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CDS View entities were release as of ABAP release 7.55  and SAP is currently migrating its CDS DDIC-based views (DEFINE VIEW, deprecated syntax) to CDS view entities (DEFINE VIEW ENTITY, new syntax).

To support this migration, SAP had already provided tools and utilities shown below and are explained in this wonderful blog by aschlott

Tool name Technical name Available since
Program that lists all usages of CDS-managed DDIC views RUT_WHERE_USE_SQLVIEW SAP Note 3201681
Program for migration analysis RUTDDLS_MIGRATION_CANDIDATES ABAP 7.56 | ABAP Platform 2021
Manual migration ABAP 7.56 | ABAP Platform 2021
Program for tool-based migration RUTDDLSV2MIGRATION ABAP 7.56 | ABAP Platform 2021
ADT migration wizard

ABAP quarterly release 7.91

S/4HANA Version 2023

ADT based Wizard, to assist with this migration, was released for Public cloud with version 2302.

Good news is , this Wizard is now available for on-premise users with version 2023.


In this blog , i will quickly show you how to use this wizard. Let's begin...

As a prerequisite , you can start with the identification of all the DDIC based CDS views and you could create a repository tree for that as is suggest in the above mention blog from Andrea.

Once identified follow the below steps:

  • Select the DDIC based CDS view you want to migrate to CDS view entity and right click

  • You will see the additional option "Migrate to CDS View Entity"

  • Following screen will show all the selected DDIC CDS views for migration.

  • Click Next and we will see two options on the next screen

    • Simulate - This is to simulate the migrate to check for any possible errors upfront.

    • Migrate - This will migrate the DDIC view to CDS view entity and can't be reverted once done.

  • Select  simulation and click finish

  • The simulation run will shown any error or warnings. In this case we can see there are warnings in the pre-check phase.

  • Expand the Precheck node to display the details. We can see , there are warnings regarding usage of SQL view and impacts on value help with data elements as those would be impacted. We should address these impacts before we proceed with actual migration. The usage of SQL views can be checked using the Program mentioned at the beginning.

  • Once all the issues are addressed, select the migration option and finish.

  • On completion message log will be displayed to see if any errors or warning or successful migration.

  • We can see the DDIC based view is migrated to the CDS View Entity and the SQL view is deleted.



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