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Hi everyone,

SAP HANA Interactive Education, or SHINE, is a demo application that makes it easy to learn how to build SAP HANA native applications. This demo application is delivered as a package that contains sample data and design-time developer objects for the application database tables, views, OData services and user interface. SHINE is a Muti-Target Application (MTA) and follows the XS Advanced Programming Model. It consists of the following packages:

  • core-db - This package contains core data model artifacts required to create the tables and other database artifacts (e.g. .hdbcds, .hdbsequence, ...).

  • core-js - This package contains the Node.js implementation of Data Generator, Purchase Order Worklist, and Sales Dashboard (backend).

  • user-js - This package contains the User CRUD applications implementation in Node.js using XSOData libraries and it also showcases how to use the the job scheduler service in Cloud Foundry for creating and scheduling jobs.

  • web - This package contains the user interface for the SHINE Launchpad, Data Generator, Purchase Order Worklist, Sales Dashboard, and User CRUD applications implemented in SAPUI5.

  • site-content - This package contains site configuration files required for SAP Fiori Launchpad.

  • site-web - This package contains the user interface for the SHINE Fiori Launchpad, Data Generator, Purchase Order Worklist, Job Scheduler, Sales Dashboard, Spatial, and User CRUD applications implemented in SAPUI5.


The used version of SHINE in this blog post is configured to run on the Cloud Foundry environment within SAP Cloud Platform. You can read more about the "General Availability of the XS Advanced Programming Model with Cloud Foundry on SAP Cloud Platform". The code base of SHINE that is used is version SHINE for XSA SAP HANA 2.0 SPS01. The repository for the code can be found here, there, we have the same instructions as in this blog post also as a readme.

Setup MTAR Builder

First, a Multi-Target Application Archive (MTAR) needs to be built from the SHINE code, for this the MTAR Builder is used. Then, in a second step, this MTAR needs to be deployed to the Cloud Foundry environment instance, for this the Cloud Foundry CLI with the MTA Plugin is used.

Download MTAR Builder

  1. Go to SAP Support Portal

  2. Click on Support Package and Patches

  3. Expand By Alphabetical Index (A-Z)

  4. Click on Alphabet M


  6. Download the latest version of MTAR Builder and rename it to mta.jar

MTAR Builder Pre-requisites

The MTAR Builder needs Java, Git, Apache Maven, and Node.js including npm as pre-requisites. If you have one of the tools already installed you can skip the respective steps but make sure that you do not skip the npm configuration with the SAP NPM Registry.

Setup Java

  1. Download and install the latest Java SE Development Kit (JDK) from here

Setup Git and/or GitHub Desktop

  1. Download and install Git from here

  2. And/Or download and install GitHub Desktop from here

Setup Apache Maven

  1. Download Apache Maven, follow the steps described here

  2. Install Apache Maven, follow the steps described here

Setup Node.js and NPM

  1. Install Node.js v6.x.x from herePlease note: Use only node.js version 6 (i.e v6.x.x) for buidling SHINE. Do not use Node.js versions above major version 6(i.e do not use v7.x.x or v8.x.x etc)

  2. Create a file with name .npmrc in your HOME directory. On Windows, that would be C:/Users/<User Name>, on macOS, that would be ~/Users/<User Name>.

  3. Copy the below content to the .npmrc file. With this configuration, you are instructing your npm client installation to download @Sap scoped modules from the SAP NPM Registry. All other modules are still downloaded from the default registry. Update all 3 proxy settings (proxy, http-proxy, https-proxy) as per your network settings. If no proxy settings are required mark values of all 3 proxy settings as null.


You can read more about the SAP NPM Registry in "SAP NPM Registry launched: Making the lives of Node.js developers easier".

