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1 Introduction

The explosion of cloud and bots and container deployments in the digital century requires a paradigm shift on how organizations approach integration projects and what data and integration tools they need to procure. This blog takes you through the evolution of integration technologies in the last decade till SAP ISA-M guidelines and additionally it also provides you with a  decision criteria that you can use to help organizations to procure right tools for integrating on-premise and cloud applications especially in multi-cloud environments.


2 Background

In the nineties, most companies had some form of investment, often quite substantial, in what we willl call traditional Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Extract Transform Load(ETL) solutions to integrate different vendors applications and processes(EAI) and move mass data from source systems to target systems(ETL).

TIBCO, BEA Software, and WebMethods, Informatica went public, validating the first integration Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Extract Transform Load(ETL) markets . This burst of integration tools was fueled by the growth of core enterprise software, like ERP, HR, and CRM that businesses were installed at the organizations .

Now, 15 years later, Digital Transformation is centered around adopting best-of-breed apps and systems and enabling smart, fast, adaptable integrations and automations across all a company’s apps, APIs, data, people and devices to deliver innovative, personalized, multi-channel experiences. For integration platforms, that means the way businesses work has drastically changed from the days when the traditional integration tools were created. Business apps have become consumerized, mobile-centric, self-service, and low cost, but the Integration tools to connect these apps, often remain complex, technical and, at times, more expensive than the apps they are integrating. iPAAS(Integration platform as a service (iPaaS) are set of self-serve and self-disvovery integration tools that are developed to solve the exact problem i.e connecting on-premise and cloud systems.

3 Evolution of Integration

The following section describes the evolution of various integration terminologies and tools that evolved from 1990 to today for integrating applications from different vendors. Traditionally <<Client>> used EAI tools for on-premise application process integration and ETL tools for large volume of data replication and migration into different datawarehousing or database systems. According to Gartner , Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) have radically simplified the deployment of consumption of business applications and development platforms but increased the complexity of integration. iPaaS cloud solutions are created to address this challenge now challenging traditional on-premise middleware solutions like service bus products, due to their relative agility and ease-of use. The products typically have and intuitive console for deploying and managing integrations across the enterprise. Within iPaaS, there are enterprise, IT-centric tools and a new generation of simpler, self-service tools designed for citizen developers.

3.1 Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI)

Enterprise application integration is an integration framework composed of a collection of technologies and services which form a middleware or "middleware framework" to enable integration of systems and applications across an enterprise.In the words of research firm Gartner, EAI is the "unrestricted sharing of data and business processes among any connected application or data sources in the enterprise."[1]

EAI tools support two types of architecture but Enterprise Service Bus is widely adopted :

Hub And Spoke 

Hub-and-Spoke is a message oriented middleware that uses a central message broker. The communication is not made between pairs of applications, but between each application (spoke) and the central hub [1]. The broker functionalities include routing and messages transformation to the receiver spoke. This architecture allows content based routing, which performs based on information in the message header or in some element defined in the message body. The hub can apply rules to the content of the message and determine the receiver spokes [2].

Example : SAP PI

3.2 Enterprise Service Bus

An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is fundamentally an architecture. It is a set of rules and principles for integrating numerous applications together over a bus-like infrastructure. ESB products enable users to build this type of architecture, but vary in the way that they do it and the capabilities that they offer. The core concept of the ESB architecture is that you integrate different applications by putting a communication bus between them and then enable each application to talk to the bus. This decouples systems from each other, allowing them to communicate without dependency on or knowledge of other systems on the bus. The concept of ESB was born out of the need to move away from point-to-point integration, which becomes brittle and hard to manage over time.

Example : Apache MQ, Mulesoft etc, SAP PI JMS

3.3 Extraction Transform Load(ETL)

ETL is a process of extraction / reading a database, transforming or validating the data, and lastly loading/writing to a database. Extract, Transform & Load are three database functions that are combined into one tool  to pull data out of source databases and place it into target databases. ETL is used to migrate data from databases to others, to form data marts and data warehouses and also to convert databases from one format or type to another.

Example : Informatica,ab Initio etc

EAI/ESB Versus ETL Tools

When EAI When ETL
A high number of transactions Large amounts of data
Message transforms Complex transformations
Transformation act on a single row of data Transformation is data-set oriented
Little data augmentation Large data augmentation
1 to n ; m to n Point-to-point
Suitable for real-time data needs Suitable for large amounts of data
High volume, low footprint data exchange Generally used to move data between 2 or more databases/data repositories

4 Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) 

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) or Cloud Data Integration tools are platforms for building and deploying integrations. These can be built both within the cloud and between the cloud and enterprise on-premise applications.


iPaaS and ESB serve the same main purpose: the integration of enterprise systems and applications. The main difference between iPaaS and ESB lies in the kind of systems they integrate best, the level of complexity of their integrations, and their scalability.

