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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

This is a video tutorial showing you a basic example of how to use SAP Identity Management 8.0, and more specifically, how to synchronize and manage the user data provided by two different data sources. They can be exported from your SAP or non-SAP system. For this example, we use a TXT file, containing the user IDs and emails of the users, and the second data source is a database table containing further information about the same users.

Target group

The video shows a simple, understandable and easy to execute example. It is meant for users who need an introduction to basic synchronization operations in SAP Identity Management.

Purpose of the video

Along with the introduction to the basic synchronization operations, you will get knowledge of the Eclipse-based development environment in SAP Identity Management 8.0 and the new package concept.


Using SAP Identity Management 8.0, we import the information from the file email.txt and the database table HR_Sample into the identity store of the SAP Identity Management 8.0 system. The information from both data sources is merged and uploaded to the identity store.


As a result, the information from both data sources is synchronized and transferred to the identity store of an SAP Identity Management system.

0 Kudos

Thanks Valentina. Great intro video for customers starting with SAP Identity Management.



0 Kudos

Thanks Valentina for this video

Excellent video... Nicely explained about SAP IDM 8.0 so that beginners can also understand it clearly.

0 Kudos

Nice video, thanks Valentina.

Former Member
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i was trying to follow the video ToASCII pass but i encountered with this error....

i have selected sap identity management database , so in the destination tab i have given a temp table , does the table  exist in the sap identity database or i should create a temporary table???

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

As far as I can remember, in this video we don’t use a To ASCII File pass, but a From ASCII File pass. Can you please check what pass have you created? Also verify that the repository constant Filename contains the correct link to the txt file with the emails. If it is still not working, please open a ticket to report an issue. In the meantime, you can try to  add the values to this table manually, so that you can continue with the tutorial.

Thanks and best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Valentina,

I'm using From ASCIIFile pass ,

how to check the repository constant filename contains the correct link to the txt file???

what i did is in the source tab -> right click -> constant -> %$rep.FILENAME% (as shown in the video ) ....

destination tab -> selected sap identity management database and table : given some temporory table name(temp_users) ....

question : does that table should exist in the repository or i should manually create in the repository???

so when i select the tab insert template -> data source template -> it is showing me the above error...

and in the admin url i have created the repository in the system configuration and i have given the location of the filename........

Help me to solve this problem ........



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

As you have created the repository in the System Configuration tab of the Admin UI, then the constant FILENAME should be fine (this is what I mean with “verify that the repository constant Filename contains the correct link to the txt file with the emails”). This txt
file must contain the IDs and emails of the employees.

If this is not working, you can also try to update the mapping table on the Destination tab of the pass manually. For example you can use the same values as on the screenshot:

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Valentina,

Still i'm not able to solve it ....

i'm getting the same error ,

in the source tab instead of giving %$rep.FILENAME% , i gave the actual  path of the file but it says data  not found .

i have even tried manually enter the fields in the destination tab,  but i didn't work .

May be something wrong with the path.......... like u gave in the admin url ...

i have even tried with the database , creating database repository , but its the same error............

What may be the root cause of it , and how should i troubleshoot this problem ....

Any help would be great.........

Please help me solving this problem ........



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

may be have in mind in the video the Eclipse development environment and the NetWeaver where IDM is running are on the same machine. If at your environment they are on different machines then the file name you specify should be one on the server side, not on the client side.

Best wishes,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,


So if you fill in the table manually then you don’t need to choose this button again. The purpose of the “Insert template” button is to fill in the table for you, but if you have already done this manually, you can save the pass and continue with the next step.


Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Fedya,

in the eclipse i have installed the idm plugin they are on the same machine , and in the admin url i have given the configuration of the database and the source file (the location of the source file is in my local system) and database is on remote location  so i have given the remote location configuration and the jdbc driver path is in my local system path i gave in the url

source file path in admin url : C:\Users\anurag\email.txt

database jdbc path : C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext\ojdbc6.jar

but as you said then it should work for database repository type .......

i have installed oracle client and the database is at the server side , so i am able to connect to the database remotely through my client using jdbc driver



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi valentina,

i have tried doing it manually but my job failed....



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

Can you please explain me the source repository tab like where it should pick my file from

either from the local system or my file should be on the server???

so i have jdbc driver also , it should be on the server path or on the local machine???

my local machine has only eclipse and idm plugin ..... the server is at some location. ...

i have even tried the source file  on the server and given in the admin url .......

but i didn't help ...

i dont know why it is not able to pick up the file from the repository.......



Former Member
0 Kudos


the file should be accessible for the runtime - e.g. where is your dispatcher? Is it on the same machine as NetWeaver or other?

About JDBC :

On the client side you do not need to know anything about the DB directly except the server name, port and DataSource name configured in eclipse/preferences/connection.

JDBC is configured as stated here: Installing the JDBC Drivers - SAP Identity Management Installation Guide - SAP Library

Best wishes,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

Could you please check whether Dispatcher is selected for the Job or not and also check the Dispatcher status. To run a particular job, corresponding dispatcher status must be Running.

If Dispatcher is already selected and runing then please share screenshots.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

My dispatcher is not on my local is running on some other location.........

i have even tried my file placed on the remote dispatcher ..........



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

hey thanks for the help , it worked for me.

The problem was the file i did not kept it on the server ..



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

hey thanks for the help the problem is solved .

i kept the file on the server and it worked.



Former Member
0 Kudos


i have a job to run using TODATABASE pass.............. like my source one database and destination is one database which is connected through the jdbc:odbc driver ..............

so when i run the job the error is

source is a table not a view ...........