Setup Cloud Foundry Environment Account and CLI

  1. If you do not yet have a Cloud Foundry environment trial or enterprise account, signup for a Cloud Foundry environment trial account by following the documentation "Get a Trial Space on the Cloud Foundry Instance"

  2. Download and install the Cloud Foundry CLI as described here

  3. To deploy the MTAR we need the MTA CF CLI plugin, download the MTA CF CLI Plugin from here

  4. To install the MTA CF CLI Plugin open your CLI and run the command: cf install-plugin <path to plugin download folder>/cf-cli-mta-plugin-0.7.0-xyz.exe|tar.gz

Build the Source Code

  • Clone the SHINE code from this repository to your local drive via Git or GitHub Desktop, the branch is shine-cf; alternatively, download and unpack the ZIP

The Job Scheduler service is used by SHINE, therefore this needs to be available. Currently, the Job Scheduler service is only available in the Cloud Foundry environments in Frankfurt and Virginia, not in the beta in California. Therefore, the installation of SHINE into the Cloud Foundry environment in California would fail. Please install SHINE only in the Cloud Foundry environments in Frankfurt and Virginia.

  • Run the command cf marketplace and check for the service name for hana in your account (it could be hanatrial or hana, it depends if you are using a trail or enterprise account)

  • In line no. 141 of mta.yaml update the service name to hanatrial or hana based on your account

  • In line no. 178 of mta.yaml update the url property of the controller to the Cloud Foundry API endpoint of the region you are using (see above).

  • Check the Cloud Foundry org and space names to which you are planning to deploy.

The Multi-target Application Archive (MTAR), which is obtained after following the build steps described here, cannot be deployed into Cloud Foundry orgs or spaces with white spaces in the name (e.g. "My Space") due to a limitation from the deploy service. Therefore, the installation of the SHINE MTAR into Cloud Foundry orgs or spaces with white spaces in the name (e.g. "My Space") would fail. Please install the SHINE MTAR only into Cloud Foundry orgs or spaces without white spaces in the name (e.g. "MySpace" or "My_Space").

  • If the Cloud Foundry org or space, to which you are planning to deploy, has any special characters in the name other than the permissible 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9', '_', '-', '', and '/', open the file xs-security.json under the shine-cf project root folder and edit line no. 2 ${org}-${space}-shine-admin. Change the value to "your-org-name-without-special-characters"-"your-space-name-without-special-characters"-shine-admin, e.g. p1726482trial_trial-dev_cf-shine-admin althrough my org name is "p1726482trial_trial" and space name is "dev@cf".

  • In your CLI in the SHINE project root folder run the command: java -jar mta.jar --build-target=CF --mtar=shine-cf.mtar build

You might notice that the build is too slow. This is because of an issue with npm when behind a proxy server. In such cases please run the build from an environment without a proxy.

  • An MTAR with the name shine-cf.mtar was generated.

Deploy the MTAR

  1. SHINE needs Cloud Foundry resources as described below. Therefore, this amount of resources should be assigned in Quota Management (on Global Account level) and free (overview on Subaccount level) before SHINE deployment (e.g. what you get with the Cloud Foundry Trail is sufficient):

    1. Quota Management

      1. Application Runtime: MEMORY 1

      2. HANA: hdi-shared 1

      3. Job Scheduler: lite 1

    2. Resources overview

      1. 5 routes

      2. 5 services

      3. 1 GB instance memory

  2. Navigate to your Cloud Foundry org and space where you want to deploy SHINE and where you have the above-mentioned resources assigned and free

  3. Run the command: cf deploy shine-cf.mtar

Launch the SHINE Application

SHINE has two entry points: SHINE Launchpad and Fiori Launchpad for SHINE. The steps below specify how to get the URLs for SHINE Launchpad and Fiori Launchpad for SHINE

  1. Run the command: cf apps

  2. Locate the URLs for the two Apps with name shine-web and site-web.

  3. shine-web has the url for SHINE Launchpad and site-web has the url for Fiori Launchpad of SHINE.


Site Web

Undeploy the SHINE Application

To undeploy SHINE and delete all its services run the command: cf undeploy -f --delete-services

All the best,

0 Kudos
Hello Sven,

thanks for this tutorial.

Should the jobscheduler service be also available for trial users? I do not see this on the Service Market place for the Europe-Frankfurt CloudFoundry environment.

