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The openSAP course, SAP Fiori for iOS - An Introduction, has completed and I just closed the discussion forums and the final mail announcing the publication of the course certificates. Now is the best time to share some key metrics and experiences of this course with you.

Overall Course Metrics
SAP Fiori for iOS - An Introduction was delivered by the instructors ian.thain, normen.rosch, michael.krenklerandsami.lechner were acting as course architects and additionally supported the discussion forum.

The course started on November 15 and continued over three weeks with a final exam finishing on December 14.

  • 8,165 learners were enrolled when Course Week 1 started on November 15.

  • In the middle of the course 9,092 learners were enrolled

  • When the course closed, this number had increased to 10,352.

  • We issued 1,463 graded Records of Achievement.

  • There were more than 55,000 video views and more than 55,000 self-test submissions

  • 460 posts were created in the discussion forum.

  • 86,8 % of the course participants came from outside SAP

  • 13,7 % of the participants are female and 86,3 % are male

Geographical Distribution
Course participants came from 95 different countries, whereof 20 countries are equal to or above the 1 % threshold.
Three countries account for 53.7% of all enrollments for this course. Like in most openSAP courses the three countries with the highest enrollment % are India, Germany and the United States.

Participants by Age:
The next diagram shows the participants by age:

The age of participants spans from 17 to 73. You see that most course participants are from age 22 to 51, and that there is a peak between 24 and 39.
These numbers fit to another figure: 95% of the course participants are (IT-) professionals, while ~5% are students.

Looking deeper into the IT Background that course participants have maintained in their profile: 37,4% evaluate themselves as IT experts, 48,4% as advanced and 14,3% as beginners in IT.
In short you can read that the vast majority of participants are advanced or experts in IT and are between 24 and 39 years old.

Success Rate
Let us quickly look on the success rate and the distribution of overall scores:

We use the number of enrollments at the middle of the course to measure the success rate. Why? Because we say that all people that enroll until the middle of a course still have a realistic chance to complete it with a Record of Achievement.
From the 9,092 participants that were enrolled in the middle, 1,463 learners earned a Record of Achievement for the course – this leads to the success rate of 16,1%.

To be part of the top 5% course participants needed to earn 180 points, for the top 10% they needed 178 and for the top 20% they needed 175 points.
127 participants earned a Record of Achievement with 100% and are part of the top 5%. This means they answered each and every assignment question correctly. Hats off!

Discussion Forum
Last but not least I want to conclude this blog with a look at the discussion forum.

For a 3-weeks course without system exercises we had lot of questions, discussions and comments in the forum: When I closed the forum I counted overall 460 posts.

One major factor for the activity is, that each week our instructor ian.thainstarted a new “Point of View” discussion and encouraged participants to share their views and experiences on questions about successful enterprise mobile strategies, mobile adoption, about the SAP Fiori for iOS design guidelines and about wishes for future trainings about SAP Fiori for iOS mobile application development.
I did a run-through the forum to dive a bit deeper into the context of these forum posts. Overall 44% of the discussion posts were created in the weekly “Point of View”, 11% of discussions were posted in the “I like/ I wish” feedback section which we always open near the end of the course, while 45% of questions and discussions were started outside of the guided forum questions.

We are happy to see these numbers. The collaborative elements worked well.

We constantly read the posts of learners in the forum. Especially in the “I like/ I wish” area and in the Point of View of week 3 we got the feedback that many participants liked this introduction course and wish to continue their learning journey about native iOS app development for the enterprise in courses with practical system exercises when the SAP HANA Cloud Platform SDK is released.

You are kindly invited to go to the discussion forum of the course to get familiar with the feedback that participants gave while the course was running. At least I want to share a couple of selected quotes:

Congratulations Ian, Michael, Normen, and Sami! You all did a great job of putting this course together and presenting the material. I'm looking forward to seeing and using the SDK next year

I have been developing iOS apps for 6 years now and the processes define here completely resonates with the way I think and design/develop my applications

I liked the way the course progressed from understanding about UX to Apple to iOS Design. This presentation kept the concepts very simplistic and easy to comprehend. I wish the course (or future courses) hit upon more technical details about the SDK and actual development

I would like to see upcoming training based on an example iOS app like the Manager or FieldService app. Maybe in combination with prototyping & research. This would be a great learning path, motivation and individual aim. Thank you for a great training course.

I like the content of the courses: very informative and well prepared. I wish, there were more practical tasks that force you to focus even more on the content. Tasks, that you can earn points with. For this course, I am fully aware, that iOS SDK is not out there yet. So in this case real practical/dev/etc. assignments are not possible, but generally this would be helpful.”

“Firstly special thanks to you and to your team for this wonderful Introduction course. As for the next course I would like to get more insights into the new SAP HCP SDK for iOS similar to 'Developing web apps with SAPUI5' like a video course followed by hands on exercise

I am looking forward for future training on practical that will give hand on creating native apps on iOS. This will help the learners to enhance knowledge on development process steps and give readiness to work on developing Fiori Apps.”

"I am very grateful for the opportunity to take the course, it is very complete and understandable"

Before I finalize this blog I want to say thanks to all participants and experts for making this learning journey possible.

Please be aware that this blog post conveys my own, personal interpretation of the metrics we have gathered.