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Big Deal: embed Design Studio application into other webpage

0 Kudos

Hello Community,

the goal is to embed Design Studio report(deployed on HANA)

into a native HANA application built with SAPUI5 (or any other webpage).

I have tried using simple iFrame and DS application link,

but it shows blank white screen.

Do you have an idea?

Draft Code:

(try with your application)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

I have no real time to look at your issue for the moment but in my opinion, your jsbin does not work because of XSS controls on the browser.

You should look at this thread, the 6th question deals with the same question as yours, and there are some starts of an answer :

Only thing I can tell you from my first investigation, is that DS reports are already embedded inside an <iframe>, so that would mean you would have an <iframe> hosting itself an <iframe>, maybe it can leverage more issues.

I can't help it more for the moment, but the question is interersting enough to explore it.

I'll investigate myself as soon as I have time for it.



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi KK,

I tried using the jsbin you provided to test my DS report link. it just keeps processing without an output. I would think this is about input parameters. How did you handle authentication ?



0 Kudos

HI Juhi,

the JSbin is not a good way to test it, because your DS app feels weird when executed under domain other than its own. Try to embed your DS app into a webpage located on the same server.

Input parameters, yeah... I just tried to remove input parameters from HANA views, so that DS app doesn't ask additional questions. It makes sense at least to get the app running and then you can switch on input parameters again

Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi KK,

Thanks for the reply ! I switched to jsBin after I was unsuccessful to run the DS report on my web application, which was deployed locally. Had the same results there too, the DS report just doesn't stop processing !

I guess I confused you by saying input parameters, what I really meant was User credentials. Is there a way to pass the user credentials to my DS report, from within the container web application ? I had assumed that it would just take the credentials from the Design Studion session.

Any other lead ?



0 Kudos


I just though maybe (if you question is still up) you could provide us more informations on what your console browser (F12) is saying that the browser just shows a blank white screen.

I ran into "similary" problem this week-end, because of location.domain not being the same between the host page and the Design Studio iframe.



0 Kudos

Hi Vincent!

I appreciate your eager to help very much and yes, its still up. Sorry for my slow response!

The problem appears even earlier: once I "Execute application on HANA" it doesn't work as locally and fires many errors.

Super simple test:

- New "Blank" template

- 1 simple Data Source without prompts ""

- 1 chart

Works fine locally


Fires 10 errors when executed on SAP HANA (see image)

Error in MetaData: No filter capability found for field [Measures].[SemanticType]


0 Kudos

Vincent hi!

I can confirm, that embedding works actually fine. It seems now that other problems stay in my way: Charts and Crosstabs do not show data when executed on HANA (see my reply with "Error in MetaData") but work perfectly if on Local.

Do you think its a subject for a separate thread already?

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Yeah I think you could open a new "ticket" for this, as this topic name is not kinda the same than your issue .

0 Kudos

Other "error in MetaData" issues are now discussed at