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Steffen,

the Job Scheduler is available in the Cloud Foundry environment regions:

  • Europe (Frankfurt)

  • US East (Virginia)

For some trail accounts which signed up right around SAPPHIRE the service does not appear in the service marketplace but if you look (on Global Account level) into Quota Management you will find the Job Scheduler there. Please make sure that 1 of 1 is assigned.

All the best,

0 Kudos
Hi Sven,

I am sorry but I do not find the Job Scheduler there, please see this screenshot:

Can I somehow delete the existing account in the CF environment, maybe then it will becomes available?

Best Regards

0 Kudos
Hi Steffen,


..., no, you can't delete the account. Would you please test going into the US West (Virginia) region, creating an account there (with new account) etc., does it appear for you there in Quota Management?

You can have CF trail accounts in multiple regions, but you have only the resources to use one of the accounts. You can change the quota and switch it to another account.

All the best,

0 Kudos


I'm trying to deploy the shine-cf.mtar to my trial account and it is failing with:

Error creating services: Controller operation failed: 502 Bad Gateway: The service broker returned an invalid response for the request to ...

Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error, Body: {"status":"Error","msg":"Failed to create service instance: connect ETIMEDOUT ..."}
Process error: Error creating services: Controller operation failed: 502 Bad Gateway: The service broker returned an invalid response for the request to ...

Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error, Body: {"status":"Error","msg":"Failed to create service instance: connect ETIMEDOUT ..."}

Use "cf deploy -i 368984 -a retry" to retry the process
Use "cf deploy -i 368984 -a abort" to abort the process
Use "cf dmol -i 368984" to download the logs of the process

Any suggestion?


Thanks and regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I have the same issue.

Can you run the command 'cf dmol -i 368984' as mentioned in your error and share the logs to help find the issue.

If you cannot find logs anymore, just retry deployment and get the new logs.

Best regards

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I am facing the same issue. I can see the job scheduler in the global account, but cannot use it in a subaccount. tried with Frankfurt and Virginia.


0 Kudos
Hi Wolfgang,

and did you assign the quota to that account? Can you use it via the command line (but just not via the cockpit)?

All the best,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Sven,

thanks a lot!  Yes, quota is assigned. Usage via CLI is only possible, if the service is listed in the service marketplace and unfortunately that's not the case.


0 Kudos
Hi Wolfgang,

very interesting ... I can't replicate it with my accounts. Not sure if this will help but I've heard about a similar case some time ago:

  • Please remove the quota from the subaccount you want to use it in (e.g. Europe (Frankfurt)) and add it to the subaccount you don't want to use it in (e.g. US East (Virginia))

  • Is the service now listed there, either via the cockpit or the CLI?

  • Now vice versa, please remove the quota from the subaccount you don't want to use it in (e.g. US East (Virginia)) and add it to the subaccount you want to use it in (e.g. Europe (Frankfurt))

  • Is the service now listed there, either via the cockpit or the CLI?

If that still does not help, then the only option to work with this beta service right now would be to create a second account with a second email address (because then somehow the connection between your trial account and this beta service is not working right).

All the best,

0 Kudos
Hi Sven. I've been having a hard time building the source code. First I was receiving an error about not being able to find Python. I then installed  python and created the PYTHON env variable. I didn't see anything in the instructions about installing python but this seemed to work, until I hit the next error.

The next error is this:

> MSBUILD : error MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe". To fix this, 1) install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, 2) install Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 3) add the location of the component to the system path if it is installed elsewhere. [C:\Users\ixxxxx\Documents\Development\Repositories\hana-shine-xsa-shine-cf\core-js\node_modules\@sap\fibers\build\binding.sln]
> gyp ERR! build error
> gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
> gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\lib\build.js:258:23)
> gyp ERR! stack at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
> gyp ERR! stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)
> gyp ERR! stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:198:12)
> gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 10.0.10586
> gyp ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modules\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" "--release"
> gyp ERR! cwd C:\Users\i854188\Documents\Development\Repositories\hana-shine-xsa-shine-cf\core-js\node_modules\@sap\fibers
> gyp ERR! node -v v8.9.1
> gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.6.2
> gyp ERR! not ok
> node-gyp exited with code: 1
> Please make sure you are using a supported platform and node version. If you
> would like to compile fibers on this machine please make sure you have setup your
> build environment--
> Windows + OS X instructions here:
> Ubuntu users please run: `sudo apt-get install g++`
> Alpine users please run: `sudo apk add python make g++`
> 'nodejs' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
> npm ERR! errno 1
> npm ERR! @sap/fibers@1.0.13-4 install: `node build.js || nodejs build.js`
> npm ERR! Exit status 1
> npm ERR!
> npm ERR! Failed at the @sap/fibers@1.0.13-4 install script.
> npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
> npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
> npm ERR! C:\Users\ixxxx\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2017-11-27T02_09_06_268Z-debug.log

