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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
You may remember the cringey performance of Steve Ballmer yelling "Developers!" on stage.

Well, sometimes I would like to yell "APIs!" because they truly are at the heart of every cloud system and definitively deserve that shoutout. But I am not Steve, so I stay behind my keyboard and write blogs - lucky you.

What is this blog about?

You may have an SAP Cloud Integration in place and you would like to have a way to precisely analyse what is going on there in terms of usage. You can already do a lot with our internal monitoring or the predefined reports, but if you want to do more you have to rely on coding.

Hence this blog will provide an example of how to use the Cloud Integration APIs ("APIs! APIs! APIs!") in order to build your own report in Python.

Especially, the code I share with you will report on the information about the "Edit Status" of an iflow, if it is deployed and how often it has been used in the last month.

As a disclaimer: I am no developer and this is my first coding attempt in Python. So you may see  optimization potential here - please refrain from blaming me publicly 🙂

Get started

1- Install all the necessary Python extensions in Visual Studio Code.

This is pretty easy and lets you simply run and debug your code.

2- Get acquainted with the details of the SAP Cloud Integration APIs ("APIs! APIs! APIs!"). They are pretty easy to use but you need to get your head around them a little.

Life hack: once you have found the REST API documentation in the SAP API Business Hub, you can add it to your favourites so you find it quickly later.

3- If you have not done it yet, create an API Service Key in your Integration Suite sub-account, using the plan "api".

The code

The most interesting part of this blog is the actual code - that you can copy from below. Yes, it is quite long, but pretty easy to understand.

Still, I will quickly explain what I did there and how to use that code hereunder.
import requests
from datetime import date, timedelta
import os
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import json

def getAccessToken(apiEndpoint: str, clientId: str, clientSecret: str) -> str:
tokenEndpoint = apiEndpoint+"?grant_type=client_credentials"
r = requests.get(url=tokenEndpoint, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(
clientId, clientSecret))
if r.status_code == 200:
j = json.loads(r.text)
token = j["access_token"]
return token
print("Error in generating access token" + r.status_code)

def analyzeIFlows(url: str, accessToken: str, outputFileType: str):
# Check if output is correctly set
if outputFileType=="CSV" or outputFileType=="JSON":
# Get all integration packages of Cloud Integration Tenant
CIurl: str = url+"/api/v1/IntegrationPackages"
r = requests.get(url=CIurl, headers={
"Authorization": "Bearer "+accessToken,
# If the response if ok, start processing
if r.status_code == 200:
# Generate the output file
from datetime import datetime
now =
f = open("CIAnalysisResults " + now.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H-%M-%S") + "." + outputFileType, "w")
# CSV response string
csvResponse = "Integration package ID;Integration package vendor;Iflow ID;IFlow Name;Status;Deployed;Messagecount (last month)\n"
# JSON response array
jsonResponseArray = []
# Load the JSON results of the query
integrationPackageList = json.loads(r.content)
# Loop through all integration packages
for integrationPackage in integrationPackageList['d']['results']:
# Get the integration flows for each integration package
CIurl: str = url+"/api/v1/IntegrationPackages('"+integrationPackage["Id"]+"')/IntegrationDesigntimeArtifacts"
r = requests.get(url=CIurl, headers={
"Authorization": "Bearer "+accessToken,
# Loop through all integration flows
integrationFlowList = json.loads(r.content)
for integrationFow in integrationFlowList['d']['results']:
# for every iflow, check if it is deployed or not
iFlowDeployed = "NO"
CIurl: str = url+"/api/v1/IntegrationRuntimeArtifacts('"+integrationFow["Id"]+"')"
r = requests.get(url=CIurl, headers={
"Authorization": "Bearer "+accessToken,
if (r.status_code == 200):
iFlowDeployed = "YES"
# get the number of calls from the MPL
# Format start and end date for the MPL query
today =
endDate = date(today.year, today.month - 1, 1)
startDate = endDate.replace(day=28) + timedelta(days=4)
startDate = startDate - timedelta(
endDate = endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT00:00:01")
startDate = startDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT23:59:59")

