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NOTE: This process is deprecated. Follow the blog  to provision a CPI tenant using Integration Suite


SAP Cloud Integration is now available on Alibaba Cloud environment. You can now run Cloud Integration tenants on Alibaba Cloud by following the steps mentioned in the blog.

Let's get started.


You have purchased subscription-based SAP BTP contract on Alibaba Cloud infrastructure with either of the following Cloud Integration Entitlements:

  • SAP CP Integration, PI edition (8004740) or

  • SAP CP Integration, enterprise edition (8005996) or

  • SAP CP Integration for SAP cloud app (8000800)


Execute the below mentioned actions for provisioning a Cloud Integration tenant:

Step Persona Action
1 Global Account Admin

a)      Create Subaccount

b)      Enable Cloud Foundry

c)      Entitlement Management

d)      Roles Assignment
2 Subaccount Admin

a)     Subscribe to Process Integration SaaS Application

b)     Assign Cloud Integration Role Collection
3 Tenant Admin

a)   Provision a Cloud Integration tenant

b)   Activate Enterprise Messaging
4 Integration Developer a)  Design and Deploy a sample Integration flow
5 Subaccount Admin

a)  Create Process Integration Runtime broker instance

b)  Create service key
6 Integration Developer a)   Test message flow through the deployed integration flow


Let us consider a scenario to help you to understand how many tenants you are entitled to provision.

Consider a company XYZ Corp. has purchased two Cloud Integration SKUs.

    • 1 quantity of SAP CP Integration, PI edition (8004740)

    • 1 quantity of SAP CP Integration, enterprise edition (8005996)

under contract mentioned in the prerequisite. They are entitled to provision one Cloud Integration tenant of pi_ edition and one Cloud Integration tenant of enterprise_edition on their SAP BTP Global Account.

1.Global Account Admin Activities

Below activities are to be performed by the Global Account Admin.The Global Account Admin is the IT contact person of the organization whose contact details would be mentioned during the CRM Order creation.

a) Create a Subaccount

Create a subaccount by choosing the options as mentioned below:

  • Environment: Cloud Foundry

  • Provider: Alibaba Cloud

  • Region: cf-cn40

b) Enable Cloud Foundry

After successfully creating the subaccount, you need to Enable Cloud Foundry to use Cloud Foundry Capabilities within the subaccount.

You can continue with the default value in the Create Organization pop-up and click on Create button.

Once the Cloud Foundry enablement is successful, you would have an CF Organization created.

c) Entitlement Management

Global Account Admin must assign the correct Cloud Integration service plan so that the Tenant Admin can continue to provision the respective type of tenant.

In this scenario, we will first assign enterprise_edition service plan  to allow the Tenant Admin to provision the Cloud Integration tenant with enterprise capabilities.

NOTE: You will see service plans based on the SKUs you purchased. If do not see a service plan despite of purchasing it, reach out to your Account Executive.

Navigate to Subaccount > Entitlements Tab in the account page as shown below:

Configure Entitlements

Navigate to Entitlements > Configure Entitlements as shown below:

Add Service Plan:

Choose Process Integration from the Available Entitlements and assign the correct service plan. Since, we would like to provision a Cloud Integration tenant with Enterprise Capabilities, select enterprise_edition.

Now select Process Integration Runtime > Integration Flow and Add Service Plans.

Save the assignment.

d) Role Collection Assignment

Once the Entitlement Assignment has completed, the Global Account Admin needs to assign the required roles for the Subaccount Admin to Provision the Cloud Integration Tenant.

To assign role collection, execute the steps mentioned below:

Within the Subaccount, Navigate to Security > Trust Configuration > Default Identity Provider

Enter the email address of the person, whom you want to make as Subaccount Admin and click on Show Assignments.

Assign the below role collections by clicking on “Assign Role Collection”.

  • Subaccount Administrator

  • Subaccount Service Administrator

Once the role collections is assigned successfully, you would see a screen as shown below:

With this, the activities required by the Global Account Admin is completed.