Generally, iPaaS and ESB are on opposite ends of the continuum. iPaaS is a set of integration tools delivered from a public cloud and requires no on-premises hardware or software. iPaaS was specifically designed to handle the lightweight messaging and document standards (REST, JSON, etc.) used by today’s cloud apps.

ESB, on the other hand, is an on-premises software architecture model that typically utilizes technology common before the rise of the cloud. As such, its heavy on-premises footprint and older messaging and document standards work best for integrating on-premises and aggregated systems such as SAP.

5 SAP ISA-M Model

With cloud erp applications, IoT, big data or mobile apps added to existing landscapes, the scope of integration in hybrid landscapes is constantly increasing. This leads to multiple challenges for enterprise architects according to SAP CIO Guidelines:

Figure 2: Integration Challenges for Enterprise Architects  

SAP introduce ISA-M  to support the enterprise architects and tackle the outlined challenges. It includes a collection of typical integration use case patterns in a hybrid landscape that are technology-agnostic and can be mapped to integration services/technologies in a specific customer context. ISA-M has been successfully adopted in multiple global <<Client>>s and learnings have been incorporated into the methodology. SAP published new version in 2020 which you can refer in this blog.

5.1 SAP ISA-M Domains & Styles

Integration scenarios can be classified into following domains and styles in today's world. We need to follow the steps described in the next section to select the right integration tools for integrating different types of applications and moving large volume of data between on-premise and cloud systems after classifying the integration scenario into an application domain, integration style and use case pattern.


6 Integration Scenario ↔ Tool Mapping Best Practices

6. 1 Analyse Business Integration Scenario

SAP ISA-M methodology uses  standard integration application domains and integration styles and  use case patterns that enable an <<Client>> to systematically select the right iPAAS tools to integrate cloud and on-premise systems and minimizes the procurement of redundant tools . The pattern based tool selection helps <<Client>> to procure the right tools and minimize the license cost and also ensures integration designs are scalable and performant against new industry trends i.e serverless computing, devices, edge computing.

The following 4 steps have to be followed for the given integration business scenario to map the right tool

  • Identify Application Domain ( Example: User to Cloud, Cloud to Cloud etc)

  • Map Integration Style ( Example: Data/Integration/Process/Thing etc)

  • Map Use Case Pattern ( Example: A2A or Data Synchronization etc)

  • Select Technology or Tool Using Decision Criteria ( Example: SAP PI/PO, SAP CPI, SAP CPI Data Services, SAP Data Services etc)

7 Tool Mapping Decision Criteria

The following section explains various integration tools offered by SAP and high level decision criteria to pick the tool.

7.1 Process Integration Style

SAP Process Orchestration

SAP Process Orchestration combines the power of SAP Business Process Management, SAP Process Integration and SAP Business Rules Management into one integrated offering. The solution is used when your organization already made existing investment into SAP PO and we need to quickly automate and optimize business processes - from simple workflows to integrated processes that span applications, geographies, and organizational boundaries.

Decision Criteria

    • <<Client>> had already made existing investment in SAP PO

    • Integration requires orchestration of messages

    • <<Client>> is having less digital cloud footprint ( Ex: Government Organization who doesn't want to move IT systems on cloud due to confidentiality and security reasons)

    • EDI integration scenario requires complex EDI mappings and protocols that aren't supported by SCP Integration Services and require integration to B2B monitoring cockpit for more detailed error monitoring

    • Stakeholders aren't interested or don't have budget to invest in cloud integration tools

    • The integration scenario is already shipped as ESR content on service market place and not available on SCP Integration Services

    • Source or destination systems is on premise

    • The integration scenario is very complex and requires lot of look ups and transformations

    • The integration scenario requires integration with systems using adapters or features of adapters that aren't supported by SCP Integration Services

    • Integration involves highly sensitive data that can't be transmitted on cloud middleware

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On–Premise to Cloud
On–Premise to On-Premise

    • Application to Application

    • Business to Business Integration

    • Business Network Integration

SAP Cloud Platform Process Integration

SAP Cloud Platform Integration is used when we need to integrate processes and data between cloud apps, 3rd party applications and on-premises solutions. It's an open, flexible, on-demand integration system running as a core service on SAP Cloud Platform. SAP Cloud Platform Integration offers pre-built integration flows and graphical integration flows and mappings, you can seamlessly integrate across applications, third-party solutions and locations.

