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1. Step by Step Installation Guide for SAP IDES S/4HANA 1610 Part 1 (How to Create Virtual Machine)

2. Step by Step Installation Guide for SAP IDES S/4HANA 1610 Part 2 (How to install SUSE Linux)

3. Step by Step Installation Guide for SAP IDES S/4HANA 1610 Part 3 (How to Create and Mount Partiti...

4. Step by Step Installation Guide for SAP IDES S/4HANA 1610 Part 4 (How to install SAP HANA Databas...

5. Step by Step Installation Guide for SAP IDES S/4HANA 1610 Part 5 (How to install SAP S/4HANA IDES...

6. Step by Step Installation Guide for SAP IDES S/4HANA 1610 Part 5 (How to install SAP S/4HANA IDES...


Dear All,

In this first part of SAP S/4HANA 1610 IDES installation we download all the required files for installation and create a virtual machine in VMware vCenter Server.

  • Download all Required Files for Installation

For installation of SAP IDES S/4HANA, we have to download ISO file for installing SUSE Linux from SUSE Downloads and SAP installation files from SAP Software Downloads.

1. Download Operating System Files: First of all we need to download the SUSE Linux installation ISO file, which can be downloaded from SUSE Linux website, initially it is 60 Days trial, you can apply the available license during the installation or after completing the installation.
Note: You have to download SUSE Linux Enterprise for SAP Applications. In this Step by Step Guide, I am going to install SUSE LINUX ENTERPRISE SERVER FOR SAP APPLICATIONS 12 SP3.

2. Download SAP IDES S/4HANA Installation Files: You have to be care full while downloading SAP IDES S/4HANA installations files because these file are big in size so you have monitor that each file downloaded completely.
Note: Some file you have to place in the same folder for extracting (e.g., 51053061_1 to 51053061_4, and 51052822_1 to 51052822_8), if any of these file not download properly you will not be able extract those files.

3. Below is the list of file files which you need to download before starting installation of SAP IDES S/4HANA installation.

Sr. No. Required Component Name Material Number / File Name Download Path
1 SAPCAR SAPCAR_1014-80000935.EXE SUPPORT PACKAGES & PATCHES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => S => SAPCAR => SAPCAR 7.21 => LINUX ON X86_64 64BIT => SAPCAR_1014-80000935.EXE
2 Software Provisioning Manager SWPM10SP23_4-20009701.SAR SUPPORT PACKAGES & PATCHES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => S => SOFTWARE PROVISIONING MANAGER => LINUX ON X86_64 64BIT => SWPM10SP23_4-20009701.SAR
3 SAP HANA Client 2.0 IMDB_CLIENT20_002_64-80002082.SAR SUPPORT PACKAGES & PATCHES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => H => SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION => SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION 2.0 => SAP HANA CLIENT 2.0 => IMDB_CLIENT20_002_64-80002082.SAR
4 SAP Kernel 7.49 Linux on x86_64 64bit 51051432_3 INSTALLATIONS & UPGRADES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => S => SAP S/4HANA => SAP S/4HANA 1610 => IDES VERSION => 51051432_3
5 IGSEXE.SAR igsexe_0-70002876.sar INSTALLATIONS & UPGRADES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => I => SAP IGS => SAP IGS 7.49 => igsexe_0-70002876.sar
6 SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0 SPS03 rev30 51053061_1 to 51053061_4 INSTALLATIONS & UPGRADES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => H => SAP IN-MEMORY (SAP HANA ) => SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION => SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION 2.0 => INSTALLATION => 51053061_1 to 51053061_4
7 IDES SAP S/4HANA 1610 Installation Export 51052822_1 to 51052822_8 INSTALLATIONS & UPGRADES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => S => SAP S/4HANA => SAP S/4HANA 1610 => IDES VERSION => 51052822_1 to 51052822_8
8 IDES S4 HANA Frontend System 1610 51052010_1 to 51052010_4 INSTALLATIONS & UPGRADES => By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) => S => SAP S/4HANA => SAP S/4HANA 1610 => IDES VERSION => 51052010_1 to 51052010_4


  • Create Virtual Machine in VMware vCenter

1. Right click on Cluster go to New Virtual Machine and select New Virtual Machine from the context menu (Figure 1.1)

Figure 1.1: Create New Virtual Machine

2. Select Create a new virtual machine option from the New Virtual Machine pop-up window and click the Next button (Figure 1.2)

Figure 1.2: Create Virtual Machine pop-up Window

3. Enter Virtual Machine name (e.g., S4HANA IDES), select the Datacenter and click the Next button (Figure 1.3)

Figure 1.3: Select Name of Virtual Machine

4. Select the specific host or cluster and click the Next button (Figure 1.4)

Figure 1.4: Select compute resource

5. Select the storage and click the Next button (Figure 1.5)
Note: I have SSD drive installed in my server, so going to select that SSD as storage.

Figure 1.5: Select Storage

6. Select the compatibility and click the Next button (Figure 1.6), in this example I am going to select ESXi 6.5 and later.

