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What’s New in Q2 2023 🚀

After the launch of SAP Datasphere🔥in March 2023 we introduced and enhanced lots of great features in Q2 2023.

We introduced the parallel child tasks in task chains, enabling change remote table sources and definitions, import entities from SAP S/4HANA on-prem systems, enhanced the Analytic Model with Currency conversion after aggregation, introduction of new semantic type Fact, content network support for Business Builder objects, CLI updates and task framework support, and many more.

Interested to know more?
We will also run our quarterly What’s New in Q2 2023 session on July 26th, 2023 in case you are interested in more details. Join us for the update session and ask the product experts in the Q&A section live during the session.
👉  Sign up now or watch the recording afterwards.

Some key features are briefly explained in tanja.wingerter's video for Q2 2023


SAP BW bridge 🌉


Data Modeling, Catalog & Consumption

SAP Datasphere Analytic Model Series


SAP Datasphere Intelligent Lookup Series


Further Modeling, Catalog & Consumption Blogs


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when it is expected that it will be possible to share analytical models between spaces ?

We have this message when we try to share a AM

Sorry, something went wrong while sharing the models

We can provide the following information to assist either you or an SAP engineer to solve the issue:

Correlation ID: c90da97e-9ddd-4b84-4fd2-3ae19ebc4bf2

HTTP Status: 500 Internal Server Error

Error Code: unknownShareError

Technical Message: sap.dwc.analyticModel is not supported for sharing.

Thanks, Patrice
Hi pmathieu_2016 , we understand this is relevant and are looking into the details on how to provide this, but it'll take a bit of time since this type of sharing is outside of the standard concept of sharing. The way sharing works today for other objects of the data layer is that objects are shared so that users can subsequently build things on top of these objects. On the execution layer underneath, the respective HANA grants are being added to the respective users. With Analytic Models, this approach to sharing needs to be extended since a) today there's no building on top of Analytic Models (they are the end of the food chain; we are working on stacking of AMs and inherit their properties upwards, cp. this roadmap item on reuse of Analytic Models) and b) if the grant-based approach is used, then also ALL contained elements (i.e. the fact plus all dimensions/texts/hierarchies down to any required level) need to be shared. From discussions w customers this is not quite was is expected since then users of the target space could just as well build their own AMs based on these shared building blocks rather than use the AM as the only consumable object and all internals are shielded.

This means that the use case that you and other customers are voicing, namely that one team (e.g. IT) can build AMs and other teams (e.g. LoB groups who have only access to their respective spaces) can use the AM in a black-box fashion, needs some interesting engineering work to happen first. This is why it's really more than just a switch on AMs.

Br, Jan Fetzer (Product Mgmt Datasphere Modelling)
0 Kudos
Thank you very much for your answer. 

Our point of view

We understand that this is not in the current roadmap but our vision is to share also
some industrialized AM by IT to the Business by Sharing in Business Space

And also allow the business to create their own in Business SPACE.

We don't want the business to replicate table from sources system (Live connection HANA or BW/4HANA)
This is why we only create connections in the shared SPACE IT.
In addition, we don't want to recreate the connections for each space (Do by BASIS IT Team).

We agree and we also share FACT and DIM views to Business Space.
If we build the AM in our IT space, we must give access to the business in our space, which is inconceivable.

We tried to do a JSON export and import but that doesn't work either because when importing it looks for the connection object

Best regards, Patrice