Decision Criteria

    • <<Client>> had already made investments in SCP Integration Services or SCP

    • Integration requires orchestration of messages

    • <<Client>> is having medium to large digital cloud footprint and digital strategy is defined

    • Stakeholders are keen and interested to invest in cloud integration tools

    • Source or destination systems is on cloud

    • EDI Content required for B2B Integration Scenario is available as pre-packaged content or we can implement integration scenario adapter of SCP IS. EDI doesn't require complex error handling.

    • The integration scenario is already shipped as pre-packaged content on API Hub

    • The integration scenario is supported by existing features of SCP Integration Service adapters

    • Integration doesn't involve highly sensitive data that can transmitted on cloud middleware

    • Integration doesn't require complex message restarting ability

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On–Premise to Cloud
On–Premise to On-Cloud
On-Cloud to Cloud

    • Application to Application

    • Business to Business Integration

    • Business Network Integration

SAP Cloud Connector

SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Connector is a simple on-premises integration agent that allows highly secure and reliable connectivity between your cloud applications and on-premises systems. It supports multiple protocols, fine grained audit logging and access control mechanisms, forwarding of the cloud user identity, and other services. Cloud Connector also consists of a destination service which eases the configuration and usage of remote services in cloud applications.

Decision Criteria

    • <<Client>> already procured SCP and want to connect on premise systems to cloud securely

    • <<Client>> doesn't want to maximize investment and reduce TCO instead of procuring additional network components to securely connect their on-premise landscape to cloud systems

    • <<Client>> want to identify and authenticate the users into on premise systems and provides audit logging of the inbound traffic and configuration changes

    • <<Client>> doesn't want to open firewall of the on-premise network i.e. an inbound/outbound port to establish connectivity from SAP Cloud Platform to on-premise systems.

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On–Premise to Cloud
Cloud to On-Premise
Process, User

    • Application to Application

    • Business to Business Integration

  SAP Cloud Workflow

SAP Cloud Platform Workflow allows partners and customers to build, run and manage workflows, from simple approvals to end-to-end processes that span across different organizations and applications. It will come with web-based tools for workflow modeling, APIs for consumption in custom applications, powerful monitoring tools and a set of Fiori-based applications for end user access.

Decision Criteria

    • <<Client>> already procured SCP account or has expressed interest to optimize processes across on premise and on cloud landscapes.

    • The integration involves complex orchestration workflows and tasks that need to be executed by various users inside and outside <<Client>> for executing a business process

    • Integration requires frequent monitoring and a user interface to monitor and execute the tasks quickly for drives business process efficiency

    • Integration involves executing and branching user tasks dynamically based on rules that may change based on user input

    • Integration needs user-friendly UI for business key users who are deprived of flexibility in changing their business logic to quickly translate business decision logic into a natural language that is configurable directly by these users.

    • Integration requires user-friendly UI to manage tasks and react to approvals

<<Client>> requires to create and customize process extensions for standard cloud processes and run integrated processes across multiple cloud products.

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns

On–Premise to Cloud

Cloud to On-Premise

    • Application to Application

    • Business to Business Integration

 SAP Cloud Platform Rabbit MQ

RabbitMQ on SAP Cloud Platform provides an open-source message broker on the platform. The service can be used as a middleware, to implement queues for application-to-application messaging. It enables straightforward connectivity between applications written in different programming languages. RabbitMQ supports the Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP). A range of open protocols such as MQTT, STOMP, JMS will be available in the future.

Decision Criteria

    • <<Client>> already procured SCP account or has expressed interest to publish/subscribe to messages or push notifications across on-premise and on cloud landscapes.

    • Integration requires clustering and federation of high available queues available on cloud

    • <<Client>> wants to reduce total cost of ownership and don't want to invest in procuring on-premise queueing tools

    • Integration Scenario requires publishing messages to various systems that are running on various platforms and implemented using different programming languages i.e. Java, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, Python and other languages can all communicate with a single message broker.

