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This blog would explain how to enable the Planviz for analyzing the S/4 HANA views.

PlanViz is not available through HANA studio in S/4 System, and I was not sure how to do them PlanViz until I came across Jerry Wang's blog series ( How to use Planviz Detailed blog ). I followed step by step procedure but I wasn't successful. I was able to create a test program as suggested in the above blog, but when I was trying to export trace from ST05 to the PLV file I ran into an error as shown below.

The error looked like some system side restriction or some HANA setting is missing in our landscape. After reading hundreds of notes and blogs I came across a blog which was suitable the above error.

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I had to ask my admin to make PLANVIZ_ENABLE to TRUE as I am trying to enable the Planviz. Then I tried to export the PLV file from the trace, this time I was successful.

I could able to get the file into HANA Studio and able to trace where was the exact issue.  But I had to modify the program whenever I change the parameters or If I want to Analyze the different CDS view.

I thought why can't I try enabling the trace when I am executing my CDS through Studio. Amazingly it worked, I could able to get the PLANVIZ file without the ABAP program. As I eliminated program we were able to enable the setting in a Quality system also where we could able to use Planviz more efficiently with good test data.


Hope this Blog would make your life easier for analyzing the CDS views.



1 Comment
Active Participant
Hi Shanti,


By Default PLANVIZ_ENABLE has the value TRUE.

Therefore: In the System where you tried to run the Planviz somenone manually changed the value to FALSE (for whatever reason). Just out of curiosity: did you ask the Admin why he (or one of his colleagues) did this?
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