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SAP S/4HANA 1709 & above versions has Enterprise Search enabled for SAP Vehicle Management Solution. In order for customer to use the Enterprise Search there are list of steps that the consultants needs to ensure to make the enterprise search work correctly.

Following steps to be followed:


First of all if you are converting your SAP ECC system to S/4HANA 1709 or above versions then, it is important that "VLC_SEARCH_ADAPTION" is deactivated. As this BADI is influences the search based on TREX or based on table indexes that you may have build in previous project implementation.

Important to note is that this BADI help to enable any custom search tab that you might have added in to your VELO transaction to enable Search of vehicles based on custom fields of associated tables.

2.  Check Pre-requisties

Once the upgrade is done & Basis has handed over for you to proceed with functional set up of the search. Then first you need to ensure that following pre-requisites are met to proceed with setting up the search functionality

    1. You have embedded search development Authorization on SAP HANA

    2. Check whether the Database connection is set up, Execute report ESH_ADM_SET_TREX_DESTINATION

3. Set up Vehicle Search Criteria  -Go to Transaction VELO_SC

Maintain all the fields VMS Field name, VMS table, Document action type, VMS field name, Type of search field & Type of search field & type of interface fields.

This data gets stored in the table VLCSEARCHCONTROL table. This table existed prior to S/4HANA 1709 version as well where in the search relevant fields were maintained & if any custom field or Custom table you have created which needs to be used for search, also needs to be maintained in through this transaction.

Prior to S/4HANA 1709 version this table didnt had the field last field "Request attribute" Also this field cannot be maintained throught the transaction VELO_SC. Data in this table will be empty at this stage will be empty, as these fields gets generated & updated once step 4. is completed. 

4. Enterprise Search HANA Modeler (Transaction ESH_MODELER)

If you VMS tables & VELO transaction doesnt have any custom fields & custom search then please follow only step 5,6 & 7 in this blog. Step 4 is explained in detail if you have custom fields in VLCVEHICLE or Cutom tables linked to VMS processes & custom search tab build in VELO transaction to trigger search based on custom fields.

  • Launch ESH_MODELER transaction

Go to main Software Component--> Maintain software components & then click on Create Button

Give the proper package assigment, then Specify a description for the new software component and choose Save. The newly created software component is displayed on the screen

Then Include SAP Software component in New Customer-Specific Component

Select the Software component & then go to Software component & include it in the component "SAPAPPLH"

Now your model is ready, which is a copy of standard Modeler, you need to enhance the model to include your custom fields & custom tables

Once you have selected the Model in the custom Model you have created, Now you are at Model Properties in the 5 step process of completing the modeling your custom search. Here select the primary node in your model as VLCVEHICLE.

Now move to next step, which is Model Nodes, Here you define the list of tables that are relevant for the search to function. All the standard VLC* & CVCL* tables will already exist based on the standard search model. You need to add the custom table that doesnt exist & also by selecting the table VLCVEHICLE, you can add the custom fields to the standard table which are already present in the table, but not present inside the modeler as those fields were not primarily present in the standard VLCVEHICLE model.

Now the next step is to define the Node relations, in this step you will see hierarchy of the tables in relationship with VCLVEHICLE & many other tables which are in relationship with the VLCVEHICLE. Also the custom table that is been added in the relationship. if you click your custom table in the hierarchy then system will automatically select the foriegn key relationship of the custom table with the table VLCVEHICLE. However this foriegn key relationship can be modified.

Now move to next step Model Requests

At this stage the standard existing Model request is visible "VEHICLE_REQUEST", You can delete & create you own. However recommended process is to use this request as it already holds all the standard model responses that are used by standard search model. You just need to make sure that custom fields responses are maintain in the bottom table view "Attributes of Request "VEHICLE_REQUEST"

Make sure all the custom fields which will be used in the search criteria have been updated with the field reference Node & reference attribute name. This information that you are now filling in this step is the automatically updated in the VLCSEARCHCONTROL table after all the steps in the modeler is completed.

Then move to next step "Node Response"

At this step select the Reponse Attributes tab in the bottom table, here again you need to ensure all those custom fields which are part of VLCVEHICLE table & custom table fields are mapped in the reference node & reference attribute name. It is important that everything is mapped, as even one field is missing or not mapped in this step or previous step the enterprise search doesnt give results in S/4HANA VELO transaction.

Once you have done it, Pleas save & finish.

5. Create a Enterprise Search HANA Connector

Go to Transaction "ESH_COCKPIT"

if you do not have custom fields & custom table. verify that your connector "Vehicle" is active. Then your VELO search should work.

if you have created a custom search then you need to delete this connector. This deletion of the connector might take a little time, so please be patient.

Once deleted define your own connector with a custom name & select the Model to be used for this Connector, this model is the same model that you have created in transaction ESH_MODELER

The newly added table should appear in the list. If not, delete the existing connector and create a connector again.

6. Maintain SAP HANA Embedded Search Parameters

Go to SPRO-> Logistics Execution->Vehicle Management System-> Vehicle search-> Define Parameters for SAP HANA Embedded Search

You need to ensure that the runtime time model id is matching with the custom model created by you, you can exactly copy this from the step no.1 Model Properties display view for your custom model that you created in the transaction "ESH_MODELER"

6. Review & maintain VLCSEARCHCONTROL table with request attributes

Go to SPRO-> Logistics Execution->Vehicle Management System-> Vehicle search-> Define mapping of search fields

Here you need to ensure all the custom fields of VLCVEHICLE table & custom table fields are updated & if not updated, this can be configured. If any field is missing, there are possilble error or incorrect search results in VELO transaction


Activate this BADI & make sure that your search BADI method for custom fields search is written in this "OUTPUT_POSTPROCESSING" method.

Lastly you can always Test your search functionality is working correctly or not using report ESH_TEST_SEARCH

For more details refer to SAP Note 2449105 & 2617359 


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Hi Sachin,

We have added a custom field in vlcvehicle table and added that field in search profile custom view and able to see those fields in search profile view.
Now, We have performed steps mentioned above, however we are not able to create connectors and getting below screen.


Could you please help me with this?

Thank you!