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
Cloud to Cloud
Cloud to On-Premise

    • Application to Application

    • Business to Business Integration

7.2 DATA Integration Style

SAP Process Orchestration

SAP Process Orchestration combines the power of SAP Business Process Management, SAP Process Integration and SAP Business Rules Management into one integrated offering. The solution is used when your organization already made existing investment into SAP PO and we need to quickly automate and optimize business processes - from simple workflows to integrated processes that span applications, geographies, and organizational boundaries.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already made investments into SAP Process Orchestration and has less cloud footprint

  • <<Client>> doesn't want to spend budget for procuring cloud integration

  • This tool is used for data synchronisation to non-HANA SAP Target systems or standard interfaces are already available

  • Data Replication volumes are low

  • Data Replication requires functionality that is not available on the SAP Cloud Platform Integration Services

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On–Premise to Cloud
On–Premise to On-Premise

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

SAP Cloud Platform Data Integration

SAP Cloud Platform Integration is used when we need to integrate processes and data between cloud apps, 3rd party applications and on-premises solutions. It's an open, flexible, on-demand integration system running as a core service on SAP Cloud Platform. SAP Cloud Platform Integration offers pre-built integration flows and graphical integration flows and mappings, you can seamlessly integrate across applications, third-party solutions and locations.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> procured Cloud Integration Tool and has current/future to increase digital footprint

  • Data Replication volumes are high

  • SCP DI edition of tool is used when we are synchronizing data to non-HANA SAP Target systems or standard interfaces are already available

  • Target system is Integrated Business Planning

  • Mass Data Volumes and ETL transformation required for multiple sources along with data cleansing before loading data into target systems

  • It is the recommended solution for on-premise-to-cloud ETL scenarios when the target system  is not running on SAP HANA, or when the target system  is running on SAP HANA but for whatever reason SAP HANA smart data integration cannot be used
    DI Edition has all the features to adapter to support data replication scenario

  • <<Client>> want to reduce SAP Data Service foot print to save licensing costs in future or don't have SAP Data Services in the current landscape.

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On–Premise to Cloud
On–Premise to On-Cloud
On-Cloud to Cloud

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

SAP Cloud Smart Data Integration

SAP Cloud Platform Smart Data Integration is used when we need to replicate, virtualize and transform data from multiple sources and store it in your SAP HANA instance on SAP Cloud Platform. Smart data integration offers pre-built adapters to common data sources plus an adapter SDK that lets you get data from any source for a 360-degree view of your business.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> procured HANA based cloud products or SAP HANA systems

  • Integration require data replication and transformation between multiple data bases provisioned on premise and cloud systems into SAP HANA in batch and real time mode

  • The target Database system is SAP HANA

  • Integration requires high volume synchronization of data in real-time

  • Source systems are databases i.e. not application servers and we can synchronise data without compromising data referential integrity by using tables

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
Cloud to Cloud
Cloud to On-Premise

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

 SAP Cloud Remote Data Synch

SAP Cloud Platform Remote Data Sync is used for bi-directional synchronization of complex structured data between many remote databases at the edge and SAP cloud databases at the center. There are still many applications that must work with intermittent connectivity. These include applications that are not suitable or economical to have a connection, or applications that must continue to operate in the face of unexpected network failures. SAP Cloud Platform Remote Data Sync allows you to create applications that use a local database, and then synchronizes with the cloud when a connection is available.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already made investments on SCP Account or HANA based products and want to reduce TCO by using cloud apps

  • Integration requires structured data to be available in local database online and offline mode during network failures

  • Integration scenario involves joining data into local database virtually between multiple databases and requires bi-directional data synchronisation of multiple databases on cloud and on-premise

  • Data doesn't require complex transformations. If they need then you have to use SAP Agile Data Preparation along with Remote Data Sync.

  • Databases involved are supported by SQL Anywhere

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
Cloud to Cloud
Cloud to On-Premise

  • Virtual Data Federation

SAP Cloud Agile Data Preparation

SAP Agile Data Preparation is a self-service data preparation application and is used frequently when providing data discovery, integration, and transformation capabilities. It is used for analytics, data migration, and master data management (MDM) initiatives.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already made investments on SCP Account or HANA based products and want to reduce TCO by using cloud apps

  • There is a requirement to profile data and extract, cleanse, transform and load the data from various source systems to target analytic systems or a new system an <<Client>> just procured on premise/cloud

  • Master Data needs to be cleansed and transformed before publishing to multiple systems

  • Categorisation of Master data is required depending on data cleansing rules for business users to identify and measure data quality and is used in conjunction with SAP Master Data Governance for enforcing data quality processes

