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International organizations have very often the requirement that they have to offer the same analytics content in multiple languages to target a wider audience and to improve the consumption of content.

In release Q3 2019 of SAC, multilingual content support has been introduced. This provides the opportunity to offer content in multiple languages. This blog post discusses the technical details of achieving multilingual content for a story in SAC.

System Administration

The settings for translation need to be activated for a tenant in the system administration section of SAC.


After activating this option you will see a new option in the files menu on the left side.


Story Settings

Once system setting has been done the story that needs to support multiple languages needs to allow translations. For this, you have to go to the story settings and allow translations by activating the slider button for "Mark for translation".




The language that is taken as the story source language depends upon the languge settings of the user who has created the story. While creating this story the language was set to English and so the source language is also marked as English.




Once the story is marked for translation you will also find it listed in the list of translations under the Translation section.



Select the story you want to translate and click on the export button in the menu on the right side. Select "All Strings" to extract all strings that are in the story.



This will export a *.xlf file. You can open this in an editor of your choice.I have used Notepad++.

First of all, you need to rename this file such that the file name is [Story_name]_TargetLanguage.XLF. For our example, we want to translate it to German so we will rename the file to

"Hospital Overview_DE.xlf"


You will find source tags in the *.xlf while which have the original text that you have in the story. To enter the translation for each text, you will need to enter a target tag next to it with the translation. As shown in the figure below we have entered a translation for Hospital Overview in the target tag.



Likewise, we need to enter the translations for the other source tags as well. Once the target tags are inserted save the file and import it in SAC using the menu button for import.

This button will only be activated when you have selected a file that can be marked for translation.



Depending on the language you have given in the file name SAC will process the file further.


We will import this file in the system. Once the file is successfully translated you will see a confirmation message.



The Status column shows details about the translation.


If you click on the status it will show the details of the translation.



Now depending on your profile language settings, the corresponding translation will be used in the story.






The support for multiple languages is a feature that will bring more value to the stories that are developed in SAC. The possibility of presenting the same content in multiple languages would help serve a much wider audience hence improve the consumption of analytics content.
Active Contributor
Hi Aneeque,

Great blog! In 3 min. I'm fully updated on the multilingual support offered by SAP Analytics Cloud. I do hope that there are improvements planned, like simply using a UI to enter translations and being able to translate a string once and reuse this in multiple stories!

Kind regards,

Martijn van Foeken | Interdobs
Active Participant
Thanks aneeque.hassan2  for a detailed blog, I did present a webinar , in case if anyone wants to take a look at the same, you may refer here :

Or directly get registered to view offline recording :
0 Kudos
Hi! We have a BW live based connection and the query has many variables. Is that possible to translate the name of the variables too? I can't find any way to do it.

0 Kudos
Hi Cristina,

I think you will need to do this in the query. As a rule, I prefer to do everything that is possible in the query directly in the query because frontend tools should have as less work as possible to do for better performance.

I hope that answers your question.


Best regards,

Hi aneeque.hassan2 and karthik.kanniyappan


thanks for your great blogs!


How can i translate member description of imported data?

It is great to translate the story, model and dimension, but without the member description translated it is not usable for me.


Best regards

0 Kudos

This is also actually  big concern :

In import Mode, How to translate the members description or to load and use in the story the members description according to the users preferred language ?

For those who are interested in , Here is the link to a more detailed explanation of the requirement :


0 Kudos

I want to translate my story to Hebrew

I see in the profile setting there is no Hebrew!!!!!

how can i make my story right to left


appreciate your help
0 Kudos

Please contact your SAP Manager for this. I am not sure if there is Hebrew support.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Thank you so much for the fast response


Actually i got in to the profile screen and there is no Hebrew there


Ill try to search if there is another way to translate


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