I'm not sure why it's asking for .Net to be installed.

I guess I misconfigured something.

Have you seen this before? Any ideas?

0 Kudos
Hi Steven,

very interesting ... I never had that issue before. There is definitely no need for Python or anything associated with it!

What was the error you had first exactly, about not being able to find Python? And at which step where you there exactly and what command did you execute last before this error occurred?

All the best,

Hi Steven,

You dont need python to build SHINE.This issue is because of the libraries used in SHINE does not support node.js version  v8.9.1 which you are using to build. Please use node.js version v6.x.x . It can be downloaded from here.

Best regards

0 Kudos
I've updated the blog post above also with this note.

0 Kudos

Is it possible to import the project into the Web IDE Full Stack (Trial) and build and deploy it from there? What are the steps to be done?

Thanks and best regards


0 Kudos
Hi Heiko,

at this point in time this is not yet possible because SHINE is build in server-side JavaScript and SAP Web IDE Full-Stack is still missing the server-side JavaScript support. We will publish a new blog post and/or update this one once those necessary features, which are currently on the roadmap and already in development, have been delivered.

All the best,

0 Kudos

I'm currently facing this problem. Every time I call the mta, it fails to build at a different module. For example (the order of the modules differs every time, too):

C:\Users\D000000\Documents\GitHub\hana-shine-xsa-shine-cf>java -jar mta.jar --build-target=CF --mtar=shine-cf.mtar build
SAP Multitarget Application Archive Builder 1.1.2
Module "site-web": invoking npm
Module "shine-core-db": C:\Users\D000000\Documents\GitHub\hana-shine-xsa-shine-cf\core-db\package.json already exists
Module "site-content": C:\Users\D000000\Documents\GitHub\hana-shine-xsa-shine-cf\site-content\package.json already exists
Module "shine-user-js": invoking npm
Module "shine-web": invoking npm
Module "shine-core-js": invoking npm
Module "site-content": invoking npm
Module "shine-core-db": invoking npm
ERROR: Failed to build module "shine-core-js". Command execution failed

Can you help me with that? Node.js version is 6.13.1, mta plugin version is 1.0.2, the npmrc file is set up with as stated in the text with proxy:8083 according to my network settings.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Dennis,

The issue could be because of proxy settings. Can you change it to proxy:8080 in your .npmrc. You are getting an error in different module each time as MTA builder triggers the build in parallel for all the modules and which ever module fails first it shows in the logs.

Best Regards

0 Kudos
Hello Sven and Stephen,

Thanks for such an intense blog. Everything works fine till the step build. I'm not able to figure how the mta.jar is built I do not have access to MTA Archive Builder is this a pre-requisite to successfully build or can we do this with the plugin. Kindly suggest.

See attached snip for the err I get when I build the mta.jar.

I started working on the current MOOC but saw the note that cp 1 -2 is a pre-requisite for the course. Hence, responding to your blog to fix the issue and advance to the current cp MOOC going on.

Additionally, I can find job scheduler under my NEO account but is not available to CF. I'm digging in if you've any input handy kindly share.

Thanks for your understanding and input.
0 Kudos
Hi Ahmed Syeda,

you need to download the MTA Archive Builder which at this moment can only be downloaded from the SAP Service Marketplace and for which an S-User is needed. If you do not have an S-User, then you cannot do this tutorial as of now. Then, please just continue with the next unit of the openSAP course.