Figure 1.6: Select Compatibility

7. Select Guest OS Family as Linux, Guest OS Version as SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 (64-bit) and click the Next button (Figure 1.7)

Figure 1.7: Select Guest OS

8. This is the most important step of Creating Virtual Machine, because here we have to Customize the hardware of virtual machine. I am going to select 8 CPU, 256 GB of Memory and 100 GB of Hard disk (Figure 1.8)
Note: The 100 GB Hard disk which I selected is only for OS, we have to add three more Hard disks, first one for SWAP, second for HANA Database and third for Installation files

Figure 1.8: Customize Hardware

9. For adding new Hard disks, click on New device drop down menu and select New Hard Disk (Figure 1.9)

Figure 1.9: Add New device

10. After selecting New Hard Disk from New device drop down menu click the Add button (Figure 1.10)

Figure 1.10: Add New Hard Disk

11. By repeating the steps in Figure 1.9 and 1.10 add three new Hard Disks with the Capacity of 32 GB for SWAP, 300 GB for HANA Data base and 200 GB for SAP IDES S/4HANA installation media (Figure 1.11)

Figure 1.11: Three new Hard Disks added

12. Now we have to select the ISO file of SUSE Linux which we have already downloaded and uploaded to the Datastore. Click New CD/DVD Drive Drop down menu and select Datastore ISO File (Figure 1.12)

Figure 1.12: Select Datastore ISO file for New CD/DVD Drive

13. Select the SUSE Linux ISO file from the Datastore and click the OK button (Figure 1.13)

Figure 1.13: Select SUSE Linux ISO file

14. You can see the ISO file selected in Figure 1.14, make sure that Connect.. check box followed by New CD/DVD Drive field is checked.

15. After adjusting all the Hardware setting of Virtual Machine click the Next button (Figure 1.14)

Figure 1.14: Connect New CD/DVD Drive

16. You can review all the setting of Virtual Machine in Figure 1.15, click the Finish button to create this virtual machine.

Figure 1.15: Virtual Machine setting review

17. You can see S4HANA IDES Virtual Machine create in Figure 1.16

Figure 1.16: Virtual Machine S4HANA IDES Created

We have successfully configured and created a virtual Machine.

In the Part 2 of this blog we will Install SUSE Linux in this Virtual Machine
0 Kudos
Great blog Faisal,

Your tutorial was extremely helpful for installation. Please continue to update the blog as you have. It’s been a great resource for all.


0 Kudos
Thank you so much for share your guide, It has been very useful,  but I'm afraid that my Physical Memory could limit, you mention 256 GB RAM is needed, but I only have 64 GB RAM on my host computer so Im only able to create VM with a max size of 48 to 52 GB RAM, do you think that is it enough for S/4 HANA 1610/1709 empty IDES?

I currently using in a VM an SAP NW AS ABAP 750 on Microsoft SQL Sever with 16 GB RAM and simulteanosly I run a secound VM with HDB 2.0 SP01 64 edition with 28 GB RAM, this second VM I linked it to ABAP server as a secondary DB by installing a HDB client, my Idea is sustitute this two VM's with one S/4 HANA IDES 1610 or 1709 enviroment.

I will appreciate so much your comments,

Thank you best regards.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi pablotrejo,

Sorry for late reply, you can try with 50 GB RAM, one of my friend tried with 50 GB but he was not able to complete the installation than he tried with 100 GB and successfully installed with 100 GB, even if you will be able to install the system with the less RAM but you will find the performance issue with less RAM capacity. 256 GB RAM is recommended by SAP for Best Performance.

Thanks and Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi  faisal.altaf2,

I also would like to build a VM or hardware at home to install SAP Hana S/4 + Hana DB 2.0 like you for learning/testing, do you recommend the model server as well as CPU/RAM model? or I can buy any server that it has enough RAM/CPU as your mentioned to pass the hardware-check as it's not certified by SAP?

P/S: I can’t buy a certified server by SAP due to the high cost.



0 Kudos
Thank you Faisal for this greate blog .


I installed HANA express edition on my PC as vm with 32 GB RAM and working smoothly


Do I can install s/4hana ides on this version (HANA express) .


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi oma22r,

I didn't try with HANA express edition but I think that you can't install SAP IDES S/4 HANA on HANA express edition.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Hello Faisal bhai,

Hope you doing great.

1)Can you please share the vm ware link which install.

2)And please also tell me is it possible to install that vm on window server 2016.

3)Can we install s4hana 1610 on Hyper-v  ???

Thank You,

Jawad afridi.
0 Kudos
Hi Friend, will it have functional modules after the installation? MM and SD for example.

0 Kudos
What are the system requirements to install all the steps in this guide?
Can it be done on a laptop?
0 Kudos
Hi Experts,

Shall I download and install S4HANA for a group of people to research on S4HANA?

Please guide for steps and credentials.

0 Kudos
Thanks Faisal Altaf. this blog helped us to setup a sandbox environment for us.

Will you please guide what are the authorizations to be given the functional users when the functional users want to try all the modules other than Basis or ABAP development?


Thanking you in anticipation...

I could not find the download paths as mentioned. Is this post out dated ?

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