
  service_name     = "cloudfoundry"
  plan_name        = "trial"
  # some regions offer multiple environments of a kind and you must explicitly select the target environment in which
  # the instance shall be created. 
  # available environments can be looked up using the btp_subaccount_environments datasource
  parameters = jsonencode({
    instance_name = var.sub-account-cf-env-name

# setting up the role collection
resource "btp_subaccount_role_collection" "sub-account-role-collection-admin" {
  subaccount_id =
  name          = var.sub-account-role-collection-admin
  description   = "custom sub-account Administrator"

  roles = [
      name                 = "Subaccount Admin" # role name
      role_template_app_id = "cis-local!b4"     # application identifier
      role_template_name   = "Subaccount_Admin" # role template
      name                 = "Subaccount Service Administrator" # role name
      role_template_app_id = "service-manager!b1476"            # application identifier
      role_template_name   = "Subaccount_Service_Administrator" # role template
      name                 = "Destination Administrator" # role name
      role_template_app_id = "destination-xsappname!b62" # application identifier
      role_template_name   = "Destination_Administrator" # role template

# assign a single ser to a role collection on subaccount level
resource "btp_subaccount_role_collection_assignment" "custom-sub-account-admin-role-col" {
  subaccount_id        =
  role_collection_name = var.sub-account-role-collection-admin
  user_name            = "email id of the user"


  • trial-account.tfvars - Here, I am setting up the values of the variables used in the file. There is a particular way of using this file as this having a custom name (not terraform.tfvars). After all the files are created, please use the command: terraform init from the directory itself for the initialization.
  • Please use the below command for the using it and also for setting up the account.


# trial-account.tfvars contents
parent-dir-name = "test-parent-dir"
child-dir-name = "test-child-dir"
sub-account-name = "test-sub-account"
sub-account-cf-env-name = "test-cf-instance"
sub-account-role-collection-admin = "Custom Admin Role Collection"​
# command
terraform apply -var-file="trial-account.tfvars"​


The above codes will create the BTP sub-account shown in the screenshot below.


Step 2: Setting up the Cloud Foundry environment.

Here, I will use three files: (which contains the provider details), (the config file), and terraform.tfvars (which contains the variables) for setting up the BTP sub-account using Terraform.

  1. - Here, I am providing the provider details of the SAP Cloud Foundry.


terraform {
  required_providers {
    cloudfoundry = {
      source  = "cloudfoundry-community/cloudfoundry"
      version = "0.50.4"

provider "cloudfoundry" {
  api_url  = "" # BTP CF API Endpoint 
  user          = "your BTP email ID"
  password      = "your BTP password"


  • Here, I am writing the configurations for the account cloud foundry set-up.


# variable declarations
variable "managers" {
  type = list(any)
variable "developers" {
  type = list(any)
variable "auditors" {
  type = list(any)

# setting up the quota
# resource "cloudfoundry_org_quota" "large" {
#   name                     = "large"
#   allow_paid_service_plans = false
#   instance_memory          = 2048
#   total_memory             = 51200
#   total_app_instances      = 100
#   total_routes             = 50
#   total_services           = 200
#   total_route_ports        = 5
# }

# resource "cloudfoundry_org" "test-cf-instance" {
#   name  = "test-cf-instance"
#   quota =
# }

# creating space
resource "cloudfoundry_space" "cf-devspace" {
  name = "devspace"
  org  = "org id" 

# creating space users
resource "cloudfoundry_space_users" "cf-devspace-users" {
  space      =
  managers   = var.managers
  developers = var.developers
  auditors   = var.auditors

# creating services
data "cloudfoundry_service" "application-logs" {
  name = "application-logs"

resource "cloudfoundry_service_instance" "application-logs-srv" {
  name         = "app-logs-srv"
  space        =
  service_plan = data.cloudfoundry_service.application-logs.service_plans["lite"]
  depends_on   = []

data "cloudfoundry_service" "destination" {
  name = "destination"

resource "cloudfoundry_service_instance" "destination-service" {
  name         = "destination-service"
  space        =
  service_plan = data.cloudfoundry_service.destination.service_plans["lite"]
  depends_on   = []

data "cloudfoundry_service" "connectivity" {
  name = "connectivity"

resource "cloudfoundry_service_instance" "connectivity-service" {
  name         = "connectivity-service"
  space        =
  service_plan = data.cloudfoundry_service.destination.service_plans["lite"]
  depends_on   = []


  • Here, I am using the default naming convention not like the above. I am trying to show the possible ways known to me. 😀  After all the files are created, please use the command: terraform init from the directory itself for the initialization. Please use the below command for the applying the config.


# contents
managers = [""]
auditors = ["", ""]
developers = ["", ""]​
# command
terraform apply


The above codes will make changes to the BTP CF shown in the screenshot below.





That's it. 😀 I hope that you have found this simple blogpost helpful.

If I miss anything, please feel free to add in the comments.

Happy coding! 😀

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