  • Business users require interactive UI to profile and discover data quality issues

  • Reduce cycle times of migration and analytic projects by helping business users and data stewards to identify and fix data quality issues

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
Cloud to Cloud
Cloud to On-Premise

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

  • Data Quality Management

SAP Data Services

SAP Data Services is an ETL tool used for migrating or replicating data from various source systems into target systems. It allows users to develop and execute workflows that take data from predefined sources called data stores (applications, Web services, flat-files, databases, etc.) and then allows the user to combine, transform, and refine that data, and then output the results back to the same or different data stores.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already had made existing investments and built many ETL interfaces on SAP Data Services and is a strategic ETL tool for connecting on premise systems

  • <<Client>> is just piloting digital cloud and has very less digital foot print and doesn't have the digital strategy clearly defined

  • There is a requirement to profile data and extract, cleanse, transform and load the data from various source systems to target analytic systems or a new system an <<Client>> just procured on cloud

  • Master Data needs to be cleansed and transformed before publishing to multiple systems

  • Data Quality is a must for business process efficiency

  • Transformations are complex and aren't supported by SAP Agile Preparation

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

  • Data Quality Management

SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server

SLT is the standard real-time on premise replication tool for big data for SAP ABAP-based source systems - Unicode and non-Unicode - to SAP HANA, to all DBs supported by SAP, to the SAP Business Suite and to SAP applications, but also supporting non-SAP sources as covered by the SAP Product Availability Matrix.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already had made investment on SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server and procured HANA

  • Integration Scenario requires replicating data from SAP HANA and ABAP-based source systems into ABAP or non-ABAP-based target systems running on a database supported by the SAP NetWeaver® technology platform.

  • Requirement doesn't require real time replication or Target system isn't supported by SAP Data Services

  • Integration Scenarios require only lightweight transformations capabilities such as filtering and simple data manipulation

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

  • Data Quality Management

SAP Hybris Data Hub

The SAP Hybris Commerce, Data Hub enables you to connect Hybris Omni-commerce capabilities with an external solution (for example ECC integration points) through easy import and export of data.

Data hub uses a database ingested 'raw' data, translation mappings, and a 'canonical form' of data and which is populated with data from one or more sources and from which data is taken to one or more destinations.

It is only suitable for asynchronous data transfer, and so is typically used for simple transfers (e.g. sending an order from hybris) or simple batches (e.g. receiving order history data).

Data Hub is no longer recommended for use with Commerce Cloud, v2 (newer Azure-based cloud infrastructure) which now primarily uses CPI for integration, but is still available, and still required for some integrations that have not yet been implemented in CPI.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already had procured Hybris Commerce

  • Integration scenario requires to synchronize and connect various data models from omni-channels into Hybris Commerce

  • Data fragments from omni-channels should be consolidated and grouped.

  • User should be able to categorize and assign data using an Interactive UI

  • The integration of Hybris Commerce to external systems is via the pre-integrated connectors

  • CPI is not available to the customer as an integration platform

  • A required integration is not yet available in CPI

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

SAP Master Data Governance

SAP Master Data Governance (MDG) is a state-of-the-art master data management solution, providing out-of-the-box, domain-specific master data governance and it is used when an organization requires to centrally create, change, and distribute, or consolidate master data across your complete enterprise system landscape. Please check the recent SAP roadmap on MDG to recommend the best deployment option for the customer based on their future cloud strategy.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> defined the global data models for master data objects and doing a template-based roll out

  • Integration Scenario requires to centrally create and maintain a consolidated best record from SAP or non-SAP systems

  • Leverage a verifiable audit trail of when, why, and by whom master data is changed

  • Replicate master data across on-premise and cloud systems without compromising data consistency

  • Data governance is only required for structured data and the company has no plans to govern unstructured data i.e Big Data else you may want to look at SAP Data Hub or Graph database

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-PremiseCloud to Cloud

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

  • Data Quality

  • Master Data Governance

SAP Master Data Integration

With MDI the SAP Integration Suite – SAP´s Hybrid Integration Platform has a new capability helping customers to share and synchronize business objects across SAP’s integrated Intelligent Suite. The service uses SAP One Domain Model as the exchange format to achieve a consistent view of master data across end-to-end business processes in the integrated Intelligent Suite.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> wants to distribute master data from SAP cloud applications to different SAP cloud applications like Salesforce, Successfactors using one domain model.

