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Do you remember? In my blog post SAP Process Automation: Free Tier Availability I mentioned that the perfect starting point for exploring SAP Process Automation is the Free Tier service plan.

After following this recommendation now you are finished the exploration phase and the next step is to use SAP Process Automation in production.

Here is how it works:

Go to your Global Account select the sub-account where you already installed the free tier version. Under Instances and Subscriptions you should see the in the application section (1) SAP Process Automation and Launchpad Service in status subscribed with the free plan. In addition there is the service instance (2) for SAP Process Automation in status created. We can ignore this for the update process.


To update the applications to the standard service plans go to "Entitlements" (1), search for process (2) and click on "Configure Entitlements" (3).


You need to add the standard plans to your sub-account, click on "Add Service Plans".


Search for SAP Process Automation and select the relevant service plans. the plan "standard (Application)" is mandatory, you should add the other plans based on your use case. Click on "Add x Service Plans".


Repeat the same for the Launchpad Service.

After you added the service plans do not forget to save your changes!


Now go back to the Instances and Subscriptions in your Global Account. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the row with the SAP Process Automation Service and you will see a pop-up menu. Select "Update" here.




Select the standard plan and click on "Update Subscription".

After a few seconds the plan in the "Instances and Services" view switched to standard.


Repeat the same procedure for the Launchpad Service and this should be the final result:



Now you are able to use your existing projects in a productive environment. No further changes needed, all users are still maintained and the urls are still the same.


For more information on SAP Process Automation, please refer to the following sources: