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Outbound IDOC for Post Goods Movements using message type MBGMCR.


MBGMCR message type is a SAP provided message type for Post goods movements, we get the data from external systems and the Material document number is generated in S4 system.

But we don't have any specific message type to send the Material document information when a Post goods movement is done in S/4 HANA 1511 system.


Hence we use the message type MBGMCR for sending material document information to external systems using IDOCs.


In our scenario we use BRF+ application to get the partner profile and partner function details, which in turn used to send the IDOC to external systems.


We are using the FM MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE to trigger the IDOC manually from the S/4 HANA 1511 system while Post goods movement.


We need to create an implementation for the following BADI.




IDOC details:

Basic type: MBGMCR


BADI implementation: FM to send IDOC

Build the IDOC structure and transfer it using the following FM.

The following is an example for triggering an outbound IDOC during PGM in MIGO

Transfer posting:


Document posted successfully and the Material Document number is 4900008344

An IDOC has been generated, Transaction WE02:

The same Material number 4900008344 which has been created in MIGO is passed as a Reference document number to the external systems.

The Data records of the IDOCS.


The data records are depends upon our requirement.

Hence material document details are transferred from S/4HANA 1511 system to external systems through outbound IDOCs.
0 Kudos
Hello Friend,
We have maintained the settings(NACE, BD64, WE20 etc..) to create MBGMCR IDOC for transfer posting in MIGO. Initially we used to get 2 outbound IDOCs for every successful 309 movement. One IDOC for reducing the stock from one material and other IDOC to increase the stock of other material. Since few days we are getting only 1 IDOC for this 309, which is for increasing the stock of second material.
Request for suggestions to get 2 IDOCS for this movement type, if you have faced any such kind of situation.

0 Kudos
Hi Raghava,

2 IDOCs be genereted, my thinking is your settings be triggered twice, so NACE + BD64 might be the wrong solution, regarding the method to identify the issue, what I thought is set break point at  FM:"MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE", and set up update task and backgroud debugging mode, then you should know the root cause.

I suggest you simply use enhancement to send material document idoc via Badi that mentioned this article,




hope helps


Best wishes,

0 Kudos


Could you please provide me with output type, that you’ve used to set IDOC for 309 movement?

0 Kudos
In NACE which output type you have used to trigger the IDOC.

I have requirement to send MIGO information to vendor whenever Good receipt is performed.

Which IDOC message type and MIGO output i have to use ???
0 Kudos

I am facing an issue for the same message type when we do MIGO 101 for outbound delivery from external system, the Idoc generated with Error and there are total 4 segments while the 5th one is not coming. Could you please help me with that?
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