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Hi community,

Sometimes we all need is a diagram to see link between modules. And here is a chart for you, which shows links between configuration elements of IDoc.

I hope that diagram with flow and tcodes will be a basic cheat sheet when you need to remember the relation between modules and tcode to make changes.



Transaction Code Description In Sender System In Receiver System
WE31 Development IDoc Segment X X
WE30 IDoc Type Development X X
WE81 Logical message types X X
WE82 Assign Messages for IDoc Type X X
BD54 / SALE Define Logical Systems X X
SCC4 Client Administration X X
SM59 RFC Destinations (Display/Edit) X
WE21 Port definition X
BD64 / SALE Maintenance of Distribution Model X
WE20 Partner Profiles X X
WE42  Process codes, inbound X
BD87 Status Monitor for ALE Messages. To Re-Process IDocs
WE19 Test Tool. You can create a copy of existing IDOC or you can change Idoc content and trigger process.
WE05 Idoc List

Some useful links for beginners;


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IDocs can be tricky at first. Here's a breakdown for beginners:

**Imagine IDoc (Intermediate Document) as a special envelope for data in SAP.**

* **What it carries:** IDoc carries data between different systems and SAP modules. Think of it as carrying specific documents like invoices, purchase orders, or customer data.
* **The format:** IDoc has a pre-defined structure, like a form with sections for specific information (item numbers, prices, etc.). This ensures everyone understands the data.
* **The mailroom:** There's a special department in SAP called ALE (Application Link Enabling) that handles IDocs. It's like a mailroom that routes IDocs to the right places within SAP.

**Here's why IDocs are handy:**

* **Standardized:** Everyone using SAP understands the IDoc format, making data exchange smooth.
* **Reliable:** IDocs ensure data arrives correctly, even if there are temporary glitches.
* **Efficient:** They're great for high-volume data exchanges.

**Are IDocs always the best option?**

* **Not necessarily.** If you need more flexibility with data formats or want to connect with non-SAP systems, an API (Application Programming Interface) might be a better choice. Think of an API as a more modern, adaptable way to exchange data.

IDocs (Intermediate Documents) in SAP can be confusing, but the good news is you only need to know a few key transactions to get by! Think of these transactions as shortcuts to manage your IDocs. Here's a simplified breakdown:

**Receiving IDocs:**

* **WE01 (Display IDoc):** This is your go-to transaction to see the details of an existing IDoc. Imagine it as opening a specific envelope to see its contents.

* **WE02 (Change IDoc):** In case something's wrong with the data in an IDoc, you can use this transaction to edit it. Think of it as correcting a mistake on the envelope before sending it further.

* **BD87 (Process IDoc Inbound):** This is like the mailroom sorting function. It processes received IDocs and distributes them to the relevant areas within SAP (like creating a sales order based on an invoice IDoc).

**Sending IDocs:**

* **BD84 (Process IDoc Outbound):** This is the workhorse for sending IDocs out of SAP. Imagine this as handing a completed envelope to the mail carrier for delivery.

* **SM59 (Maintain RFC Destinations):** This transaction helps define the connection details for external systems that will receive your IDocs. Think of it as writing the address on the envelope for smooth delivery.


* **WE16 (Delete IDoc):** Once you're sure you don't need an IDoc anymore, you can delete it using this transaction. Think of it as throwing away an empty envelope.

Remember, these are the main ones for starters. As you get more comfortable with IDocs, you might explore other transactions for specific functionalities.

Hopefully, this clarifies IDocs for you! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

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