# for every iflow, get the number of messages
CIurl: str = url+"/api/v1/MessageProcessingLogs?&$inlinecount=allpages&$filter=LogEnd ge datetime'"+endDate+"' and LogStart le datetime'"+startDate+"' and IntegrationFlowName%20eq%20'"+integrationFow["Id"]+"'"
r = requests.get(url=CIurl, headers={
"Authorization": "Bearer "+accessToken,
if (r.status_code == 200):
messageProcessingLogs = json.loads(r.content)
messageCount = messageProcessingLogs['d']['__count']
# get details of each iflow
csvResponse+=(integrationPackage["Id"]+";"+integrationPackage["Vendor"]+";"+integrationFow['Id']+";" + integrationFow['Name'])
jsonResponse = {
"IntegrationPackageId": integrationPackage["Id"],
"IntegrationPackageVendor": integrationPackage["Vendor"],
"IflowId": integrationFow['Id'],
"IflowName": integrationFow['Name']
# Check if creation date equals modification date
if abs(int(integrationFow['CreatedAt']) - int(integrationFow['ModifiedAt'])) <= 1:
jsonResponse["Status"] = "NOT EDITED"
csvResponse+=(";NOT EDITED;")
jsonResponse["Status"] = "EDITED"
# Add if iFLow is deployed or not
jsonResponse["Deployed"] = iFlowDeployed
# Add number of messages
jsonResponse["MessageCount"] = messageCount
#Generate JSON
print("Error in getting Integration Packages: "+str(r.status_code))
jsonResponse = json.dumps(jsonResponseArray)
# Write the data to file
if outputFileType == "CSV":
print ("Please use 'CSV' or 'JSON' as outputFileType")

# Get config file location
configFilePath: str = open(os.path.dirname(
os.path.abspath(__file__))+'/config.json', "r")
# Reading from config file
configObj: json = json.loads(
# Get Access Token
accessToken = getAccessToken(
configObj["oauth"]["tokenurl"], configObj["oauth"]["clientid"], configObj["oauth"]["clientsecret"])
# Set the output mode (CSV or JSON)
outputFileType = "CSV"
# Run the analysis
analyzeIFlows(configObj["oauth"]["url"], accessToken, outputFileType)

Basically, there are 2 methods in the code:

  • getAccessToken: this method simply connects to the BTP sub-account and retrieves an OAuth token to be used later in the request.

  • analyzeIFlows: this is the main method which connects to the API of your sub-account in order to retrieve the necessary information.

GetAccessToken: this method will access your Cloud Integration information through the Cloud Integration API. In order to do so, it needs the content of your API Service Key you created previously.

Hence, please copy the content of the sub-account service key into a file named "config.json" in the same folder as your python file.

This main method will loop through all integration packages of your sub-account and create an output file in the desired format (CSV or JSON). Set this at line 125.

For each integration package, the code will retrieve the list of integration flows.

For each integration flow, the code will retrieve the number of messages for the past month.

Also, for each integration flow, the code will check if the package was edited.
Here, I am using the "ModifiedAt" and the "CreatedAt" information. If they were created and modified at almost the same time (give or take a second), I consider that they have not been modified. I have not found any reliable information telling precisely if an iflow has been modified, so this is a small workaround.

Feel free to modify the code to suit your needs - that is is main idea of it!

Run it!

Once you run the code (it may take a while), it will generate either a CSV or a JSON file.


All the best, happy coding, and shoutout to APIs!



Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Why not make it actionable with automation and workflows instead of static exports? Like so with Azure Monitor for example. In addition to that you will want to handle faulty iFlow right away, right? See here an example with Microsoft Teams.

Feel free to add the references.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thanks for your input! There are indeed many, many ways to do monitoring - and they are definitively not exclusive.

In my example, I put the focus on the metering aspect of monitoring: nothing needs to be actionable here.

But indeed, as soon as you need real-time, human-like interactions for monitoring purposes, I cannot think of a better way than Teams or Mails, especially using the adaptive cards or actionable mails!

0 Kudos
Hi Sven,

Thanks for sharing this post.

My question to you is why write any of this python code for APIs when you can do this all out of the box today with Precog and never deal with coding again?  This is the approach SAP customers are taking today to connect to API sources (Ariba, Success Factors, Field Glass, Litmos and 100s more) into DataSphere.

Here is a video of the user experience with SAP Ariba and DataSphere today from the SAP Marketplace:

Never again write any code for data analytics for API sources with DataSphere. We agree it's all about APIs!!!!!

Mike Corbisiero

Precog - SAP Team
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thanks Mike!

Once again, there are many, many roads leading to Rome. But in all honesty, I have never seen a blog explaining how to meter integration flows in that level of detail. Happy to read through it if it exists!