  • <<Client>> has SAP Cloud Platform license

  • Master Data Object is available and can be enhanced on SCP MDI

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns

Cloud to On-Premise

Cloud to Cloud

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication


Magnitude SourceConnect is SAP Partner Solution Extension that enables faster, better, and more cost-effective SAP Central Finance implementations by enabling and streamlining third-party data integration. Magnitude SourceConnect solutions are globally available through SAP as SAP Solution Extensions. SAP S/4HANA Central Finance aggregates all financial transactions into a powerful central system allowing companies to achieve full finance transformation and gain major strategic advantages and magnitude helps to replicate data from non-sap systems into SAP S/4 HANA CFIN System.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> wants to integrate non-sap systems with SAP S/4 HANA CFIN systems

  • <<Client>> already has SLT but don't want to build custom flows in SAP BODS or SAP HANA SDI

  • Separate the Central Finance project from a data governance project

  • Avoid the impractical effort, risk, complications, and difficulty of developing your own home-grown data integration and harmonization capabilities for integrating third-party data sources into SAP Central Finance.

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns

Cloud to On-Premise

Cloud to Cloud

On-Premise to On-Premise

  • SAP CFIN Data Synchronisation


SAP Advanced Data Migration by Syniti, Cloud Edition is natively integrated with SAP Data Services. Syniti solution can help speed time to go-live for your SAP applications through automation, prebuilt content, and expert services.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> wants to migrate SAP legacy systems into a new suite of SAP Cloud products like SAP S/4 HANA, SAP Ariba, SAP SuccessFactors

  • <<Client>> already has SAP BODS license

  • <<Client>> Data Migration Objects are standard and Data Objects are fully supported by Syniti

  • <<Client>> want to use speed up data migration using the Syniti built-in migration content

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns

Cloud to On-Premise

Cloud to Cloud

On-Premise to On-Premise

  • Data Migration

  • Data Quality

SAP Smart Data Access

SAP Smart Data Access allows customers to access data virtually from remote sources such as Hadoop, Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server and SAP databases and combine it with data that resides in an SAP HANA database.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> had procured SAP HANA and want to merge data in heterogeneous EDW landscape

  • SAP HANA data needs to be merge with other heterogeneous data sources like Hadoop, Teradata, SAP Sybase ASE and SAP Sybase IQ and run reports across the EDW landscape

  • Create Applications by running HANA models across disparate data sources

  • Customers can access IQ as an archived storage to store cold data in IQ and real time hot data in SAP HANA and Address Big Data challenges by connecting to Hadoop using the Hive interface

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud

  • Master Data Synchronisation

  • Data Replication

 SAP Data Hub

SAP Data Hub is a data sharing, pipelining, and orchestration solution that helps companies accelerate and expand the flow of data across their modern, diverse data landscapes.SAP Data Hub provides visibility and access to a broad range of data systems and assets; allows the easy and fast creation of powerful, organization-spanning data pipelines; and optimizes data pipeline execution speed with a “push-down” distributed processing approach at each step.

   Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> wants to pipleline and orchestrate bigdata

  • Integration scenario involves Bigdata warehousing, IoT Ingestion

  • Data Focused ( Tables/Views, Storages,technical events)

  • High frequent event processing

  • Advanced data transformation & processing

  • Distributed data processing & serverless computing

  • Organizations looking for an easier way to understand, manage, and get greater value from their complex data landscape, including data held on premise and in the cloud, in data lakes, data warehouses, and data marts

  • Organizations that want to be able to quickly create data-driven applications and analytics that leverage data from across the organization

  • Organizations challenged by integrating Big Data (such as IoT, Social Media, Web Log, or Streaming Data) into Enterprise landscapes for operational efficiency and/or analytic insights.

  • Organizations looking for solutions to control and manage Big Data Lakes effectively (Data Transformations, Governance, Operations, Harmonization, Stream Integration, Coding, Scripting, Consolidation)

  • Organizations trying to combine and integrate a SAP HANA-based landscape (Data Warehouse, BW, etc.) with Big Data Lakes

S4 HANA Migration Cockpit

This tool is provided out-of the box for  migrating data into SAP S4 HANA systems.

Decision Criteria

  • We can use this tool when we are migrating small volumes with low complex transformations into S4 hana system from couple of source systems .

  • If we need to migrate large volumes and do complex transformations and want to automate migration process without lot of manual work then SAP Data Services or CPI Data Services is generally recommended.

C4 Marketing File Import Tools

This tool is provided out-of the box for  migrating data into C4 marketing systems.