2) Subscribe to Process Integration SaaS Application

This activity is to be performed by the Subaccount admin.

Subscribe to Process Integration

Navigate to the Subaccount > Subscriptions tab

Click on the Process Integration tile to Subscribe

After subscription is successful, you would see the below screen:

NOTE: After the subscription is successful, Attempt to access application with a click on Go To Application would not succeed . You need to additionally configure user access by assigning the roles as mentioned in the next step.
Assign Cloud Integration Role Collection:

Navigate back to Subaccount > Trust Configuration > Default Identity provider

Assign the required roles as shown below:

You should see a screen as shown below once the assignment is completed:

3) Tenant Admin Activities

a) Provision Tenant

This activity needs to be performed by the Tenant Admin (with the role PI_Administrator).

Navigate to Subaccount > Subscriptions > Process Integration > Go To Application

You should land onto Cloud Integration Provisioning Application as shown below:

Additional details about different capabilities offered through different service plans can be found in the note 2863656 attached to the information dialog.

Choose the tenant environment based on your operational needs.

When you select Non-Production environment be aware of the following impact:

  1. As per the contract, billing will include only Cloud Integration instance charges and additional connections will not be charged.

  2. SAP will not commit for any SLAs (Service Level Agreements).

Click on Provision to provision a tenant as shown below:

You would see the tenant provisioning progress as shown below:

NOTE: While the tenant provisioning is in progress/in failed state, Avoid executing step 5 (i.e, Create Process Integration Runtime broker instance).

Once the tenant provisioning is successful, you will get access to Web UI URL as shown below:

b) Activate Enterprise Messaging

If you want to run scenarios with asynchronous messaging (AS2, JMS or XI adapter scenarios), activate the message broker as shown below:

Once activation is successful, you would see a screen shown below:

4. Create and Deploy Integration Flow from Web UI

This activity needs to be performed by the Integration Developer (with the role PI_Integration_Developer).

Access the Cloud Integration Web UI URL from the above step to Create an Integration package by navigating to Design > Create as shown below:

Create an integration flow under the package as shown below:

Create a simple integration flow with HTTP Sender adapter as shown below:

Save and Deploy the Integration Flow.

Now navigate to Monitoring > Manage Integration Content to view the status of the deployed integration flow.

NOTE:This deployment of the first integration flow would take up to 10 minutes.


5.Create Process Integration Runtime service broker instance:

Prerequisite: Ensure you have successfully provisioned the tenant as mentioned in the step 3.

This activity needs to be performed by Subaccount Admin ( with the role Subaccount Service Administrator )

a) Create New Instance

Prerequisite: Ensure you Enabled Cloud Foundry as mentioned in step 1.b

Create a new Space by navigating to Subaccount > Spaces > New Space

Save the new space and navigate to Service Marketplace > Process Integration Runtime 

You would see the below screen:

Navigate to Process Integration Runtime > Instances > New Instance

Choose integration-flow Service Plan

Specify Parameters value as:

 "roles": [

You may encounter formatting issues, while copying parameter values from blog.I would recommend you to manually type it.

Mention Instance Name and Click Finish

b) Service Key Creation:

Navigate to the above created instance as shown:

Choose Create Service Key

Save the Service Key and Copy the values of clientId and clientsecret from the key as shown:

6) Test message flow through the deployed integration flow:

Post a message to the deployed integration flow endpoint ( using the clientid as username and clientsecret as password )

Verify the message process status in the Web UI ( itspaces ) > Monitoring.


A Cloud Integration tenant can be decommissioned for consuming the entitlement for other business requirement by following a simple step shown below:

That brings me to the end of the detailed blog on how to provision a Cloud Integration tenant on Alibaba Cloud environment.

NOTE: There will not be any difference w.r.t features on Neo and CF. As of now, we have few limitations on CF as mentioned in the release note 

Hope you enjoyed reading the blog.

See you again with another new feature in the new year. 🙂

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