The Job Scheduler service does not exist in the Neo environment, so if you see it that can only be in the Cloud Foundry environment.

All the best,

0 Kudos
Thanks, Sven for the input.

Is there another way/workaround to accomplish the same task without MTA archive builder.  (I'm not sure but I did see a blog to build it through the web iDE)

Since I did all the work related to set up and it's so disappointing not to complete the task and see the results. Just wondering if in future and now- open sap courses would not build such dependency where we've to download the software from the marketplace 🙂

Note: I'm an S-User but not all s-users have access to the software download for obvious reasons.


0 Kudos
Hi Ahmed Syeda,

you might be able to use SAP Web IDE Full-Stack already as well, but I personally have not tried this out, so I cannot speak to it definitely. The Node.js tools are still missing in SAP Web IDE Full-Stack, one they are there (they are on the roadmap), it will definitely work but the builders, even for Node.js might already be included, have a try!

The assumption is that most participants of openSAP courses are customers or partners and therefore have access to the SAP Service Marketplace also with download rights but in general yes, we give our best to avoid such dependencies.

All the best,

0 Kudos
Thanks, Sven -

I agree open SAP is a great community, offering great courses. You and Nina Rab are a great resource.

I'd look up for other resources and for the same.

Thanks for your time and input.
Former Member
0 Kudos
Dear all,


i have successfully created shine-cf.mtar file. Now in the last step i need to deploy it, but as mentioned above, i do not have jobscheduler assigned to my account. I do not see it on global account level nad quota level. i have fallowing error:



Can you assign jobscheduler to my account? This is not a good practise to jump between frankfurt, virginia, china, moon, back to frankfurt. How i can show that system is stable afront of client if such functionality do not works ? Also training is not possible to do becouse example application do not work. Can SAP fix this issue ?


Kind Regards.

Marek Bor.
Former Member
0 Kudos
Dear all,


i found solution myself. If somebody will have the same problem, then please contact me on prive:



Former Member
Dear Sven,


one more thing. In training movie,  you have application number set to unlimited in your trial account:



but in real live, i have only 2 app. that can be run simultaneously in trial account:




How i can run SHINE, if i can only start 2 application ( and how we see in week2Unit6 time: 15:11, SHINE need to have 4 application running ) ?



Kind Regards,

Marek Bor.
0 Kudos
Hi Marek,

this was a temporary change in the quota for new Trial Accounts. Now, Trial Accounts again get 10 app instances which is more than enough. Please wait until your Trial account expires and you need to create in anew with the same e-mail address or directly create a new Trial Account with a different e-mail address.

Also, the bug that Job Scheduler is not available for you in your trial account is fixed since months, are you using either the Europe (Frankfurt) or US East (Virginia) regions because only there Job Scheduler is available which is also mentioned above. If you are not using one of those regions, please wait until your Trial account expires and you need to create in anew with the same e-mail address or directly create a new Trial Account with a different e-mail address.


All the best,

0 Kudos
Hi Sven,

For beginners like me can you explain why we need npm, apache here? Will the 'build' option in full stack web IDE take care of these things? When I say these things, I also want to understand what are these things?

Also when I tried to run the final command to create the mtar i got this error:


> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project sap-xsac-shine-user-java: Could not resolve dependencies for project The following artifacts could not be resolved:,,,,, Failure to find in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1]
> 'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
ERROR: Failed to build module "shine-user-java". Command execution failed with exit code 1
0 Kudos
Hi Abhijeet,

NPM is the package manager and builder for Node.js. Apache Maven is the package manager and builder for Java. Grunt we use as a builder for the HTML5 parts. Those are necessary to build applications containing such coding. You do not want to manually put every library into your application, you just want to specify which library to use and then load the libraries automatically during the build process.

SAP Web IDE Full-Stack has an MTA builder included which in turn has NPM, Apache Maven and Grunt included. Therefore, yes in SAP Web IDE Full-Stack you would not have to install all those tools and it would be taken care of automatically, that's the beauty of it. Currently, the full Node.js tools in SAP Web IDE Full-Stack are not yet available, therefore Node.js apps, like SHINE, should still be build locally. The Node.js tools for SAP Web IDE Full-Stack are on the roadmap and the teams are working on them. Once they become available, we can update the blog post so that you can do everything in SAP Web IDE Full-Stack.

