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Product and Topic Expert

In this blog post, we're going to explore an exciting tool - an automated Yeoman generator for setting up the SAP BTP Cloud Connector. This generator, available on [GitHub], simplifies the process of connecting to an SAP BTP Subaccount in the Cloud Connector, adding necessary System Mappings, generating import files for SAP BTP Destinations, and accessing XS Advanced Systems in SAP Business Application Studio (BAS).

I would recommend you reading this blog to get a deep understanding of this setup

Before diving into the setup process, ensure that you have the following requirements in place:

  1. git client is available on your machine
  2. Node.js v18.14.2
  3. Yeoman - If not installed, you can install it using command: npm install -g yo
  4. XS Advanced CLI client (Download from SAP Software Store)
  5. Access to SAP Cloud Connector
  6. Make sure you're logged into your XS advanced account and the target space is SAP. You can use command to setting the "SAP" space:  xs target -s SAP
  7. You've access to SAP BTP Subaccount and necessary privileges

Getting Started

Clone the git repository

To get started with the generator, you first need to build and install it using npm. In your terminal, run the following command: npm install && npm link

This command installs the necessary dependencies and links the generator for local use.

Running the Generator

Navigate to the directory where you want to generate your project and kickstart the generator using the following command: yo bas-xsa-connectivity

The generator will prompt you for some crucial information, including:

1. Cloud Connector Login Url
2. Cloud Connector Username
3. Cloud Connector Password
4. Cloud Connector Location ID
5. SAP BTP Subaccount Region
6. SAP BTP Subaccount ID
7. Directory for Destination Files

After entering the required information, the generator will start performing tasks such as adding necessary System Mappings and resources, generating files for import in SAP BTP Destinations.

Once the generator completes its tasks, you will find your new files in the directory you specified. These files can be imported in your BTP Subaccount under the Connectivity > Destinations tab.


For any issues or questions, you can raise an issue on the [GitHub repository]. The community is always ready to help!