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Adaptation Project Generator for VS Code - Adaptation Editor can not be opened

0 Kudos

Hello experts,

I have tried out the new Adaptation Project Generator for Visual Studio Code an managed to generate an adaptation project for the application "Purchase Order" (F0348A).

But when I try to open the adaptation editor, an error is displayed:


Should the adaptation-editor.html be located in the webapp folder? Because this is not the case for my generated adaptation app.


Thanks in advance 🙂



0 Kudos
Hi Julia, could you please

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Hi Julia, are you behind a corporate proxy by any chance? Unfortunately the error message doesn't reveal much...We will work on improving this. Would it be possible for you to create an official support ticket for SAP? If not, you can the following on your side to debug the issue:

  1. Navigate to /node_modules/@sap-ux/axios-extension/dist/abap/lrep-service.js
  2. Search for the method getCsrfToken
  3. Place a breakpoint in the catch block
  4. Once the breakpoint is reached examine the error object. Do you see any additional information that might be the root cause for the issue?

IMPORTANT: Do not post the error object in here as it contains sensitive data!

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Yes actually I am behind a proxy, could this be a problem?

I get the following error messages:

  • The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: "xxxx/sap/bc/lrep/actions/getcsrftoken/?"
  • Unable to determine IP address from host name "xxxx"
  • The DNS server returned: "Name Error: The domain name does not exist."
  • This means that the cache was not able to resolve the hostname presented in the URL. Check if the address is correct
0 Kudos
I could see the following error messages:
Hi Julia, yes, I believe that this is the root cause for the issue. Do you have the corporate proxy defined as environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. Or as Node.js env variables proxy and https-proxy?
0 Kudos

Thanks for the hint, I've defined the proxy in my .npmrc, but it was the wrong proxy. I fixed it and now the adaptation editor is openend 🙂

But now I get an error when the UI5 resources gets loaded via http://localhost:8080/resources/sap-ui-core.js, my ui5.yaml configuration looks like this:


When I start the editor, the following error message is displayed:

warn fiori-tools-proxy Unable to check if the 1.120.9 is available on the SAPUI5 SDK. Proceeding with loading the preview with this version.


0 Kudos
Hi, ist the application now loading in the browser for you? The message "warn fiori-tools-proxy Unable to check if the 1.120.9 is available on the SAPUI5 SDK. Proceeding with loading the preview with this version.", is just a warning message indicating that the UI5 version checked failed (probably because of the corporate proxy), you can ignore this message.
0 Kudos

Yes, the adaptation editor is opened in the browser, but no application is loaded and I get the following errors when the UI5 resources are loaded:



0 Kudos
Can you put the on the no_proxy list? Please add in .npmrc the following ""
0 Kudos
Sadly that didn't help 😞
0 Kudos
Hi, are you able to open in your browser? Also if you just do "curl", does it work?
0 Kudos
Yes, I can open without any problems in my browser and "curl" returns status code 200
0 Kudos
Hi, could you please try the following guide in order to load the UI5 resources locally:
0 Kudos
That didn't work because the "/test-resources/sap/ushell/bootstrap/sandbox.js" could not be loaded, I guess because the test-resources are not available when downloading SAPui5 from
0 Kudos
I found out that if I add the proxy configuration in my .npmrc file, the loading of the UI5 resources works fine, but I will get the error I described before (error 503). If I delete the proxy, I can connect to the SAP system, but cannot load the UI5 resources via Are there maybe some options for the fiori-tools-preview adp target entry to connect to the SAP system? I could not find any documentation about this option.
Hi, when downloading SAPUI5 from, you need to download the SDK version. Only this version contains the "test-resources". Regarding the proxy configuration please try the following. Please enter the proxy configuration in the ".npmrc" file and then exclude the backend by using "no_proxy". It is very important to use "no_proxy"! I know that the npm documentation says that the property is called "noproxy", BUT a lot of node packages are checking for "no_proxy"!.
0 Kudos
That did it, thank you, I can now load the UI5 resources from and I'm not getting any backend errors, thank you so much!

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Julia,

could you please add "debug: true" in your ui5.yaml. It should look like this:

- name: fiori-tools-preview 
  afterMiddleware: compression 
   component: myapp 
   ui5Theme: sap_horizon 
   debug: true

afterwards please try to start the adaption editor again.

The file adaptation-editor.html is generated at runtime, so it does not need to be part of the webapp folder. The error code that you are getting indicates and issue with the backend



0 Kudos

Thank you for your comment, I tried to add the debug option, but it failed with the same error code. Do you know how we can detect the issue with the backend?

0 Kudos
Hi, what kind of backend do you have? What is the default authentication type of your backend?
0 Kudos
The system is a S4HANA On Premise 2023 and we use basic authentication with user and password.
0 Kudos
Did you created the project in VSCode? If yes, is the system stored in VSCode? Are you getting asked for credentials when you try to start the adaptation editor?
0 Kudos
Yes, I created the project in VS Code and I've stored the system there. It can be found under "SAP System Details", I've provided my credentials for the system there. If I test the connection, I get two messages: "V2 catalog call returned 149 services" and "V4 catalog service not available". I don't get asked for my credentials when I start the adaption editor.