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We are happy to share the highlights of Release Candidate 13 of UI5 Web Components with you.

Release Candidate 13 is the first version without support for Internet Explorer.
However, if you still need IE support we offer the @ui5/webcomponents-ie11 package, that still could be used on your own responsibility, because we will no longer develop and support it.
Those of you who don’t need IE support will benefit from reduced size of the ES6 bundle by 4KB (2KB gzipped).

You are welcome to get a taste on our release candidate, we are looking forward to receiving your feedback!

UI5 Web Components Team



New Components

With the RC.13 version of UI5 Web Components, we extended our set of components with one brand new component - StepInput.

The StepInput allows the user to change the input values in predefined increments (steps).
It consists of an input field and buttons with icons to increase/decrease the value.
The user can change the value of the component by pressing the using buttons, typing a number directly, using the keyboard up/down and page up/down keys, or by using the mouse scroll wheel.

The component is especially useful when you need to:

  • adjust amounts, quantities, or other values quickly.

  • adjust values with a specific step.


New Features

  • Framework

    • Maintain common popups z-index for all OpenUI5 and UI5 Web Components instances (#2980)

    • New supported languages (#2869)

    • New icons (#3024)


  • Components

    • ui5-color-palette: introduce "More Colors" feature (#2853)

    • ui5-tabcontainer: support responsive paddings (#2775)

    • ui5-list: introduce "growing" capability (#2950)




For further details and especially in case you need to adapt your applications please check out the full changelog. Your feedback is valuable for us, so let us know what you think!


What is coming around the corner?

In the previous release we mentioned about our efforts to reuse the UI5 Web Components in OpenUI5, the so called "Retrofit" of UI5 Web Components. For that, we are building UI5 control adapters that will internally render UI5 Web Components. We will continue working on this topic with highest priority. Another major topic is to further improve the components Keyboard Handling on our way to provide high enterprise quality.


Your Feedback is valuable to us

If you have questions, comments or need some help, feel free to leave a comment below, in the Q&A section or get in touch with us.


For more information on UI5

1 Comment
I have been evaluating web technologies for a major project and definitely web components are the future especially today when Microsoft Edge fully supports custom element (a.k.a. web components) I have just completed a decent POC application with UI5 and it worked flawlessly with the brilliant Vite dev server/bundler lit-html, Lit Element and TypeScript. I have used tsc to create d.ts declarations from some of the JS files you had, but I'd be happier if you had an officially supported type declarations. This is what I highly recommend before going production release. Our organization is TypeScript, no JS any more in any new projects. So, keep up the excellent work!