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Although there is no substantial configuration prevailing for Fix pace, While using the Fix Pace, if you are unclear about the concepts and navigation, here are few top common issues and queries which would pop out.Do glance at these key points in detail, which shall help you to start your fix pace implementation seamlessly.



  1. I am unable to view change request tiles in work center!

  2. Is the workflow process of fix pace same as in charm?

  3. What are all the different roles involved in RFC process?

  4. Is there an approval procedure available in fix pace?

  5. While creating a RFC, Change cycle is empty; unable to assign a cycle as shown below!

  6. What is the difference between release cycle and release?

  7. Is Urgent change same as in conventional charm?

  8. What is a standard change in Fix pace?

  9. What is the Prerequisite for a standard change?

  10. Standard change S1SG creation option is unavailable in CRM? Then how do I create it?

Top Common Q&A

  1. I am unable to view change request tiles in work center!

From the Tool lead role, In App finder, Add the option “ Fix pace” from available options to enable these 3 tiles.


2. Is the workflow process of fix pace same as in charm?

It is slightly different.  CM validates and approves RFC and defines scope as Urgent Change or standard change. Release manager imports into Prod system.

3. What are all the different roles involved in RFC process?

All roles remain same except the Release manager replaces IT operator during the  status “ hand over to Production

Change Manager and Release manager role in Fix pace:


4. Is there an approval procedure available in fix pace?

Create Approval procedures by conventional method. Here, you can add any number of approvals as required. This is done by Change Manager


5. While creating a RFC, Change cycle is empty; unable to assign a cycle as shown below!

Change the status of Release phase to “ hyper care”

Fix pace can be used only in Hyper-care phase and Operate phase. Fix pace is primarily used for corrections post go live

6. What is the difference between release cycle and release?

SMRE is Release cycle, belongs to the conventional charm

S1MR is Release, belongs to the Focused Build Fix pace.

Below is a release: S1MR


Below is a release cycle: SMRE


7. Is Urgent change same as in conventional charm?

It is same flow with different naming in step 5 and 6 of the workflow. In SMHF & S1HF, it is authorized by Change manager. In terms of PROD Import, S1HF will be imported by release manager, by changing status “ handover to production”  whereas in SMHF it is done by Release manager.




8. What is a standard change in Fix pace?

Standard change is used for low risk changes and frequently used.  No approval required. Optionally we have Toc concept available in Standard change.

S1SG: standard change Process

A Default approval procedure is available , and the CM has to approve. Custom is also possible, you can use the one you already created in conventional charm .  It can be created in “My Request for Change” app.


9. What is the Prerequisite for a standard change?

To indicate which objects are uncritical there is white list to maintain in the admin cockpit. Standard changes are no-risk or low-risk changes and can therefore be processed without approval

What if you are unaware of the object names to whitelist?

If you find difficulty in finding the object name. Here is the way to simplify it.


10. Standard change S1SG creation option is unavailable in CRM? Then how do I create it?

Remember, standard change does not have exclusive option in CRM. You can access via checkbox appended in RFC of  Fix pace to create one as shown below.



Hope all the above points should have given you a fair idea on how and where to get it started. Do refer the configuration guides and SAP help pages for further insights to bridge the gaps on any out of box queries. Cheers!

Refer Part-1 below: Fix Pace (Common Q&A)
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