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Hi all,


Many of us are leveraging SAP CAP (Node.js with TypeScript) for our projects.

While CAP provides an abstract mechanism to derive RESTful oData services given a CDS data model there's always room for more efficiency and improvement in the implementing communication between business logic, service, and persistence layer.


Blog series

1. CDS-TS-Dispatcher: Simplifying SAP CAP TypeScript Development 

2. CDS-TS-Repository: Simplify SAP CAP Entity persistance with BaseRepository

Crafted by developers for developers bABS & DxFrontier team



Before we dive in, you should have a basic understanding of CDS-TS-Dispatcher: Simplifying SAP CAP TypeScript Development 


Section 1: Introduction to Controller - Service - Repository - design pattern

This pattern provides a structured approach to organizing the various components of our SAP CAP applications, promoting modularity, scalability, and maintainability.

Each layer should be structured based on domain of responsabilities like : 

  • Controller - Responsible for managing the REST interface to the business logic implemented in Service
  • Service - Contains business logic implementations, the middleware between Controller and Repository.
  • Repository - This component is dedicated to handling entity manipulation operations by leveraging the power of CDS-QL.

Controller Service Repository design patternController Service Repository design pattern


Section 2: Introduction to Controller (@EntityHandler) layer

Now we will create the Controller layer and for that we created a new class BookHandler which is annotated with the @EntityHandler(Book) decorator.

@EntityHandler decorator takes as an argument the Book entity, this will have effect on all event decorators like @BeforeRead(), @AfterRead() ..., all events will be executed exclusively for this Book entity.


class BookHandler {
  @Inject(SRV) private readonly srv: Service;
  @Inject(BookService) private readonly bookService: BookService;

  private async afterCreate(@Result() result: Book, @Req() req: Request): Promise<void> {
    this.bookService.validateData(result, req);

  private async beforeRead(@Req() req: TypedRequest<Book>): Promise<void> {

  private async afterRead(
    @Req() req: Request,
    @Results() results: Book[],
    @SingleInstanceSwitch() singleInstance: boolean,
    @IsColumnSupplied<Book>('price') hasPrice: boolean,
    @IsPresent('SELECT', 'columns') hasColumns: boolean,
    @IsRole('Developer', 'AnotherRole') role: boolean,
    @GetRequest('locale') locale: Request['locale'],
   Promise<void> {
    await this.bookService.manageAfterReadMethods({ req, results, singleInstance });

  private async afterUpdate(@Result() result: Book, @Req() req: TypedRequest<Book>): Promise<void> {
    await this.bookService.addDefaultTitleText(result, req);

  private async afterDelete(@Result() deleted: boolean, @Req() req: Request): Promise<void> {
    this.bookService.notifyItemDeleted(req, deleted);

export default BookHandler;



@EntityHandler(Book) decorator will registers 5 events :





Every decorator will create the corresponding event in the SAP CAP CDS event registration, this means that the callback of every decorator will be triggered when a REST (CRUD) Request is performed.

@BeforeRead() and @AfterRead() will be triggered when a new GET request is performed :

Example:  GET http://localhost:4004/odata/v4/catalog/Book


@Inject() dependencies

We inject the BookService class by using Dependendy injection and gaining visibility over all public methods created in the BookService class:



@Inject(BookService) private readonly bookService: BookService



Section 3: Introduction to Service (@Servicelogic) layer

In @ServiceLogic() will reside all of the customer business logic. This @ServiceLogic() will make a connection between @EntityHandler(Book) and @Repository() 



class BookService {
  @Inject(SRV) private readonly srv: Service;
  @Inject(BookRepository) private readonly bookRepository: BookRepository;

  // PRIVATE routines

  private async emitOrderedBookData(req: Request) {
    await this.srv.emit('OrderedBook', { book: 'dada', quantity: 3, buyer: });

  private notifySingleInstance(req: Request, singleInstance: boolean) {
    if (singleInstance) {
      req.notify('Single instance');
    } else {
      req.notify('Entity set');

  private enrichTitle(results: Book[]) { => (book.title += ` -- 10 % discount!`));

  // PUBLIC routines

  public async manageAfterReadMethods(args: { req: Request; results: Book[]; singleInstance: boolean }) {
    await this.emitOrderedBookData(args.req);
    this.notifySingleInstance(args.req, args.singleInstance);

  public notifyItemDeleted(req: Request, deleted: boolean) {
    req.notify(`Item deleted : ${deleted}`);

  public showConsoleLog() {
    console.log('****************** Before read event');

  public validateData(result: Book, req: Request) {
    if (result.currency_code === '') {
      return req.reject(400, 'Currency code is mandatory!');

  public async addDefaultTitleText(result: Book, req: TypedRequest<Book>) {
    await this.bookRepository.update({ ID: }, { title: 'Dracula' });

  public async verifyStock(req: ActionRequest<typeof submitOrder>) {
    const { book, quantity } =;
    const bookFound = await this.bookRepository.findOne({ ID: book! });

    if (quantity != null) {
      if (quantity < 1) {
        return req.reject(400, `quantity has to be 1 or more`);

      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
      if (!bookFound) {
        return req.error(404, `Book #${book} doesn't exist`);

      if (bookFound.stock !== null && quantity > bookFound.stock!) {
        return req.reject(409, `${quantity} exceeds stock for book #${book}`);

      await this.bookRepository.update(bookFound, {
        stock: (bookFound.stock! -= quantity),
    await this.srv.emit('OrderedBook', { book, quantity, buyer: });

    return { stock: bookFound!.stock };

export default BookService;



Section 4: Introduction to Repository (@Repository) layer

This BaseRepository will provide out-of-the-box functionalities like: 

  • .create(): Create new records in the table.
  • .update(): Updates a new record in the table.
  • .createMany(): Creates many records in the table.
  • .findAll(): Retrieve all records from the table.
  • .find(): Query the database to find specific data.
  • .delete(): Remove records from the database.
  • .exists(): Check the existence of data in the table.
  • ... and many more actions



class BookRepository extends BaseRepository<Book> {
  constructor() {
  // ... define custom CDS-QL actions if BaseRepository ones are not satisfying your needs !

export default BookRepository;



In the @Repository() we've utilizied the BaseRepository by extending the BookRepository class with CDS-TS-Repository will give us access to the most common CDS-QL actions.

You can find additional documentation for BaseRepository at CDS-TS-Repository GitHub



In conclusion, CDS-TS-Dispatcher combined with CDS-TS-Repository is a powerful tool that can speed up your SAP CAP TypeScript projects by eliminating repetitive code and being a better fit for common team architecture setups.


Additional Resources

Find an example of usage of the CDS-TS-Samples GitHub

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