Decision Criteria

  • We can use this tool when we are migrating small volumes with low complex transformations into C4 Markekting systems from couple of source systems .

  • If we need to migrate large volumes and do complex transformations and want to automate migration process without lot of manual work then SAP Data Services or CPI Data Services is generally recommended.

C4 Migration/Data Workbench

This tool is provided out-of the box for  migrating data into C4C Migration/Data Workbench.

Decision Criteria

  • We can use this tool when we are migrating small volumes with low complex transformations into C4 Customer Cloud system from couple of source systems .

  • If we need to migrate large volumes and do complex transformations and want to automate migration process without lot of manual work then SAP Data Services or CPI Data Services is generally recommended.

Gigya/Customer Data Cloud Flows

This tool is provided out-of the box for  migrating data into C4 Customer Data Cloud i.e Gigya.

Decision Criteria

  • We can use this tool when we are migrating small volumes with low complex transformations into C4 Customer Data Cloud i.e Gigya from couple of source systems .

  • If we need to migrate large volumes and do complex transformations and want to automate migration process without lot of manual work then SAP Data Services or CPI Data Services is generally recommended.

SuccessFactor File Import Tools

This tool is provided out-of the box for  migrating data into Successfactor Systems.

Decision Criteria

  • We can use this tool when we are migrating small volumes with low complex transformations into Successfactors from couple of source systems.

  • If we need to migrate large volumes and do complex transformations from many source systems and want to automate migration process without lot of manual work then SAP Data Services or CPI Data Services is generally recommended.

SAP Inforporter Tool

Infoporter is SAP’s own tool for migrating data from SAP HCM module to SuccessFactors Employee Central. It is deployed as part of the integration add-on for SAP ERP and SuccessFactors Employee Central.

Decision Criteria

  • SAP Infoporter is the recommend technology when migrating from SAP HCM to Employee Central and replicating Employee Central changes back to SAP HCM.

  • If we need to migrate large volumes and do complex transformations from many source systems and want to automate migration process without lot of manual work then SAP Data Services or CPI Data Services is generally recommended.

EAI/ETL i.e Process/Data Integration Tool Selection Heat Map

The following graphic from SAP shows the high level heatmap on when to choose EAI/ETL i.e Process/Data Integration Tools. 

7.3 User Integration Style

SAP Cloud Platform API Management

SAP Cloud Platform API Management is an open-extension platform that simplifies integration with SAP and non-SAP solutions. It enables businesses to easily share digital assets as application programming interfaces (APIs) beyond traditional applications and websites with business partners to create business networks and cross-company collaboration. SAP Cloud Platform API Management provides the unique ability to connect devices to business transactions, as well as allows companies to build business networks, offering enterprises the ability to scale and innovate while opening up new channels, partner ecosystems, and revenue opportunities.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> has clearly defined digital roadmap and medium to large digital cloud footprint

  • <<Client>> want to drive business process efficiency and agility by inviting customers and partner to collaborate and constantly innovate and rapidly deploy solutions to market by reducing development cycles incrementally

  • <<Client>> want to charge API by setting Rate Limits and Usage Policies

  • <<Client>> want to minimize cost by reducing redundant integrations across geographies and like to have a central repository for discovering API(S)

  • Integration requires to send highly sensitive data between cloud and on-premise and requires protection from Internet

  • Integration requires users and apps to authenticate using standard authorization, and security policies to effectively secure access to your data and services.

  • Integration requires to connect new apps and scaling of infrastructure and mechanisms to roll out new versions of the API to users and allow them to migrate applications and/or detect/switch between prior versions

  • Integration requires performance monitoring and real time analytics of API usage

Application Domainz Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud
Thing to Cloud
Thing to On-Premise

    • User Integration

    • Desktop Integration

    • Mobile Integration

    • Thing to Things

SAP Cloud Platform OData Provisioning

SAP Cloud Platform OData Provisioning is used to securely bring data from on premise SAP Business Suite systems into SAP Cloud Platform to build new user facing apps or extending existing ones with new features and functionality. It provides flexibility to develop user-centric applications quickly and easily with SAP Cloud Platform OData Provisioning.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> wants to integrate SAP Backend with web or mobile apps using "ODC" or "OData Channel" protocol/adapter i.e. expose backend data in OData format and make it available in cloud for consumption

  • <<Client>> doesn't have clear digital roadmap and integration landscape is very simple