The key attribute (e.g. MSKEYVALUE) is missing or the value is empty

To Database initPass


Please if any one can help me with this to execute the job.............



0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

It seems in the source tab, you are not retrieving any MSKEYVLAUE from the SQL query which is required in the Destination definition.

Suggested Solution-

  • Please modify your source query and retrieve the data as MSKEYVALUE which will be used in Destination definition.


  • Instead of using single pass use two passes - first pass is FROM Database and store it in a temp table and then use a second pass (TO DataBase) where you can read data from the temp table in the source tab.

Hope it will help


C Kumar

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

in my query i wrote select * from tablename where column='value'

and in the destination tab i am giving four values MSKEYVALUE, and remaining columns.......... in the destination tab do i need to specify all the columns from the source???

And in my source table i dont think there is a column named mskeyvalue..........

Any more suggestions would be helpful



0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

As Destination tab reads data from source tab only so if you are passing MSKEYVALUE in destination, Source tab output must contain the same.

Is it possible for you to share the Destination screenshot.


C Kumar

Former Member
0 Kudos


This is the destination tab, i have tried removing MSKEYVALUE in the destination tab but it is iving same error.......... i have tried everything keeping MSKEYVALUE and removing MKEYVALUE  and tested it but same error.........

And it is not giving me any database connectivity problem..........

0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

I have not much idea about IDM 8.0 however I think concept here will be same as IDM 7.2

In IDM 7.2, we need to pass the value for each attribute in destination Tab. Your Value column seems empty here. Please try passing the value for each attribute (MANDT, BNAME & ANAME).

for example If you are passing LastName to BNAME then write it as %LastName% in the value column in front BNAME. Similarly you need to pass value for each attribute.

Note - All the value which you will pass here should be present in the output of  source query.

Please try this and let me know if it works.


C Kumar

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

could you please post your queries as questions/discussions?

Please explain the issue in detail, provide screenshots of config (source and destination) you have tried and of error messages, and mention relevant IDM component versions in your post so that people can help you better.

Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

now the error is

JDBCHandler constructor failed connecting to DB jdbc:odbc:SMD

java.lang.Throwable: No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:SMD,

but for source it is not throwing error ........ SMD  is my destination db



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

i'm working on sap idm v 8.0

source is ECCDEV and connected through jdbc:odbc driver and destination is CUA and connected through jdbc:odbc driver  andgetting this error

JDBCHandler constructor failed connecting to DB jdbc:odbc:SMD

java.lang.Throwable: No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:SMD,

but for source it is not throwing error ........ SMD  is my destination db

And as said

passing LastName to BNAME then write it as %LastName% in the value column in front BNAME. Similarly you need to pass value for each attribute.I have given the values to each and every attribute



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Anurag,

Open the link SAP Identity Management

then click on "Start a discussion"

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Valetina Valkanova,

It is very good and very helpful post.

It tells me what I was looking for.

Thanks a lot!

Now I am looking for how to provision to target system.

I am going through SAP manual but suffering difficulties to find right one.
Can you guide me which SAP document have this contents?


0 Kudos

Dear Dongsu,

You can download all the SAP NW IdM8.0 documents from the SAP Identity Management 8.0 – SAP Help Portal Page

SAP docs are well explained and very helpful however If you are facing any issue/error to provision to target system, you can always start a discussion at SAP Identity Management/

While starting a discussion at SAP Identity Management, please also mention the Target system Name as SAP IDM uses different Repository & Connectors based on the target system.


C Kumar

Former Member
0 Kudos

Very Nice video ! thanks

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Valentina,

My team and I are new to IDM 8.0 and are in the process of building a system for proof of concept.  Your demo filled in many of the gaps I had from my reading of IDM literature.  The video was very informative and the scenarios you provided gave us a better understanding of how to load and synchronize data from multiple sources.  I'll have to take a look at some of the other tutorial and learning references you provide.

Thanks again!


Robert G.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Valentina,

I am very novice in SAP Identity Management  is the first time that used it, and maybe you can help me.

I started to work in a SAP Identity Management Project. I want to integrate as primary source for identity information SAP HCM.

Nowadays my client has SAP ECC 6.0 on SQL Server 2008 but  there are a migration plan SAP ECC on hana, so I wondering, if I start to work with the actual versión and then do a upgrade, is a good option?, I mean, What I should do to upgrade  IDM to the new SAP ECC ? If would be dificult?I will appreciate your help.

Best Regards !

Marisol Canales

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Canales,

I posted an answer in your thread here: Integration of  SAP Identity Management 8.0 - SAP HCM

Best Wishes,


Former Member
0 Kudos

HI Valentina,

thank you for the great documentation.

Do you have a step by step docu how i can intall the SAP Netweaver and IDM 8.0 on my local host?

Thanks in advance



0 Kudos

Hello Andreas,

You can find all SAP IDM 8.0 docs at below URL.

  1. SAP Identity Management 8.0 Documentation
  2. SAP Identity Management 8.0 – SAP Help Portal Page

SAP IDM 8.0 step by step Installation doc is available at

I will suggest to go through the following SAP IDM blogs before SAP IDM 8.0 Installation.

Please create a SCN thread in SAP IDM SCN SAP Identity Management, if you face any issue during Installation of SAP IDM 8.0


C Kumar

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Nice Blog

--Pavan G

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Valentina,


Video is no more accesible. Can you please check and fix if possible?


Hello Bilgen,


You can try to play it again, the video is accessible now.

Thanks for your feedback which made us recover its accessibility!


Best regards,



0 Kudos


Video is not available.
Could you please check.

Best Regards,