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Active Participant
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Dear all,

I write a white paper about "How to install and configure SAP Work Manager with S/4 HANA 1610 On Premise". In this document I provide all the detailed information from end to end. (Client, SMP, S/4HANA). Hopefully it would be helpful for you to migrate your system smoothly.


Best Regards,

Kevin Xu


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0 Kudos

Hi Kevin,

For which version of Work Manager is this? Any date of when Work Manager 6.5 will be available? Thanks in advance.

Hi kevin,


Thanks for the information.

Do you have information about how to install SAP Work Manager on sap cloud platform MOBILE?

I need it 😞


please help me.




Marian B

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Work Manager 6.5 is targeted to be out before the end of the year.  As always with release dates they are subject to change if needed.

Active Participant

Hi Marian,

Do you mean the SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Service?

If you have used the SMP products before, it should be the same.


Create an Agentry application folder in the Cockpit and deploy the work manager app zip file.

Precondition is you need to download the work manager application at first, install it to your local folder and generated the zip file.


Best Regards,

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Yann,

From work manager 6.4.1 version, you can check the detailed information in my wiki page.


Best Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
This assumes you have purchased Work Manager cloud edition or Inventory Manager cloud edition first.  An on premise Work Manager license does not automatically transfer or enable the same capabilities in the cloud.  You can work with your SAP Account team around converting to the cloud if that is your desired destination.
