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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
I have just published a new version of my openSource project called the RAP Generator.

The main new features are that I have added an option that allows you to delete the objects that have been generated using the RAP Generator. This option becomes handy when you have generated your objects in a package that contains already several other ABAP repository objects since it can become cumbersome to search the generated objects and delete the same.

Another new feature is that I have added an additional entity in my RAP business object for the RAP Generator that hosts messages and error messages of the generation frameworks being used.


You can download the RAP Generator for GitHub using the following link:

Not so visitble for the end user is that I managed to make my life easier when it comes to add new features since I have to support two code lines for on-premise and the SAP BTP ABAP Environment in SAP BTP.

Since I was able to move the code that wraps the basic functionality of the XCO-libraries in just two small classes I perform the development using just one code line.

I plan to publish a small video that shows the basic usage of my tool soon.

Kind regards,

Former Member
Many thanks!

Looking forward to the video.
Looks promising, will give it a crack

Thanks Andre.

This is really cool - however when I try to upgrade to the latest on S4 2021 I receive syntax errors in


For example in the mandatory_fields_check routine ADT is complaining about:

permission_request-%field-(component_permission_request-name) = if_abap_behv=>mk-on.

Have you seen this in your tests on S4 2021?



0 Kudos
Hi Ian, hi andre.fischer,

i am also really curious to try out the tool, but I have the same error message as Ian. Have you already found a solution for this?

Also, there are lines in the 2021 Branch that only work in a 2022 system (e.g. in ZDMO_CL_RAP_GEN_ENV_ON_PREM).

Class ZDMO_CL_RAP_GEN_ENV_ON_PREM from the 2021 branch with statements valid not before 2022


Best regards,
0 Kudos
Hi Andre,


Trust you are doing well.


I was trying installing the RAP Generator to our S4HANA ON PREMISE 2021 01 (02/2022) FP , but getting an error . Below is the screenshot for the same. Could you please help/guide what may be the cause for this error.

Error Screenshot



Kapil Jain
0 Kudos
Hi Andre,

I am facing the issue, that the RAP Generator does not respect our namespace which is /XXXX/. Means, the tables names have exactly this pre-fix. When generating the objects, there is a check for non-alphanumeric characters which raises an exception.
The RAP Generator recognizes the name space correctly as it is indicated in the respective field. Otherwise, our table names also contain underscores which should be ok as well.

Kind regards,
0 Kudos

Hi Andre,

The problem concerning the namespace "/XXXX/" which I mentioned in another post I could fix by simply commenting the respective check in the code. After this, the action "Generate repo objects" finishes without errors, but it does not create any objects. Also the generation log remains empty. This is the status I see in the generator:

What could be the reason that it is not wokring? Getting no error message and no log makes it not easy to find the problem...

Kind regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
This is hard to judge.

And which was the post you mentioned?

Can you maybe provide the JSON that has been generated by the generator in the life cylce management section?

And can you post this as a new quesiton in the Q&A section and post this in the community (with the link here) ?
0 Kudos
Hi Andre,

The "other post" I referred to is just above this one dated to November, 21st. However, the problem that the Generator did not create any object and also did not provide any log record we could solve: Using Firefox helped to get everything running. Any other Browser did not work in our case.

Kind regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
This then sounds like a SAPUI5 problem since I use the Fiori Elements Preview as a "UI".
0 Kudos

Me too. The preview opens per default in Edge. I just copy then the link into Firefox to make the application working...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
You can change the settings of your Eclipse installation such that FireFox is used by default rather than having to copy the URL from one browser to an other.

In Eclipse choose Window --> Preferences.

Then search for "browser".

In that dialogue you can choose to use a specific browser or the system default browser.