All the best,

Former Member
Hi Sven,

I've got the same problems. First the Job Scheduler is not available in the automatically created subaccount. There is no checkbox "beta functionality" available. I deleted the subaccount and created a new one. There you can check the box and the job scheduler is available.

But, also the problem with the  app instances still exists! There are only 2 app instances possible. I've created 3 trial accounts (the latest today), before I found the post from Marek. So how can I get more app instances to finalize this example?

I got the following error during deployment:
Error starting application "shine-web": Controller operation failed: 400 Bad Request: You have exceeded the instance limit for your organization's quota.
Unexpected error: Controller operation failed: 400 Bad Request: You have exceeded the instance limit for your organization's quota.
Unexpected error: Error monitoring subprocess with id 4655846
Exception occured during execution: "Error monitoring subprocess with id 4655846"
Process failed: Error starting application "shine-web": Controller operation failed: 400 Bad Request: You have exceeded the instance limit for your organization's quota.



I´m facing the exact same issues. The one related to the Job Scheduler I fixed it by deleting the default account and manually creating the quotas, just as Jakob described. After that, the deployment seems to go through but then I get the error reported by Jakob and Marek

Error starting application “shine-web”: Controller operation failed: 400 Bad Request: You have exceeded the instance limit for your organization’s quota.
Unexpected error: Controller operation failed: 400 Bad Request: You have exceeded the instance limit for your organization’s quota.
Unexpected error: Error monitoring subprocess with id 28534875

Is there any update on this?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert


although I am answering to an old thread, it might be useful for others encountering the same problem.

Since the Job Scheduler service is currently in beta, it is not possible to consume it using a subaccount with beta features disabled.
As written in the help, “you cannot disable this setting once you have enabled it”, nor you can enable it after subaccount creation.

Therefore the only way to consume the Job Scheduler (as of today) is to create a new subaccount specifying “Enable beta features”.

Hope it helps!

All the best,



EDIT: I have just noticed that the same answer had been provided in a different comment later on this page. Apologies for multiple postings.

0 Kudos
Hi Sven,

I'm working on SAP Paris team and became an addict of this valuable course even if it's not easy for beginners to deploy SHINE.

I solved the jobscheduler issue removing and recreating the sub-account and enabling “beta functionality” as described. Thanks to the blog contributors.

Now I have the following error while deploying:

Error creating service "shine-container" from offering "hanatrial" and plan "hdi-shared":Failed to open connection ......

Error message attached: shine-container-error-01.txt

Could you please let me know if the issue is for sure the availability of the "shine-container" service on "hanatrial" ?

If not, I will continue to investigate.

If yes, what can be done?

Thank you very much,

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi everyone,

Problem is solved after a complete cleanup on neo side (MDC + some Appli).

The link for the resource quota between neo and cf was not clear to me. Now it is.

Thanks and best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi All,

I got portal related error(Error creating service "sap-portal-services-host" from offering "portal-services" and plan "site-host": Controller operation failed: 404 Not Found: Could not create service instance "sap-portal-services-host". Service plan "site-host" from service offering "portal-services" was not found) when I tried to deploy SHINE application.

Then I realised that Portal service is also needed for deployment. I had to switch to the region(US East VA) that has portal service and then deployment was successful. Wanted to point this out since it was not mentioned in this blog.


0 Kudos

hi all,

i am getting following error can some one help me in resolving it.


Operation ID: 752654ba-6cfb-11ec-a81e-eeee0a9a0d58
Deploying in org "f54542fetrial" and space "dev"
Detected MTA schema version: "3"
No deployed MTA detected - this is initial deployment
Detected new MTA version: "1.9.0"
Error resolving merged descriptor properties and parameters: No configuration entries were found matching the filter specified in resource "ui5Service"
Process failed.


kiran rachamalla.