  • <<Client>> wants to build simple UI applications which use OData services to extract specific data that users can consume on engaging applications and don't have budget for procuring API / SCP Integration Services

  • <<Client>> want to reuse and leverage SAP Gateway services created in on-premises systems by exposing the end-point via the Internet as an OData service and minimize licensing costs for SAP Gateway Hub

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud

  • User Integration

  • Desktop Integration

  • Mobile Integration

  SAP Gateway Hub

SAP Gateway, an on premise integral part of SAP NetWeaver, lets you connect devices, environments, and platforms to SAP systems. It uses the Open Data Protocol (OData) so you can use any programming language or model to connect to SAP and non-SAP applications.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already invested in Gateway and implemented multiple restful services on Gateway Hub

  • <<Client>> doesn't have clear digital roadmap and integration landscape is very simple

  • <<Client>> wants to build simple UI applications which use OData services to extract specific data that users can consume on engaging applications and don't have budget for procuring API / SCP Integration Services

  • Integration requires changing existing or enhancing existing service i.e. not creating new service

  • The costs for re-implementing the SAP backend OData services in SCP OData Provisioning will negate the monetary gain of shifting from SAP NW Gateway Hub licensing to SCP OData Provisioning

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud

  • User Integration

  • Desktop Integration

  • Mobile Integration

7.4 Thing Integration Style

SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Messaging Framework

SAP Cloud Platform Enterprise Messaging is a cloud-based messaging framework that enables you to connect applications, services, and devices across various technologies, platforms, and clouds. This tool is used when we need to consume and publish millions of messages per second in real-time, you can send and receive messages reliably using open standards and protocols (such as MQTT) especially during IoT integration.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>>s need to connect Iot Applications with backend and cloud systems

  • Integration requires to send high volume of data i.e. millions of messages every second

  • Integration requires messaging using STOMP and MQTT protocols and ability to scale the infrastructure according to the spikes in the incoming traffic

  • Integration requires to publish unstructured data to multiple systems

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud
Thing to Cloud
Thing to On-Premise

  • User Integration

  • Desktop Integration

  • Mobile Integration

  • Things To Big Data Lakes

  • Things to Things

SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things

SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things Service enables customers and partners to connect IoT devices and develop, customize, and operate IoT business applications in the cloud and pilot #IoT apps.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>> already invested in SCP and want to pilot Internet of Thing device projects

  • <<Client>> want to have central development lifecycle management at scale for IoT devices, from onboarding to decommissioning.

  • Integration requires magnitude of devices over a broad variety of protocols to derive business relevant data

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On-Premise to On-Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud
Thing to Cloud
Thing to On-Premise

  • User Integration

  • Desktop Integration

  • Mobile Integration

  • Things To Big Data Lakes

  • Things to Things

Smart Data Streaming

SAP HANA smart data streaming (SDS) is used to stream incoming events/messages in real-time as soon as they arrive and extract insight from that raw data, allowing you to respond as fast as things happen.

Decision Criteria

  • <<Client>>s need to derive insights from large volumes of unstructured and structured Sensors or IoT or social feed data

  • Need to analyze and transform data streaming in from massive numbers of smart devices

  • Need to raise insightful alerts and warn people of potential hazards before they happen by predicting patterns analyzing data using machine learning techniques

  • Integration scenario requires to generate Real-time alerts or immediate response actions based on the rules setup by analyzing millions of records.

Application Domain Integration Style Use Case Patterns
On premise to On Premise
Cloud to On-Premise
Cloud to Cloud
Thing to Cloud
Thing to On-Premise

Things To Big Data Lakes

Things to Things

Things to Things

User to Things

0 Kudos

For the CPI-DI(Data Integration), does it need to install data service agent in the on-premise server to replicate on-premise to SCP ?

Is it to install agent mandatory?

Below link depicts agent is a mandatory task to compose CPI-DS.

thanks and Best regards
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Yes, it is mandatory.
0 Kudos
Hi Sravya,


Thanks for the blog. Can you please explain or share any reference blog how to load data from a cloud Hana DB to on premise system through remote source .
Hi Sravya,

Great blog, very detailed with lots of info on various areas!

Still regarding point 7.1 Process Integration - for the application domain On-premise to On-premise I see that only PO= Process orchestration is recommended and not CPI. But PO will be "discontinued" soon. Would then be recommended to use CPI also for the On-premise to On-premise scenarios? Or should we look better to another ESB for this purpose?

Thank you in advance for consideration,

Alina Ifrim
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